Monday, January 21, 2013

Monmouth Dems Executive Director Announces Asbury Park Council Candidacy

Speaking of profile pieces, there is another one online today worth mentioning if you just happen to a member of the Monmouth County Democrats or happen to live in Asbury Park.

Giuseppe "Joe" Grillo, Executive Director of the Monmouth County Democrats has announced that he will enter into the city’s May 14 non-partisan council race.

It's a very good and informative article, written by Mark Bonamo of NJ.Com, that gets to exactly who Joe, why he decided to move to and raise his family in Asbury Park and what he hopes to accomplish as a member of Asbury Park's town council.

" Giuseppe “Joe” Grillo moved to Asbury Park for one important reason more than six years ago.
" I chose Asbury Park specifically for its diversity, culture, people and creative spark,” Grillo, 36, said. “The place has the promise of a city that is coming back, and coming back strong. Public service is something that sometimes people take for granted. With the explosion of twenty-somethings and thirty-somethings moving into Asbury Park, we need to have a voice on the city council.”
The future of Asbury Park’s civic revival depends in part on its political leadership. Grillo’s official entry last week into the city’s May 14 non-partisan council race, in which all five seats will be filled, is a sign of Asbury Park’s changing face. A downtown resident, Grillo’s challenge will be building a coalition of voters who come from both the city’s more gentrified eastern neighborhoods and its still-struggling West Side...."     Continue

I've known Joe now for a couple of years, he's a really great guy and I wish him well!

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