Saturday, December 31, 2011

Middletown Human Rights Commission Being Abolished by Attrition

In a response to my earlier post "Political Affiliations Over Participation Matter More When It Comes To Board Appointments", Mrs. Carolyn Schwebel sent out a letter to numerous friends and supporters that concurs with much of what I posted. It seems that because Mrs. Schewebel has been an outspoken member of the Middletown Human Rights Commission, who has held the Township of Middletown accountable for its lack of attentiveness to the various issues concerning people with disabilities, the Human Rights Commission is dying a slow death and it seems that she will not be reappointed to the commission.

Here is what she wrote:

At the last Middletown Township committee meeting, a frequently outspoken resident commented that she had applied to be on the Library Board, the mayor told her that she had as much chance of being appointed as he had in getting her vote in the last election. His comment sounds like a quid pro quo to me, and reflects the political connection requirement for appointments to Middletown's boards and commissions. A Library Board member has just been removed for presenting a minority view.

The Middletown Human Rights Commission (MHRC) had only six members of the required eleven seats. and unanimously asked the Township Committee to appoint new members in January 2012. No answer was received. Another member and I, whose terms ended in 2011, received no "thank you letter," although the other members did, and no mention of being reappointed.

The resolutions for Middletown's January 1, 2012 reorganization meeting show appointments to all boards and commissions except the Bayshore Village Senior Citizen Housing Corporation , which has no vacancies, and the Middletown Human Rights Commission. Neither I nor the other commissioner has been reappointed, although I have been the chair, with perfect attendance for many years.

It is of note that both MHRC members who were not reappointed have spoken out to advise the Township Committee. Both also have disabilities and use wheelchairs. Less than three years ago, Middletown settled a civil rights case of disability discrimination. An Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility suit has existed since 2004, with consent orders in 2006 and 2007 being unfulfilled by Middletown.

A Chinese aphorism recently in the New York Times stated that, "You cannot wrap a fire with paper: the truth will come out.”

It's too bad that this type of stuff goes on, it just adds credence to what many already know which is, if you're not one of the chosen elite in Middletown you need not apply.


Anonymous said...

Once upon a time I was proud to live in Middletown. I have been reading so many gut-wrenching articles like this and I want to run. With my children deeply entangled in St. Mary's and Matre Dei I find we are stuck in this horrible downward spiral. With 5 children in the Catholic schools & myself/husband graduates of the private schools it was something else that brought us here. I didn't mind paying my $11,000/year tax bill because we had beautiful & well taken care of parks, Middletown Matters with tons of affordable programming, a beautiful library and a nice addition with the Arts Center. The roads were kept neat & there was a sense of community. Now we have a Meth Clinic, Garbage all over the parks (anyone see Tindall lately?), litter all over Route 35 (check out the jughandles), a smoking section at Middletown North, Hijacking of library funds & thieves with severe political agendas running the TC. I've seen and spoken to this Settinbrino guy, one thing comes to mind 'thug' I want to run, but who would (in their right) minds move here from a neighboring town. What a sad & corrupt town. No happy ending to this story, as I fear this is only the beginning and we are all going down with the ship.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Someone should check the police report about appointee #2 and being arrested for shoplifting at Sears earlier in the year. I'm sure the Republicans are wrong for not re-appointing him.

Anonymous said...

The Middletown Republicans think the only human rights the residents of this community have are those they (the republicans) grant them. You have no rights and you better shut up and stop complaining about it. Just do as you are told and think what you are told to think.

Some of lawyers currently used in this town leave much to be desired. How does a lawyer who is first or second in command of the Middletown Republicans represent all (regardless of party affiliation) residents of this township.


Lincroft Dog Girl said...

Anon 7:47 -

Yeah, the Meth Clinic and all the rest makes me sick too, but what do you mean about a smoking section at Middletown North? I don't have any kids, so I usually don't pay any attention to the school stuff. The reason I ask is that I graduated from North in 1975 (before it was "North") and we had a smoking section then, and for most of 1973 & 1974, too. This certainly isn't anything new to our town.

General Mills said...


" I didn't mind paying my $11,000 year tax bill"

Do you look and see how the bill is broken down? Most of it goes to the Board of Ed. They are the ones who spend all the money in this town and need to be reeled in. I think my taxes are apprpriate for what we get. I volunteer alot of time doing services other towns in north jersey pay a pretty penny for. Maybe you should volunteer a little to if you don't already. Its very humbling and gives a good sense of community.

not represented said...

General Mills: Don't you get tired of blaming the BOE for your taxes?
Do you expect free public education?
We vote out old BOE and then vote in new. Superintendents come and go, yet nothing changes because we still have to pay teachers etal.
I believe the point the poster was saying, she didn't mind paying her fair share even though she paid for private school education, because this town offered great services.
You can complain all you want, but BOE expenses are stil going to be the highest portion of your tax bill. GET USED TO IT.

Anonymous said...

Blaming the BOE for Middletown's woes is merely an extension of Christie's plan to privatize education. His fondest hope, by his own admission, is to put a dagger in the heart of public education, pulling dollars out of our pockets to fund his beloved charter schools.

NJ schools consistently rate near the country's top, yet our fearless leader would have us think he is Haley Barbour and this is Mississippi. Think about the big picture when you vote, folks. The bottom feeders in Middletown are merely the hungry ambitious spawn of the Trenton blowhard.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
December 31, 2011 11:09 PM"
Huh? Please translate that message to English.

"Someone should check the police report about appointee #2 and being arrested for shoplifting at Sears earlier in the year"
I see NO evidence of that statement's veracity. Care to expand?