Friday, January 18, 2013

Buono Accepts Monmouth County Dems Endorsement for Governor

Last night at the I.B.E.W. Local 400 union hall in Wall Township, the Monmouth County Democrats held, what was billed as a "New Years Party with a special guest speaker" to mingle with fellow Democrats and ring in 2013. What it turned out to be was a huge reception to endorse State Senator Barbara Buono as the Monmouth Democrats choice for Governor in 2013.

When I walked in, the hall was packed with nearly 300 party faithful all eager to hear one of the worse kept secrets that I can remember in recent years, which was that the Monmouth Dems were endorsing Senator Buono for Governor and that she would be in attendance to accept that endorsement.

When Chairman Gopal stated before introducing Buono, “We’re going to work hard for you, senator, not just in June, to make sure you’re the next governor of New Jersey,” the crowed in attendance roared with approval.

Gubernatorial candidate Barbara Buono
When Senator Buono took to the podium, she accepted the Monmouth Dems endorsement she talked tough about Governor Christie's failed policies and empty promises, about how nearly 1 in 10 residents in the state are unemployed with no job plan to put them back to work and how his  2016 presidential aspirations have hurt and will continue to hurt New Jerseyians.

By the time she was finished, there was no doubt in the room that she would be a very strong and formidable challenger. I was once again impressed.

If you want to read a more indepth accounting of what went on last night, san my bias, Max Pizzaro of PolitckerNJ and Mark Bonamo of have very good write-ups today.  

Here are a few more pictures from last night of Senator Buono that I took:

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