Monday, January 21, 2013

Buono describes humble Nutley upbringing

If you haven't seen it, has a nice littleprofile piece on Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Barbara Buono. It's well worth a read if you're at all interested in learning anything about Buono's background and humble beginnings growing up in Nutley. I found it somewhat inspirational knowing that the American Dream is still  alive and well. That anyone can still overcome whatever obstacles  they may have in life to become successful on the path of their choosing.

Here is a little of what the article had to say about Ms. Buono:
"...Buono said her family had a humbling life.
She recalled her parents sleeping in a hide away bed so Buono and her two older sisters could each have a bed.
"We were poor," Buono said.
I remember my girlfriend had roller skates, and I hadn't ever been on [them]. I didn't even think about asking my parents for them," Buono said. "We would share them, with my friend on one skate and me on the other....
When she was 19, her father James died of a heart attack at 51. He had emigrated from Italy when he was 3.
"It was really tough emotionally and financially," Buono said of his death. "I know that he would be really proud of me today, and I'm sorry he never got to see me graduate law school....
In 1975, Buono earned her bachelor's degree in political science at MSU. But she suffered a setback when a fire destroyed her apartment. "I was stuck without a home or job," she said.
Buono applied for food stamps and moved in with her grandmother and cousin in Newark until she could piece together a few jobs.
The mother of four children and two step children, Buono said family has always been her center. "That's what makes my life so rich," she said...."
You can read the complete article ... Here

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