Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Recommended Reading; APP: Exiting freeholder Amy Mallet pledges to stay involved, seeks seat on Brookdale board

If you haven't read today's edition of the Asbury Park Press jut yet, allow me to recommend the feature on the outgoing Monmouth County Freeholder Amy Mallet. After reading I think you'll agree, Monmouth County is about to lose a wonderful public servant.

It's a well written piece that highlights not only Amy Mallet's accomplishments as a Freeholder, but shows also how respected she was by others on the board, there are a couple of very nice comments attributed to John Curly and Thomas Arnone towards her.

Freeholder Mallet stated in the article that she doesn't have any plans to seek office again this November but expressed her desire to be appointed to the Brookdale Community College Board of Trustees, where there are 3 open seats waiting to be filled.

I think she would be terrific in that capacity and I hope that politics doesn't come into play with 3 seats on the board needing to be filled, remeber how she was out in front last year calling for the resignations of those responsible for the scandal that rocked Brookdale and forced College President Peter Burnham to resign and other to step down from the board of trustees.

Whatever the future holds for Freeholder Mallet, I wish her nothing but the best of luck pursuing her endeavors. I feel privileged to have gotten to know her over the past 4 years and know that she will be successful in which ever path she chooses to stroll down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy will be missed. I don't understand why she didn't win re election. No other Freeholder who worked as tirelessly as she did.
Such a shame to lose a wonderful public servant.
I agree, she would be a agreat trustee on the Brookdale board.