Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Political Affiliations Over Participation Matter More When It Comes To Board Appointments

Due to my work schedule I can't make as many Township Committee meeting as I would like, but when I do have to opportunity to attend a meeting I usually walk away enlightened, though usually not in a way that people would expect. I often walk away shaking my head because often those that sit up on the dais, both elected and appointed, show their contempt and arrogance for anyone that disagrees with them.

I have witnessed more than once, the shameful display of eye-rolling, sneers, snickering, laughter and outright contempt directed at those who express concerns that run contrary to what those on the dais feel or believe. Many times, instead of allowing a person to speak they are cut-off in mid-sentence and berated the likes of Tony Fiore or the Township Attorney Brian Nelson, and because an argument often ensues the speakers points go unaddressed.

During the Dec. 19th public hearing on Ordinance 2011-3048, the ordinance to expand the Middletown Library Board of Trustees, much of the same behavior was witnessed being directed at two who spoke against the expansion of the board of trustees. Only this time, Tony Fiore inadvertently admitted what many throughout Middletown already know,that is unless you are a loyal Republican you have no chance of having your concerns or opinions truly addressed or heard and unless you are someone that would have voted for him or others on the dais in an election, you have virtually no chance whatsoever of being able to participate on various boards or commissions that are sponsored by the Township.

Here's the proof to back up my point; during the hearing Ms. Linda Baum, who has been very critical of the Township Committee, its members and their practices was addressing her concerns and disapproval of the ordinance. During much of this time, she was often interrupted by Tony Fiore and told that what she was saying was not relevant (even though it went to the heart of the matter for the reason for expanding the board of trustees) and when she reiterated the thoughts of another speaker, Melanie Elmiger, about politicizing the process for appointments, Ms. Baum stated how she had applied for one of the new appointments to the Library's Board of Trustees but didn't expect to get it because of her party affiliation (Ms.Baum is a register Democrat), at which point Fiore basically agreed. Ms. Baum continued her discussion by stating that active participation matters and that those that participate by going to meetings and paying attention to what goes on at said meetings, should have a higher priority for consideration when it come to appointments to the various boards that individuals take the time and interest to attend meetings for. She stated that those people would have a better understand of what goes on then those that have never attended a meeting before.

Somehow though, Tony Fiore disagreed with that logic and said that it wasn't necessarily the case.

Below is an excerpt from the current edition of "It's Your Town" newsletter that documented the exchange between Fiore and Baum along with a brief audio clip that captures some of the exchange between the two.

The audio is just enough to support my point about the arrogance of those that represent Middletown residents on the Township Committee and the blatant partisan politics that they play:
"...She said she wanted to repeat what Ms. Elmiger said earlier relating to the political appointments as a method of selection. She said she applied to be appointed to the Library Board but did not

expect to be appointed because of party affiliation. Mr. Fiore said that Ms. Baum had as much of a chance of being appointed to the Library Board as he had in having her vote for him in the election. Ms. Baum said that participation matters and they should think about who attends the Library meetings because they would be up on what is going on. Mr. Fiore said that is not always the case..."


Anonymous said...

Get over yourself. You know damn well appointments are political. If the shoe were on the other foot, I would doubt that any Republican would be appointed and you would be on any board you wanted. People voted Republican, they trust the Republicans and their "political" judgement. Talk about Sour Grapes.

MiddletownMike said...

I don't think so Anon 1:10,

I think if Democrats controlled Middletown there would be a more fair handed doling out of volunteer positions than what you see now. Party affiliation should not be the main or only part of the equation.

Anonymous said...

Fiore is as likely to appoint Ms. Baum as he is to actually read a book. And why should he when ignorance and arrogance is richly rewarded in Middletown politics. The little snickering sound he makes after his comment tells us what "class acts" have been elected by the people. I guess we have gotten what we deserve.

Anonymous said...

You betcha anon 2:22....ignorant,non participating republicans who only read the party line in a voting booth and probably could not give one reason except the "party line" as the reasoning behind their choices.

Anyone who has ever attended a TC meeting in these these last seven or eight years knows full well the LACK of ClASS, that sits on that dais today. Liars,cheats and ignorant,incompetent, loudmouth louts sre the majority of that bunch.

Decent law abiding residents that have had the experience of a Middletown TC meeting in recent years refuse to be subjected to this mob behavior ....Carton,Nelson and Associates....Middletown's own throng of thugs !


Legion said...

So there aren't any "decent, law abiding citizens" of Middletown who vote Republican?

You guys are soooo amusing!

Anonymous said...

Legion, you are right on script but a little off your game. Anon 4:58 did not say there were no law abiding citizens who vote Republican. He said that those scattered few that attend TC meetings(pathetically small as you have reminded us)would be unlikely to vote for this particular bunch of bananas- but since attendence is sparse, most voters never witness the arrogance in person.

After hearing that little audio clip, it's fair to say we know why Tony and Company don't want cameras memorializing their snot-nosed approach to public service.

Anonymous said...

4:58 I betcha you vote down the line for democrats.

Legion said...

Oh, I can read fine. The intent was very clear.

Most people who post on this blog believe (or at least pretend to believe) that the only thing that stands between them and Mayor Patrick Short is the ignorance of the vast majority of Middletown voters over the last generation.

In keeping with that delusion, they don't seek to work together with the rest of us to fix things, intent instead on "gotcha moments" and lame attempts at creating "Jimmy Stewart" scenes at a Township Committee meeting.

That's why they so badly want to have the meetings televised. They want to be able to see themselves "heroically battling the forces of evil..." on television. Please.

We all want our town to be a great place to live and we can all work together to get that done. Enough with the histrionics, either help or keep quiet!

(This ends the public service message, now back to partisan bickering)

Anonymous said...

WRONG anonymous 11:57 p.m..
endeavor to cast educated votes for qualified individuals,,,,not political parties. BTW, my vote is NONE of YOUR BUSINESS.

Not everyone who disagrees with the NONSENSE that goes on in Middletown is a DEMOCRAT. Government in this community is a DISGRACEFUL JOKE !!

Those "bananas" on the dais in Middletown are neither ethically,morally or characteristically qualified in this voter's opinion.
Would not waste my franchise on the likes of any of them and it's because of what they demonstrate themselves to be ,not the party they belong to!!

There was a time Middletown could be proud of those that served. That was a long time ago, That is not the case today!

These "bananas" have no respect for anyone !

Anonymous said...

Don't have video recordings of TC meetings because the "backlash" would reverberate throughout the town and the county.

Responsible,thoughtful people do not and would not condone the conduct of the "bananas" on the dais in Middletown,regardless of their party affiliation.

All about control,not dignified and representative government!

There are over 68,000 residents of Middletown. Do ya think they are all republicans? Hardly !!

not represented said...

Legion, As an outsider looking in, the reality for those who are not Republicans have no place or say in this town. If we speak up, we are the enemy and discounted, even when that person is obviously intelligent, tallented and can be a tremendous asset to the community. For example, Patrick Short and Sean Byrnes. Rather that listen to them you ridiculed their ideas and when they lost in their elections you then used their ideas as your own.
So don't be playing the righteous attitude.
It's about political control in this town and not for what's good.
People speak up because they see things that are wrong and end up having to fight for their rights.
That shouldn't have to happen. We all should be treated with the same respect. The Republicans don't just work for Republicans, they're supposed to work for all of us, regardless of party affiliations.
Republicans have had plenty of opportunities to include others, but don't and won't. That's being very short sighted.
Pam Brightbill said a classic at the last township meeting while accepting her award. "I didn't know anything before I was elected so they put me on the Planning Board".
I guess that's the standard for choosing Republican candidates.

Anonymous said...

Televising the TC meetings would expose those crooks or perhaps force them to be better/honest people. Either way it's a win win. Love Legion's comments...where in this country is it wrong to televise politicians? PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Legion, you hardly need Democrats to create Jimmy Stewart moments in this town. For people like you, who seek to gain by lies and distortion, it's always a "wonderful life". Cozying up to the "Mr.Potters" of the world has certainly enhanced your resume- and if you believe that the Republican establishment in Middletown is interested in working for anything but themselves, you need a stiff drink at "Martini's Bar".

Anonymous said...

Legion doesn't give the citizens of Middletown very much credit.

Certainly the televising of TC meetings would give the voters an opportunity to see who is playing games and who is genuinely interested in moving the township in a positive direction. Does she think the voters are so dumb they couldn't see through the so-called shenanigans she speaks of?

Or course not. The TC won't televise because from their standpoint, ignorance is bliss. They say the camera doesn't lie, that makes it their enemy. Scared little men and women who won't take even the slightest chance of exposing their incompetence.

Anonymous said...

Legion is a flaming AH!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:30

Right on!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

BTW Legion

Any interest in giving us a heads up on who gets to play king of the hill for the next year?

Or should I say puppet on a string!

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:11- According to Art Gallagher's site, Fiore stays Mayor. Typically, one of the TC gang's unsavory buddies is among the first to know.

MiddletownMike said...

Anon 7:27,

It doesn't surprise me. Massell would have been the next to be Mayor but rumor has it he is not seeking reelection.

Anonymous said...

That's no surprise, Massell hasn't said anything of importance since elected. No loss there,except his "yas sir,yas sir" !

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:10 PM,

Not all people vote Republican, not all people trust the people who just happen to be elected Republicans.

Appointments don't have to be political. Appointments that are based solely on party affiliation are one good reason for not changing the civil services rules that Gov. C.C. wants to change.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:54 PM,

Legion is a bit off because Legion isn't just one person -- most of the time Legion is Brian Nelson; other times: Scharfenberger (both Mr. & Mrs.), Tom Stokes, Peter Carton.

Legion said...

You know, I understand that y'all are bitter, but this goes beyond bitterness.

There are hundreds of people volunteering in Middletown - helping to make our town a better place - who are Democrats.

The town itself is run by appointed officials, not the elected ones, and many of them are likely Democrats as well.

When someone offers to "help" and they have an easily seen agenda - like the DHB gang who want to find fault in everything the elected officials do and say - it should be no surprise when they are not embraced or not appointed to anything.

Except for the partisan few, we are all in this together and there is a role for anyone who wants to be a part of the process.

Anonymous said...

Dear 'Legion,"

I'll bite. I'll work together with you, with the 'rest of' you, to 'fix things."
Where would you like to begin?
If I may, I'd like to start with finding a group other than T. & M. Engineering, then I'd like to give our bond business to a firm other than Peter Carton's.
You on board with either of those suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Dear 'Legion,"

I'll bite. I'll work together with you, with the 'rest of' you, to 'fix things."
Where would you like to begin?
If I may, I'd like to start with finding a group other than T. & M. Engineering, then I'd like to give our bond business to a firm other than Peter Carton's.
You on board with either of those suggestions?

Linda Baum said...


Nice post.

I just want to remind everyone that you don’t need to be appointed to a board to participate. I will continue to attend the Library Board meetings as a member of the public, will continue to share my thoughts with the Board, and will continue to share with all of you what I’ve learned.

I encourage everyone to attend the meetings of numerous boards and commissions, as well as meetings of the Township Committee. In fact, if TOMSA is required to do the right thing and re-schedule its 2012 budget hearing because they didn’t tell us about the first one, let’s pack the house. I’m sure Mayor Fiore would agree, increased public participation and input are a good thing.

Happy New Year to all.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the "cheerleader" as someone who posts as "Legion". That DHB crack is typically that "woman".

The whole lot of them are nothing but negative promoting simply because they think the only was is the republicans way. Masters at divisive politics that includes NO ONE but themselves. Even excludes many or all of their own party who dissent!

Wouldn't you think Carton,
Nelson and Scharfenberger would have more productive ways to spend their time than trying to "brainwash" the DHBs?

Amazing how short on integrity and ethics this troop of characters really are !

Anonymous said...

Legion @ 7:06 a.m...



Anonymous said...

Legion 7:06 AM,
Can you shed any light on the volunteer who is a Democrat with a very strong mortgage background who was removed from the Housing Authority to make room for Stephanie Murray who had no 'housing' experience?

Legion said...

Anon at 8:57

Yeah, sure - you want to help.

You want the town to dump over an engineering firm that knows every nook and cranny of the town and it's projects over many years to pay for another engineering firm to take years (and charge real big $) to get acquainted with Middletown?

Maybe you've noticed that T&M's bills have gone down over the last few years because the town hired Ted Maloney as the Director of DPW and as Township Engineer?

Probably not, huh?

As for the Bond Counsel, why would the town want to leave a firm that is among the most experienced and respected in the state? Just because YOU don't like one of the partners in the firm?

And you have the nerve to accuse the TC of injecting politics into it's decisions? What a joke!

By the way, aren't professional services like legal and engineering up for bid annually?

Anonymous said...

What a perfect little set-up for the Friends of Middletown Political Hacks. They get the jobs because they are buddies with said hacks, and then can't be removed because of the cost effectiveness of their "insider knowledge". If that was said with a straight face I am most impressed!

Anonymous said...

Since when does the law have much to do with decisions in this township?

Anonymous said...

Legal and engineering is up for appointment evry year, but Middletown does not go out to bid on those positions. They don't have to per N.J.S.A 40A:11-5(1)(a). Why be competitivew if you have a supporter that will do it?

Anonymous said...


If I recall correctly and I do, the TC was pretty much in agreement that if the engineering jobs were bid out, that it was very likely that some firms would bid lower just to get their foot in the door.

I would imagine that a firm eager to gain some footing in town would go that extra mile to insure that their projects exceled.

Anonymous said...

Legion 8:57,
Changing bond counsel no matter how respected makes a whole lot of sense when the municipal Republican Party chair, Peter Carton, is a pricipal in the "respected" law firm. There is a clear conflict of interest here.