Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Heard It In The Hallways....Middletown's Director of Parks & Rec, Gregg Silva "Forced" Into Retirement, Big Changes coming to Department

As of this moment this is all rumor, but about two hours ago I received a tip concerning the Middletown's Director of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs, Gregg Silva. I haven't been able to get official confirmation from anyone but from a few that I have spoken to, it seems legit.

Silva as you all may remember, was placed on administrative leave last month by his bosses at Town Hall for stepping over the line by approving a private memorial for Daniel Piano on the grounds of Croydon Hall without the prior approval from the Township.

I've been told that as of January 1st, Gregg Silva has officially retired. Furthermore, I have been told that township officials have been in meetings most of the day reorganizing the now employeeless Department of Parks and Recreation.

The person who passed along this information has stated that Silva's old duties for Parks and Rec. will be split up, the maintenance side will fall as a subdivision under DPW, while the Croydon Hall Senior Center, the Tonya Keller Bayshore Rec Center and Middletown Cultural Arts Center will be combined and administrated by Janet Adams who currently is in charge of the Tonya Keller Bayshore Center.

Individual Township sponsored recreational events will be planned on an event by event basis. Steve Eisenstein, who was brought in this year to run the Daddy/Daughter Dance and the holiday train ride, worked in the parks department a few years ago and will continue to help plan and coordinate events.

All of this should be in place and in effect by the end of the month I'm told.

I am currently waiting for a return phone call from Middletown Township Administrator Tony Mercantante for confirmation. When I called his office a couple of hours ago, I was told that he was in a meeting and could talk. The secretary that answered my call said that she would have him call me back.

Update - Steve Eisenstein's name was misspelled as Einstein and Adams is the maiden name of Janet Della, Director of the Tonya Keller Rec. Center


Anonymous said...

FINALLY the Township officials and administration did something right by letting this useless manager go! $100+ K per year saved in one fell swoop, not to mention saving tax payers TONS of money in gas money as Silva drove around in his town car doing NOTHING except harrassing his staff, eating at local food places AND then drove back to his home in FREEHOLD on tax dollars!

tax payer first said...

Amen! It's about time.
I wonder what kind of pension plan he got?

Anonymous said...

It's about time the TC started cutting from the top maybe gov cc should do the same I'm sure there are more people at the top that should be cut as well in Middletown

Anonymous said...

Gift certificates to the Bagel Station in Bedford and Fratelli's on Hwy 35 hopefully

Anonymous said...

Now the Bagel Station and Fratelli's will go out of business

Anonymous said...

The fat lady has sung. Hallelujah. The man was useless did not care one bit for middletown and under his direction middletown parks have suffered

Anonymous said...

I heard Silva went through the chain of command to put the Piano memorial at Croydon Hall. It was Pam Brightbill that wanted him gone before her term expired. The whole memorial thing was conjured up to make it look like he did something wrong. They made him an offer he couldn't refuse. He was about ready to go anyway.

Anonymous said...

Yea about time

Anonymous said...

Can you say subcontractors mowing parks and taking care of them. All with the help from the men standing in front of the wa wa in red bank oh yea my taxes will finally go down next cut DPW sub out all that work

MiddletownMike said...

Anon 4:45,

I recently heard the same.

Anonymous said...

He wasn't ready to go. And what leave his dictators chair. He had another two years plus he just sent his daughter off to college. The monument over at croydon wasn't the only thing they had him on. It was also his creative book keeping moving money from one account to another money that he knew very well it was not to be used that way. Also changing invoice dates to be dated 3 to 4 days after a purchase orders were cut. Taking money that was earmarked for baseball field clay and buying other stuff with it. Going around like he didn't have to answer to anyone treating people like they were beneath him. He was a mean person not someone you would want around your kids. These are some of the reasons he was asked to retire

Anonymous said...

People may say having Janet there is the best thing that could ever happen. They are very wrong. You see, Janet is one was of Greg's and Pam's puppets. People seem to forget all the other parks and rec employees that were forced in to retirement. What makes me sick is that Pam along with Greg sat there as these people lost there jobs. Pam is no better them Greg, if you ask me, they are a team. But this time Pam was not going to go down with Greg. People may ask why I'm upset with Pam? The reason is when I worked for parks&rec, I went to my mayor for a problem within our township regarding Gregg. I went to her seeking help. I did not get help, in stead she went back and told Gregg who I was. The next morning during the summer camp season. Gregg called me in to his office. I did not fell comfortable, so I had my shop steward Maryann cooper come in and sit in the meeting with me. Being that I was only 16 at the time. Gregg sat there yelling at me about the chain of command. Ben sat there and said nothing, Maryann turned around and asked why was I being yelled at for something that I went to my mayor as a tax payer in Middletown for a problem that I had? He said nothing. At this time Maryann said I was okay to go back to work. Of maryann was not there for me, Gregg would have continued to yell at me. All because of mrs. Pam brightbill.

Anonymous said...

Gee, it only took the township how many years to find out these things. All it took was one tc member to develop a hatred of this man and bam! he's gone. Poor to no management of management - thats the problem. And then they bring back similar types to rape this township further. Gotta love it.

Anonymous said...

wow finally justice is served...you have to remember those you step on on the way up are the ones you will pass on the way down. He was a bully treated people of this town like crap,took what he could and didn't care! See ya! I just want to know....How does it feel to be where your staff was????

Anonymous said...

The all Republican Committee is just as crooked as this man was and Mercantante is their puppet. Forget it Mike you'll never get an snswer from Mercantate never mind an honest one. Without Democrats on the Committee to watch them they are running rampant. If you thought the O'Grady/Parkinson era was bad at least they did well for this town along with themselves! Brightbill, Fiore, Scharfenberger are in it for themselves and their families and taking the town down to a new low. Keep voting them in Middletown because the quality of life hasn't crumbled enough here yet!

Anonymous said...

Who gets the golf cart...

Anonymous said...

Part of his Pension? And he probably gets 2 keep his office chair that he slept in numerous times during a work day.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:28-I'm sorry a good kid like you apparently are was treated like this by our local governmental officials. i'm sure many others like you were belittled in their attempts to call attention to this man. You see, the TC only takes notice when it is politically expedient to do so. They have given even the youngest Middletowners reaon to be cynical.

Anonymous said...

Again, Brightbill will throw all the kids under the bus for her own gain. Is she still a part of this township? The worst member ever, Byrnes was better.

Anonymous said...

so to a boy that died he was fired for making a memorial .Wow Really Really you must be kidding go figure.

Anonymous said...

4:15 if you have been following the postings on this and other blogs you would come to the same conclusion that most of us have came to. There was so much more that this man did wrong. If it were just the monument he would not have been told to retire. The truth will never be released it like anything else that happens in middletown it just gets swept under the rug. If it were not for blogs like this one we the people and the app would never find out.

Anonymous said...

Hey all he RETIRED at age 55! DUH. Nov big savings for Middletown. We allow people who work for towns,state & government to retire after 25 years with their pensions. That is crazy. They should retire when the rest of us retire

Anonymous said...

If the Township Committee had regularly appointed an Ethics Board, as required by the Special Charter, the circumstances that led to the forced early retirement could have been reviewed by the board.

Anonymous said...

Mike...can u find out if the TC and Administration are "cutting the budget" by letting go 13 Parks and Recreation employees back in April AND now with the forced "retirement" of Silva (which was a waste of $108K per year); WHY are they filling Janet Adams job at the Tonya Keller Center? Wouldn't it make sense to NOT fill that job and save money???!! Plus get rid of Ben Curci permanently, as he must be one of THE most expensive part timers on Twsp payroll??

Anonymous said...

Hey DUH he is only 54 as of January 1st. This is another case of sweeping things under the carpet and giving him a deal instead of pressing charges! He shouldn't be able to retire for another year he has the time but not the age!

Anonymous said...

you know what that man is getting his! he has to look at himself in the mirror. He was rotten to the people of this town. How dare he treat his staff that way. Everyone knows what he has done and we are glad to be rid of him! Nothing like making your staff take the blame for your mistakes! You are a coward!