Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Quote Of The Day #2: “You can say it’s political...”

Our second quote of the day comes from newly reappointed Middletown Mayor Tony Fiore, from statements made to reporter Kevin Penton in todays Asbury Park Press concerning the appointments of members to (or lack thereof) the Middletown Human Rights Commission and its former Chairperson Carolyn Scwhebel.

“You can say it’s political, you can say it’s personal choice,” Fiore said. “She doesn’t work well with the town.”

Mrs. Scwhebel recently sent a letter to the editor, Middletown Human Rights Commission Being Abolished by Attrition, to local publication (this blog included) that expressed her concerns at not being reappointed to the commission.

And when you consider what went on during the last Township Committee meeting of 2011 back on Dec.19th, Fiore's comments only reinforce what I wrote about in the post Political Affiliations Over Participation Matter More When It Comes To Board Appointments, when discussing an appointment to the Middletown Library Board (listen to the audio).


Anonymous said...

Politics before taxpayers, not taxpayers first.

Anonymous said...


With Massell's statement about "one of the best teams ever", it is most certainly be to one of the most arrogant and partisan ever.

That is for sure and hopefully some televised meetings will expose this crew of "characters" for all their questionable antics.

Legion said...

The Mayor and TC get to make appointments as they see fit, right?

Elections have consequences. The elected officials have their role and they played their role.

Aside from this woman being unhappy with their choices - why is this even an issue?

Mike, do you personally believe that being on a board or commission should be an automatic lifetime appointment?

MiddletownMike said...


No I don't, but I also don't believe that the MHRC should be allowed to slowly die. Either disband the commission or appoint a full 11 members to it.

Don't give us a line of BS about how no one has been applying to be a member of the commission, the TC should appoint people to it as they do other boards without concern as to whether or not those people want to be on a particular advisory board or not.

Even thought that it would be wrong to do so, the Republicans have plenty of people that would "take a bullet" for the team and serve on the MHRC.

Anonymous said...

Carolyn Schwebel has been a tireless advocate for the disabled. Too bad this TC has little sympathy for that group of people and this action only points out the lack of concern for those disabled.

It's long past time to comply with the law regarding the disabled which Middletown has failed miserably in doing.Lip service hasn't accomplished anything. Talk about hypocrisy!!!

Anonymous said...

Unless I am misunderstanding something here, I am getting the perception that the TC wants to abolish the Human Rights Commission?

The advisory board was understaffed as it was and then they failed to reappoint two of the current members of that already understaffed board. Correct?

Mayor Fiore said in today's APP that he was unaware of any new applicants. Is the TC going to take any actions to solicit new applicants? Perhaps if word got out that this commission may be abolished, it would generate some input as far as new applicants.

Sitting on a board or commission shouldn't be an automatic lifetime
appointment, when there are other qualified applicants seeking appointments. That does not seem to be the case here.

Anonymous said...

I heard around the halls Gregg Silva was forced to retire. Any truth on that Mike.

Anonymous said...

I hear The Parks Department is going through reorganization

Anonymous said...

Any truth to that mike. About the parks. I heard same

Anonymous said...

Word is that Silva is done!!!!
Could not have happen to a person most deserving. GOOD RIDDENCE!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

In Penton's article, Fiore also says Dr. Schwebel doesn't work well with the town. That is ridiculous if you know her. She is patient, polite, and appreciative, not to mention dedicated and educated. She is one of the few people truly qualified and deserving of appointment.

Anonymous said...

'She doesn't work well with the town' is Fiore and T.C. code for: Dr. Schwebel has integrity and cares and apporopriately challenges the town to do the legally correct thing and the morally right thing. Down the road there is going to be an expensive legal challenge because the T.C. will ignore legal requirements that the MHRC would have shed some light on.

Anonymous said...

'She doesn't work well with the town' is Fiore and T.C. code for: Dr. Schwebel has integrity and cares and apporopriately challenges the town to do the legally correct thing and the morally right thing. Down the road there is going to be an expensive legal challenge because the T.C. will ignore legal requirements that the MHRC would have shed some light on.

Anonymous said...

Nonsense from above : “The Mayor and TC get to make appointments as they see fit, right? Elections have consequences. The elected officials have their role and they played their role.”

May I remind you that elected officials represent all residents, not just the ones who voted for them. Officials have an obligation to see to the rights of those who are our poorest and most vulnerable. To ignore that charge and say “too bad, elections have consequences and we can do what we like” is profoundly irresponsible.

Also let me remind you that many disabled residents cast their votes for our current representatives.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Schwebel actually notified the TC numerous times she wanted to be reappointed. There were others that sat on the HRC and was also told they were not "team players" and were not reappointed. The TC had GOP Party faithful appointed 2 years ago with Pappas and Nelsen.

Anonymous said...

"She doesn't work well with the town" why because she holds them accountable and responsible to follow the laws.

The HRC isn't solely about ADA compliance or issues.

Plain and simple, she pissed them off and they want her out. They didn't succeed last time, so they're going to keep trying until they do.

Legion said...

The question is:

Can the TC take the inaction/action they did?

If the answer is yes, then why is it an issue?

You guys just assume that anyone who has a beef with the TC is a friend of yours? Do you really care about what's best for the town or about what's best for your own interests?

Anonymous said...


Regardless of whether the TC could take the action/inaction that they did, assuming your speaking your legal gibberish of course.

The real question is why?

The fact remains that come heck or high water they wanted her gone and that's the course of action that they took.

Probably due to the history with her successful litigation against the town for their failure to comply with the laws.

If I were you I'd be real careful here, due to legal concerns.

After all there had to be a meeting of the minds, if you catch my drift.

Legion said...

The real answer is that there is no need to provide an answer as to "why?"

What "legal concerns" do I have? None, of course.

Appointments are NOT for life. They have a defined term and, when that term is done, the person or persons who make the appointments can either re-appoint or not. No reason need be given at all, and the Mayor already provided his reasoning.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr./Ms. Legion,

Surely you're aware of Monmouth County Boards, where there are those who are still serving for 39, 49 years?

It's part of the machine that runs our town!
Monmouth County, Middletown,
all is well with the gravy train otherwise known as our rulers, the G.O.P.

Anonymous said...

How much will this next lawsuit cost the taxpayers of Middletown for this discriminatory and capricious act ?

This is classic behavior of this mob against anyone they can't control.
Speaks directly to the lack of character in each and everyone of them.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 10:48

That's precisely why they appear to want to abolish this commission; to deny some of us our human and civil rights.

Laws that they can interrpret as they wish when the wish or not.

Laws that they bend to the point of splintering without quite snapping in half.

Anonymous said...

Silva was a crook. Schwebel never looked out for the taxpayer she only worked for the Democrats, trying to use ADA as a smoke a mirrors to stir trouble by ranting and raving. Never did she present solutions or try to help taxpayers only sued,to fill her bank account. Used her disability to create problems not create solutions or give of herself.

Anonymous said...

Solutions were provided in the ADA, but Middletown was not complying. How do you get someone to comply with the law? You have to take them to court to have the law enforced. It would have saved the taxpayers more if the Township just complied with the law. She never ranted or raved, as 3:34 states. In fact she never raised her voice, just presented the truth.