Friday, July 26, 2024

The Lincoln Project: One Old Man

There's only one person in this race now with mental problems,one person with memory problems, one person feeling the icy hand of death from old age creeping closer one person who knows the clock is running out, and that's old Donald Trump


Sunday, July 21, 2024

NJDSC Chair LeRoy J. Jones, Jr. Statement on President Joseph R. Biden

For Immediate Release

July 21, 2024

TRENTON, NJ: NJDSC Chair LeRoy J. Jones Jr., is releasing the following statement:

I’ve maintained from the outset that I believe President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. has done historically tremendous work serving as our President these last four years. President Biden’s decision to step back and allow for the selection of a new candidate to represent the Democratic Party against Donald Trump is just the latest example of what it looks like when someone prioritizes public service over their own self-interest and places the needs of the country above all.

I would like to thank President Biden on behalf of New Jersey Democrats for his lifetime of service and for his unique ability to rise to the moment once again and allow us all to devote our collective focus to making sure we defeat Donald Trump in November. I cannot imagine how difficult it was for him to arrive at this decision.

Trump’s rambling, meandering “speech” as the standard bearer for the Republican Party at the Republican national convention has hopefully served to crystallize the clear and present danger he poses to our country and our very democracy.

With the world watching, Trump used his stage to praise dictators, demonize immigrants, and advance disproven lies about both election fraud and his multiple ongoing legal issues. He lied almost two dozen times about everything ranging from inflation and job creation to his deadly response to Covid, while also somehow finding a moment to praise a fictional movie cannibal. And, yet, Trump never touched upon Project 2025 and his desire to eliminate every woman’s right to determine her own health care.

It is long past time that we all devote our full energy to defeating Donald Trump and making sure we elect Democrats up and down the ballot this November, starting with Kamala Harris for President if she is selected as the nominee. This threat is real and it deserves everyone’s full focus. President Biden’s action today allowing us all to move forward should serve as the exclamation point on a truly extraordinary career of service to the American public. Now we need to come together and hold up our end as Democrats.

In President Biden’s own estimation, Vice President Harris has been a tremendous partner in the fight to put America back on the right track and if she successfully obtains the Party nomination then we need to organize behind her and do the work to deliver New Jersey. In fact, one of the things the New Jersey Democratic Party does best is win elections, so we are certainly looking forward to being part of this historic process in seeking to determine the full extent of our national Democratic ticket against Trump, Vance and the engineers of Project 2025. We also have many incredible candidates, like our own Senator Cory Booker, who could be excellent VP nominees. That said, no matter the candidate, New Jersey is prepared to deliver for the Democratic Party.

Congressman Pallone Statement on President Biden’s Decision to Step Down as Democratic Presidential Nominee

For Immediate Release
 July 21, 2024

 Contact: Victoria Bonney, 202-577-8541

 WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Frank Pallone (D-New Jersey) today issued the following statement in response to President Biden’s announcement that he will not seek re-election as the Democratic Presidential nominee: 

 “President Biden's decision to step back from the nomination reflects his selflessness as a leader. His legacy of putting his country first is underscored by more than fifty years of public service. I am grateful for his calm leadership while navigating the most challenging role on the planet, especially after four years of tumult and division sowed by Donald Trump. Now, our party must come together to defeat the authoritarian policies of the Republican nominee and ensure American democracy endures.”

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Quick Campaign Update


Hey there everyone,

People have been asking for a quick update on my campaign for Township Committee. 

My team and I have been meeting regularly over the past few weeks designing walkcards, mail pieces, yard signs and planning for a few fundraisers (campaigns are expensive!). It's taken quite a bit of time to do this and we should have our materials soon. We will start hitting the pavement within the next few weeks, knocking on doors and meeting residents. 

We will be coordination my campaign with those of  Congressman Pallone (CD-6), Congressional candidate, Matt Jenkins (CD-4) and County Commissioner candidate, Danielle Mastropiero so that we can get our combined messages out to Middletown residents as effectively and efficiently as possible.

We all are currently looking for volunteers to help in our campaigns, if you would like to get involved all you need to do is reach out to me >>> HERE


Pallone Condemns Republican Plan to Defund Amtrak by 12%


July 17, 2024

Contact: Victoria Bonney,  202-577-8541

 LONG BRANCH, NJ – Congressman Frank Pallone Jr. (CD-6) today sharply criticized House Republicans’ proposal to cut Amtrak funding by 12% in the Fiscal Year 2025 Transportation Appropriations bill. He urged Republicans from New Jersey and New York to stand up to the reckless plan to defund public transit serving the Northeast Corridor. 

 “This 12% cut to Amtrak is a direct attack on the hardworking commuters of New Jersey and New York who rely on these services every day,” said Pallone. “We’ve invested billions through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to upgrade and modernize our rail systems. Slashing Amtrak’s budget now undermines those efforts and puts our progress at risk.”

 The proposed Transportation-HUD Appropriations funding bill, overseen by Rep. Steve Womack (R-Ark.), would reduce Amtrak’s annual federal funding by over a billion dollars. Pallone emphasized the importance of maintaining robust funding for Amtrak to ensure reliable and safe transportation for millions of Americans. 

 “These cuts are utterly unacceptable,” Pallone continued. “Reduced funding will only lead to more delays, service disruptions, and outdated infrastructure. I call on my Republican colleagues from New Jersey and New York to stand up against this radical proposal and protect our constituents.”

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Answering Anonymous Commenter’s Question: What Rights Do We Have That The LGBTQ+ Community Doesn’t?

On my previous post, “Pride Month in Middletown: Actions Are Louder Than Words” someone asked me to explain, “…what rights do we have that the LGBTQ+ community doesn’t have.”

I sighed after reading this comment. It’s clear the commenter has an issue with the LGBTQ+ community and its fight for equal rights—rights that would grant them the same freedoms to pursue life, liberty, and happiness without hostility or prejudice, just as members of the heterosexual community enjoy. But I’m going to try my best to indulge this person. Bear with me; there’s a lot to unpack. Let’s start by diving into the comparison of rights between heterosexual individuals and the LGBTQ+ community.

First off, let’s clear the air: rights should be universal, but, spoiler alert, they aren’t always evenly distributed. Heterosexual people, by virtue of societal norms, historically enjoy a number of privileges that LGBTQ+ individuals have had to fight for—sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much.

For starters, let’s talk about the “right to marry.” Heterosexual couples have been tying the knot without much fuss for centuries. For same-sex couples, marriage equality is a relatively new phenomenon. Even in places where same-sex marriage is legal, the journey to the altar has been marred by political and social resistance. Imagine needing a court ruling just to say "I do" to your soulmate—yikes!

While a heterosexual couple usually won't be refused services based on their relationship status, LGBTQ+ couples may still encounter businesses that decline to serve them, invoking religious beliefs as a justification. This kind of discrimination underscores the ongoing struggle for true equality.

One prominent case is Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission (2018). In this case, the U.S. Supreme Court sided with a Colorado baker who refused to create a wedding cake for a same-sex couple due to his religious beliefs. The Court ruled in favor of the baker, not on the grounds of broad discrimination rights, but due to perceived hostility towards his religious beliefs by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission. This case, however, opened the door for further legal battles over the balance between religious freedom and anti-discrimination protections.

Fast forward to 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis (2023), another landmark decision where the Supreme Court ruled that a Colorado web designer could refuse to create wedding websites for same-sex couples based on her religious beliefs. The Court held that requiring her to do so would violate her First Amendment rights by compelling her to express a message she disagrees with.

These cases highlight a significant area where heterosexual individuals typically face fewer obstacles. 

Now, onto family life. Heterosexual couples seldom worry about the legalities of having children. LGBTQ+ individuals often face additional hurdles, whether it’s through adoption, surrogacy, or parental rights. Some states and countries still place restrictions on same-sex couples adopting children. Picture explaining to your kids why their potential sibling is stuck in legal limbo—talk about a bedtime story gone wrong.

Let’s not forget about public displays of affection (PDA). Heterosexual couples can walk down the street holding hands, giving each other a peck on the cheek, without a second thought. For LGBTQ+ individuals, such simple acts can sometimes invite unwanted stares, or worse, aggression. Imagine needing a sixth sense just to gauge if it's safe to hug your partner in public—sounds exhausting, doesn’t it? 

Healthcare is another area where disparities between heterosexual and LGBTQ+ individuals are stark. While everyone might dread a trip to the doctor, LGBTQ+ individuals often face additional hurdles. Imagine gearing up for your annual physical and instead of just worrying about the usual pokes and prods, you’re also anxious about how you’ll be treated because of your sexual orientation or gender identity. Not exactly a picture of health, right?

Take, for instance, the lack of knowledgeable and sensitive care. LGBTQ+ individuals frequently encounter healthcare providers who are either uninformed about their specific needs or, worse, hold biases that affect the quality of care they receive. Transgender individuals, in particular, might struggle to find providers knowledgeable about gender-affirming treatments. Imagine explaining your medical needs only to be met with a blank stare or, even worse, outright hostility.

Discriminatory policies and practices in healthcare settings can discourage LGBTQ+ individuals from seeking care altogether. For example, in some states, religious exemptions allow healthcare providers to refuse treatment based on their beliefs. This means an LGBTQ+ person might be turned away from receiving critical services, such as hormone therapy or even routine medical care, based on the provider’s personal convictions.

LGBTQ+ individuals face higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide, often due to societal stigma and discrimination. Accessing mental health care can be particularly tough when providers are not culturally competent or sensitive to LGBTQ+ issues. Imagine seeking help during a mental health crisis and feeling misunderstood or judged—it's an additional layer of stress no one needs.

LGBTQ+ youth are at a greater risk of homelessness, often being rejected by their families due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. This leads to a higher likelihood of encountering violence, exploitation, and health issues. Heterosexual youth, while also facing challenges, generally do not face family rejection solely based on their identity. The safety net for LGBTQ+ youth is often full of holes, highlighting yet another disparity in lived experiences.

While strides have been made towards equality, the LGBTQ+ community continues to face unique challenges and systemic inequalities. From the right to marry, to protection from workplace discrimination, to receiving adequate healthcare, the journey towards equal rights and treatment continues. 

By understanding these disparities, we can better appreciate the progress made and the work that still needs to be done. 

Equality isn’t just about laws on paper; it’s about equal experiences and opportunities in everyday life. So, let’s keep pushing for a world where everyone, regardless of who they love or how they identify, enjoys the same rights and respect.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Patch: Mike Morris Will Challenge Tony Perry For Middletown Twp. Committee

Shoutout to the Middletown Patch for this very flattering article today Middletown Patch for this very flattering article today. It has definitely set a few tail feathers flying into a tizzy and started the trolls to emerge from under their bridges... I say, 'Bring it on!'

So what was it about today's Patch article that has so many bent out of shape? Probably the fact that Carly Baldwin stated that she has intentions to follow this campaign very closely over the "next six months"!  Chronicling a campaign in Middletown like she plans is unheard of in recent times. There are many Republicans in Middletown (and Monmouth County for that matter) that believe Democrats shouldn't be seen or heard. That's something that I have no intentions of allowing. I will be seen and I will be heard from defending principles that I believe in.

What am I about and what do I believe in? You can read my pitch for yourselves: 

 "My name is Michael Morris, and I am running for Township Committee. As a resident for 34 years, I have championed affordability and transparency in government, and been a strong advocate for our township's working-class taxpayers and families with special needs. Since 2008, I've run a watchdog blog to keep everyone informed about township policies and events. With over 30 years in the Chemical Industry and as a proud alumnus of Brookdale Community College, I am committed to making Middletown a better place. 
I am a regular, working-class, blue-collar guy who understands the struggles and aspirations of our community. I staunchly support workers' rights and unions, firmly believing that everyone deserves a fair wage. Additionally, I am a vocal advocate for healthcare as a right, not a privilege. I believe Social Security and Medicare are essential pillars of support for retirees and those in need. I am also pro-choice, believing in a woman's right to make decisions about her own body. Furthermore, I stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community, advocating for equal rights and protections for all residents of Middletown. 

Middletown faces a critical challenge: our population growth has remained stagnant for nearly 20 years. We are grappling with an affordability crisis; the average home assessment has increased 47% over the past 5 years township-wide, which is squeezing out younger individuals, working-class families, and seniors. Starter homes are scarce. 

Our governance lacks a coherent strategy for sustainable development. Instead of fostering organic growth, officials rely on outdated strip malls and sprawling developments. Middletown needs a plan for Smart Growth. Currently, our infrastructure neglects crucial elements like walkability, bicycle lanes, and transit connectivity, favoring cars and worsening traffic congestion. 

This status quo is unsustainable. Middletown needs a leader with a comprehensive vision for its future — one who prioritizes safety, sustainability, and the well-being of taxpayers. This November, let's vote for change. Let's vote for me, Mike Morris, the candidate who can unlock Middletown's untapped potential."

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Pride Month in Middletown: Actions Are Louder Than Words


Every June, towns across the United States celebrate Pride Month, recognizing the struggles and achievements of the LGBTQ+ community. In Middletown, the Township Committee issued a proclamation designating June as Pride Month. The proclamation praises equal rights and celebrates the legacy of LGBTQ+ individuals. However, there is a noticeable disconnect between the proclamation’s words and the actions of Middletown’s leaders. 

The proclamation mentions the Stonewall Riots of June 28, 1969, a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ history. These riots marked a significant push against discriminatory laws and helped spark the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement. Pride Month serves as a reminder of these struggles and the ongoing fight for equality.

The proclamation emphasizes Middletown’s commitment to equal rights and the importance of dignity and respect for all citizens. It highlights the township’s aim to build an inclusive, stigma-free society where everyone feels supported. This sentiment aligns with the broader goals of Pride Month, which celebrates diversity and promotes acceptance. 

Despite the supportive language of the proclamation, Mayor Tony Perry and the Township Committee have not shown active support for the LGBTQ+ community. They have refused to fly the Pride flag at Town Hall and avoid commenting on LGBTQ+ issues publicly. This lack of visible support sends a conflicting message to the community.

For many in Middletown, the absence of public support from local leaders feels disheartening. The Pride flag is more than just a symbol; it represents acceptance and visibility. When leaders choose not to display it, it can feel like a dismissal of the community's identity and struggles.

For Middletown to truly honor its proclamation and the principles it stands for, actions speak louder than words. Public support from local leaders, including the simple act of flying the Pride flag, would go a long way in making LGBTQ+ residents feel valued and respected.

While the proclamation for Pride Month in Middletown is a step in the right direction, it is essential for the township’s leaders to back their words with actions. True support for the LGBTQ+ community requires more than just statements; it demands visible, ongoing efforts to foster an inclusive and accepting environment for all.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Take A Look At The Monmouth Trump Team, Any Names Stick Out?


Here in New Jersey voting for the June 4th Primary has already begun. Vote-by-mail ballots were sent out weeks ago and statewide early voting started yesterday. If you're a Monmouth County Republican Primary voter this year, you get to vote for a contingency of delegates to the July 15th  Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, to support Donald Trump.

I wonder how many of the names on this listed of Republican Delegates might change their support for Donald Trump now that he's a convicted felon and once again a proven liar? Any local names stick out to you? How about Middletown's very own State Assemblyman, Gerry Scharfenberger (LD13) and his Son-in-Law, Middletown Mayor Tony Perry? 

We know that Scharfenberger has no shame and couldn't care less if Donald Trump is a convicted felon or not, Scharfenberger has no scruples, but what about Tony Perry? He's worked awfully hard the past few years to get out from underneath his father-in-laws shadow and to appear as a likable, babyface, jovial everyman, in order to appeal to as many people as possible. However, his moderate persona doesn't back up his many political extremes, which I'll be posting about in later blog posts.

Make no mistakes, Tony Perry is part of the Monmouth Trump Team. Perry should distance himself from Trump as soon as possible before the stench of a convicted felon permeates the air around him and he is unable to wash it out of his pores or cover it up with cologne. 

I want to hear Tony Perry say that he does not and will not support a convicted felon for any political office, let alone the highest office in the land, the Presidency of the United States of America!

(Slate of potential Trump delegates to the 2024 Republican Nation Convention)



Guilty on All Counts! Jail Time Is Pending

It appears that Donald Trump has made history once again but not for anything good. He is now the first ever former President to be convicted of a crime, in this case 34 of them! Where do we go from here? it's really anyone's guess at the moment. Many legal experts are stating that instead of jail time, our disgraced former President may just walk away with probation seeing how it would be a logistical nightmare for the Secret Service to protect Trump while incarcerated at Rikers Island. 

Sentencing Trump to probation because the Secret Service could not adequately protect him in prison is a joke! He needs to do some hard time behind bars, whether it's 4 weeks, 4 months or 4 years, he needs to go to jail! His sentencing will take place on July 11th

You can keep up to date on this breaking story via



Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Pallone Launches Investigation Into Reports of Oil Companies Colluding to Drive Up Gas Prices

Contact: Mary Werden 
 May 22, 2024

 “If U.S. oil companies are colluding with each other and foreign cartels to manipulate global oil markets and harm American consumers who then pay more at the pump, Congress and the American people deserve to know.”

 Washington, DC – Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. launched an investigation into seven oil and gas companies today, demanding answers for the behavior of crude oil producers as concerns grow that oil companies are illegally colluding to artificially inflate gas prices. The new probe comes in the wake of recent revelations from a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigation into Scott Sheffield, the former CEO of Pioneer Natural Resources Company, who allegedly attempted to illegally coordinate crude oil production levels with OPEC and his competitors in order to drive up prices at the pump and rake in additional profits.

 “At a hearing last Congress, Committee Democrats raised concern that oil companies were artificially inflating gas prices to gouge consumers and produce record profits for shareholders,” Pallone wrote to the CEOs of BP America, Shell USA, Chevron, Occidental Petroleum, Devon Energy, Hess, and ExxonMobil Corporation (Exxon). Pallone went on to underscore that Democrats’ concerns have been realized: “The FTC’s complaint details troubling actions by Mr. Sheffield, who allegedly attempted to illegally collude and coordinate crude oil production levels with Pioneer’s competitors and representatives from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and OPEC+.

Pallone noted that OPEC and OPEC+ are cartels in which many of the major oil-producing nations of the world openly collude to artificially limit production and manipulate oil prices. Moreover, OPEC has shown a significant willingness to use its oil leverage for geopolitical reasons, such as when it caused the 1973 oil crisis. Starting in the 2010s, however, increasing U.S. crude oil production limited OPEC’s ability to manipulate global supply as American oil producers — subject to antitrust and competition laws in the United States — refused to artificially limit supply. Without those U.S. protections, Pallone wrote, American consumers would be at the mercy of OPEC and OPEC+’s member nations, including Russia and Iran. 

 “Unfortunately, Mr. Sheffield and Pioneer appear to have flouted those laws,” Pallone wrote. “Even more troubling, Mr. Sheffield appears to have attempted to encourage other U.S. oil producers to follow his and Pioneer’s lead in colluding with a cartel to drive up energy costs at Americans’ expense.

 Pallone pointed to publicly available data that suggests U.S. oil producers limited their production growth, despite high prices, over the same period that Mr. Sheffield was trying to influence his competitors. Meanwhile, crude oil prices have soared as high as $120 per barrel. 

 “I am concerned that Mr. Sheffield’s behavior may represent common practices across the industry, as reporting and the FTC complaint have suggested. Simply put, I am worried that Mr. Sheffield’s actions, rather than being ‘entirely inconsistent with how we do business, as Exxon has claimed, are instead industry-standard practice — directly contradicting what the largest oil companies, including Pioneer and Exxon, testified to the Committee last Congress,” Pallone concluded. “If U.S. oil companies are colluding with each other and foreign cartels to manipulate global oil markets and harm American consumers who then pay more at the pump, Congress and the American people deserve to know.

 Pallone demanded answers and documents from each of the seven companies, including:

  •  All communications between each company’s current or former employees involved in developing future production plans and representatives of OPEC or OPEC+;
  •  A list of meetings between each company and representatives of OPEC or OPEC+, as well as a list of meetings between each company and competing U.S. oil producers;
  • All communications between each company and representatives of competing U.S. oil producers that describe or allude to present, planned, or projected production;
  • Any legal guidance pertaining to antitrust, competition, or sanctions issues ahead of meetings with representatives of OPEC or OPEC+;
  •  Any non-public communications or meetings that executives have had with shareholders or equity owners on crude oil production levels or prices; and
  • A detailed description of any efforts to influence potential federal or state government efforts to artificially limit crude oil production. 

 In his letter to Exxon, which recently acquired Sheffield’s Pioneer Natural Resources Company, Pallone made additional demands, including: 

  •  All communications between Pioneer employees who were involved in developing production plans and representatives of OPEC or OPEC+; 
  • A detailed description of any guardrails Exxon plans on implementing in the wake of the acquisition to ensure that the alleged behavior by Mr. Sheffield is not replicated within Exxon; and
  •  A detailed description of how former employees of Pioneer will be incorporated into Exxon’s corporate structure and their role in developing future production plans or in altering existing production plans for any of Exxon’s assets. 

Full letters are available here:


Saturday, May 11, 2024

Would Cannabis Sales Benefit Middletown? Absolutely!


According to a recent article in the Asbury Park Press, legalizing cannabis sales in Middletown, could, in my opinion, bring significant benefits if Middletown mirrored a successful model such as seen in Neptune.  Here's why: 

  • Tax Boost: Neptune's $900k tax revenue from cannabis sales highlights the potential financial gains. With a larger population, Middletown could rake in even more, funding public services and projects. 
  • Economic Stimulus: Legalizing cannabis can create jobs, support local businesses, and attract investments, fueling economic growth and prosperity. 
  • Property Tax Relief: By diverting cannabis tax revenue to public funds, Middletown could ease property tax burdens, making homeownership more affordable.
  • Public Project Funding: The extra revenue could fund crucial projects like infrastructure improvements or better schools, enhancing residents' quality of life. 
  •  Regulation: Legalization allows for regulated sales, ensuring product safety and curbing the black market, promoting public health and safety. 
  • Adaptation and Progress: Embracing legalization signals openness to change and new opportunities, attracting residents and businesses, and enhancing Middletown's reputation. 

Legalized cannabis sales in Middletown promises positive outcomes, would support growth, would ease financial pressures on tax payers, and prioritize public welfare. It's a win-win all around.

Middletown Township Committee Workshop Meeting 5/06/24

 It's been a long time since I posted a meeting video of Middletown Township Committee and it seems that nothing much has changed; a lot of fluff with little substance. The meeting lasted a total of 29 minutes however,  any discussions or information that really mattered to residents was conducted in the last 8 minutes!  

The May 6th meeting was a Workshop meeting and as such the meeting should be used to "discuss items which will be acted upon at the next meeting unless otherwise posted" per the Township's own website. 

Instead of actually talking or discussing important upcoming items that will effect the lives of residents, Tony Perry and the other members of the Township Committee have been using these meeting to recognize others, present awards or use the meetings for personal promotion. In the past this fluff has always been regulated for the general business meetings. Fake outrage and indignation during these meetings is the norm rather than the exception.

As residents we allow our elected officials get away this because very few individuals attend Township Committee meetings. While I'm guilty of not attend meetings, I do make every attempt stay informed and watch the proceedings on YouTube later. It's not ideal, but at least I'm informed to what is going on. In the future, I  will be making more of an attempt to attend as many meetings in person as possible and I encourage others to do the same. To paraphrase Thomas Jefferson, "An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people ". 

As in the past, you can download a copy of the Meeting Agenda that contains the discussion items and the proposed resolutions and ordinances that were voted on or presented during the meeting.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Pallone Applauds House Passage of Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Americans’ Online Data from Foreign Adversaries


Contact: Mary Werden 
 April 20, 2024 

Pallone Applauds House Passage of Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Americans’ Online Data from Foreign Adversaries 

 "Bill Includes Pallone’s Bipartisan “Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries Act,” Which He Introduced Earlier this Year"

Washington, DC – Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06) today applauded House passage of the 21st Century Peace through Strength Act. The bill would create a framework to force divestment of TikTok from its Chinese Communist Party-controlled parent company ByteDance so that Americans can continue to use the platform without the risk that Chinese Communist officials would be able to use the app to undermine our national security and privacy. 

The package also includes the “Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries Act,” which was authored by Pallone. It would prohibit data brokers from selling or otherwise making available Americans’ sensitive information to the People’s Republic of China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran or entities controlled by them. 

 “National security experts are sounding the alarm and warning that our foreign adversaries are using every tool at their disposal, including apps like TikTok, to amass troves of sensitive data about Americans. The laws in China allow the Chinese Communist Party to compel companies, like TikTok, to share data with them on demand whether the companies want to or not. We simply cannot allow this to continue,” Pallone said. “This bill also takes decisive action to mitigate our foreign adversaries’ ability to collect Americans’ data and use it against us. Most Americans are unaware that data brokers compile dossiers about their interests, beliefs, finances, and movements. This package includes a bipartisan bill I authored that protects Americans by barring data brokers from selling sensitive information about them to our adversaries. I’m grateful to my colleagues in Congress, who worked to get this bill across the finish line.” 
Pallone serves as the top Democrat on the Energy and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over consumer protection and technology policy. His floor speech in support of the bill is available here.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

What's Important To Middletown Voters?

 As we enter into the 2024 Primary season and on to the General election in the fall, I want to know what's important to Middletown voters? What's on your mind and what can we do to enact positive change, not just in Middletown but throughout Monmouth County and the State?

Here are a few things that I will be basing my campaign for Township Committee on:

  • Advocacy for Responsible Development: I want to prioritize responsible development practices that honor Middletown's character while fostering sustainable growth. I understands the importance of striking a balance between economic advancement, environmental conservation and the quality of life. 
  • Fair Taxation: I would like to address the issue of rising property taxes, I am pledging to champion fair and equitable taxation policies that alleviate the burden on residents while ensuring essential services receive adequate funding. The annual reassessments of our property and homes are hurting families and are the cause of skyrocketing property taxes.
  • Education: I would like to tackle the concerns surrounding the quality and equity of education in Middletown. I denounce the infiltration of extremist views within the education system and pledges to cultivate a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students.
By no means will the above be the only issues my campaign will be focused on. There are numerous issues that plague Middletown that get overlooked by current members of the Township Committee and residents alike. Let's shed some light on these issues and get things done that will create positive change in our community.

Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts