Monday, March 19, 2012

Award Presentation Honoring Randall Gabrielan Scheduled For March 21st Library Board Meeting, Has Been Postponed

By guest blogger Linda Baum

In a 2/16 blog post, I announced that the Library Board had voted unanimously at its February 15th meeting to rename the Library’s New Jersey room in honor of former Library trustee Randall Gabrielan and to present him with a plaque at the Board’s March 21st meeting in recognition of his 25 years of service.

Unfortunately, there is a snag.  At its January 17th meeting, the Township Committee passed a “naming” resolution (resolution number 12-069) which requires that the naming or dedication of any Township premises be formally approved by the Township Committee via adoption of a resolution. 

The naming resolution was drafted in response to another well-publicized matter – the memorial for the late Daniel Piano that was established at Croydon Hall with the approval of former Parks & Recreation Director Gregg Silva, but without prior knowledge and consent of Township officials.  While the circumstances in that case are very different from those supporting the room dedication, the naming resolution wording encompasses both.

I am told that Township officials are reviewing the matter, but there has been no word yet to my knowledge, nor is there anything about this on the agenda for the Township Committee meeting Monday night. 

Since the wording on the plaque will be different depending on whether or not the room is renamed, it has been necessary to postpone the plaque order.  Thus, the presentation originally slated for March 21st must be re-scheduled.  I will update you as I know more.

Since this post is bound to draw comments questioning why Mr. Gabrielan is so deserving considering the accusations you’ve read in the press, let me address that now.  The press got it wrong.  They missed the real issues and left readers with the impression of wrongdoing, but in truth there was none.

Mr. Gabrielan’s history books are a valuable and appropriate addition to the collection of many local libraries, including ours.  By purchasing the books directly from the author, our Library avoided both the shipping costs and the surcharges typically assessed by distributors for these types of specialty books.  Therefore, public money was spent responsibly.

Nor was this about profit, however small.  Like the rest of us, Mr. Gabrielan deserves to earn something for his work.  Neither Mr. Gabrielan’s honorary role as Monmouth County Historian nor his part-time position as executive director of the Monmouth County Historical Commission include book writing as part of their duties.  That is something Mr. Gabrielan does on his own time, and it is part of the way he makes his livelihood.

This was about a signature.  Since the Library purchases large volumes of materials year-round, the Board president and treasurer sign purchase orders as a matter of course.  Both Board members’ signatures appeared on the purchase order that also included Mr. Gabrielan’s signature as the vendor for the sale of several books.  Had the president’s signature been left off that purchase order, the order would have been processed without any issue with just the treasurer’s signature.  I’m sure the mayor knows that, but he chose to make it an issue.

The actions of the Library’s former Board were in line with the spirit of the law, if not the letter.  And as I see it, it is hardly enough to tarnish the reputation of someone of Mr. Gabrielan’s caliber.  He is more than deserving of recognition for his contribution to our community and his years of dedicated service.


Anonymous said...

How about the thousands of copies that Mr. Gabriellan was making at the library for his own personal use at the taxpayers expense? We at the library used to make jokes about it. Maybe we should name the copy machine after him

Anonymous said...

".. the Township Committee passed a “naming” resolution (resolution number 12-069) which requires that the naming or dedication of any Township premises be formally approved by the Township Committee via adoption of a resolution."

Here comes the Fiore wing of the Chris Chris Library. Maybe they can give out absentee ballots when you sign up for a library card... At least if can prove you are a registered Republican.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:32- Did he use more than 4 squares of toilet paper too? Surely you noticed!

Legion said...

Let's remember that Mr. Gabrielan himself decided to resign because of his own inappropriate actions.

While he served on the Library Board for a long time, the jury is out as to whether or not someone should be honored simply for serving. I guess that the TC will make the final call on that.

It was interesting to note the blistering attack made on the Library Board by a member of the staff there at the last meeting.

It would seem that some staff members at the Library are unaware of the proper way to address their supervisors, huh?

We'll have to watch and see how the Library Director responds to members of her staff who act in such a manner. Whereas it might seem like Ms. O'Neal would be supportive of the points presented in the tirade, it might be hazardous to her future employment to forget that things have changed a bit in the Boards makeup and that she serves at the pleasure of the Board.

Will that employee be disciplined? Will she or other members of the Library staff come out to future meetings to yell stupid insults and accusations at the Board?

Many will be watching...

Linda Baum said...


Thank you for making it very clear why so many of us feel the current administration has to go. Threats & intimidation are no way to govern.

Ms. O'Neal is a credit to her field and we are lucky to have her. She has always been pleasant and helpful to the Board and it is a shame she has to read comments like yours.

As for the public comments at the February Board mtg, there were many, most critical in response to what transpired at the January mtg. The woman I think you are referring to is not a library employee.

Mr. Gabrielan's resignation was forced and you know it, deemed necessary by a strict reading of a minor clause in the statute. It was not an admission of wrongdoing, and his resignation letter said as much.

Most people agree that Mr. Gabrielan deserves to be recognized for his service, not to mention his near perfect attendance record. He has always been a gentleman, even in the face of baseless attacks, and I credit him for that. Township officials may be able to block the room renaming, but I have no doubt that many people will be at the April 18th meeting of the Library Board to show their appreciation.

Legion said...

Linda, you've got me all wrong.

I not only am not threatening anyone, I can't threaten anyone.

Like you, I am just an informed voter, though I do enjoy watching local politics and getting to know the players.

Ms. O'Neal had to pivot from the Library Board she had come to know and love (apparently), to one where Mr. Gabrielan had to eke out a bare majority, to now after he and another member left where she has a strong majority that would appear to want to do things quite a bit differently than in the past.

That kind of stuff is interesting to watch, you know?

Will she make that pivot? Maybe.

Will she continue to allow her staff to come and berate the LB and make spurious accusations? I don't know - but I kind of doubt it.

Will the two hold over members continue to bite and snipe, or will they want to improve their chances of being reappointed by getting with the new program? We'll have to watch that too.

I don't know why the TC wanted to make such drastic changes in the LB, but watching the reaction it would seem to me that there must be something beneath the surface that the public is unaware of - yet.

I'm sure they'll keep us entertained...

Anonymous said...

This situation has gotten totally out of hand with so many cross accusations. Mr. Gabrielan served the library with love and dedication for a quarter of a century. He should be recognized for this service by renaming the local history room in his honor. He is has done so much as a local author to capture local history in a multitude of books. Yes, he probably made photocopies in the course of his research and who but the staff would know. Alot of mudslinging going on here. The loss of Mr. Gabrielan from the board is a shame!! Enough of this knitpicking!!

Anonymous said...

the staff member who spoke up did so as a tax payer of Middletown first and disclosed her employment to be completely honest as some are NOT wont to do in this township. Additionally, as she stated in her "tirade," it was in response to January's meeting which I did not attend but she and was appalled by the behavior of the newly elected members. One of whom admitted privately that they might have come on too strong with their insinuations and "Madoff' comment. Not exactly the best way to start off their tenure. As I know the person who spoke, she is upstanding and truthful and has the best interest of the patrons at heart. And if you listen to the video, you will hear her say that her employment is secondary to her being a resident and patron for 28 years. again, more ugly insinuations about people made by the TC hangers-on.

Legion said...

Well, so long as she puts her employment second she's okay with unprofessional behavior, right?

Wrong. As a Township employee, as a Library employee, she has a responsibility to behave professionally in public.

Like I said, I wonder if her boss will hold her accountable...

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:32,
"How about the thousands of copies that Mr. Gabriellan was making at the library for his own personal use at the taxpayers expense? We at the library used to make jokes about it. Maybe we should name the copy machine after him"

Good point made!

Anonymous said...


Only time will tell. She is a very dedicated employee and supporter of this community in which she resides. Her so-called unprofessional outburst need not be a source of reprimand by her director. She is a strong-spirited and very emotional person who gives her all to anything which she tackles. We need more people like her who really care!!!

Anonymous said...

What about your behavior, Legion? Answering non-legal questions asked of the mayor and tc committee when you're just the township attorney and were not asked for your opinion. How about your regular embarrassing and unprofessional behavior at TC meetings, shouting down people, rolling your eyes at the very people who pay your salary? You're the one who should be reprimanded and/or censured.

Legion said...

Anon at 6:52

I have no information concerning that employee's behavior at work, so I take you at your word as to her dedication and enthusiasm.

But it IS unprofessional to represent youe employer in public like that, despite the good feeling she no doubt got from the applause she received.

Baseless accusations and rude conduct does not give anyone the impression of a hard working public servant who cares, rather it projects an image of "one of those government employees who expect to get paid for doing nothing..."

Not to mention insulting the board that will have to approve your future raises and possible promotions and embarrassing your Director who has even more at stake - how smart is that?

She - and all Library employees, I suspect - have the ability to request a private meeting with any member of the Library Board to express an opinion on the direction of the Library or any other issue.

That she chose a public forum and chose to be rude and unprofessional doesn't jive with the story you tell about her.

Anonymous said...

Hey Legion, since you have nothing better to do, go over to the 911 Memorial and scrape that thieving Ray O'Grady's name off the monument the politicians put there. While you're at it scratch all of the names of the politicians off it. What a bunch of egotists these politicians are, having a monument with their names on it at a site that is dedicated to honor and remember those victims. I remember O'Greedy selling pins for $5 each to help raise funds for the project. Wouldn't be surprised if he pocketed that money too.

Anonymous said...

What did you deem unprofessional? That she asked that the board consider the patrons and see what it is that goes on at the library when deciding what to cut? What's so bad about that, especially since she is a taxpayer? what about your rude behavior to residents who question things at the TC meeting? As a lawyer, you'd be bounced out of the courtroom if you rolled your eyes at the judge! Or are the rules different for you?

Anonymous said...

There is one majestically dishonest commenter on this site who really taxes my patience with her legion of lies and insinuation.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm missing something, but what is the difference if the woman who spoke at the meeting is a library employee or not? She was at a public meeting as a member of the public. This is not an employment issue. It would probably be inappropriate, not to mention unlawful, for her employer to wade in on this.

Legion said...

Anon at 5:23

You are missing the fact that this woman, a Library employee, was rude and unprofessional as well as making insinuations that bordered on rumor mongering.

She reflected very poorly on the Library staff and certainly on the leadership of the Library Director, someone who is already in somewhat of a precarious situation due to the upheaval of the LB.

She certainly had the "right" to speak at the meeting, but the manner in which she did so rightfully calls into question her motivation, work ethic, and perspicacity.

Anonymous said...

Why would an otherwise competent employee be in a "precarious" situation due to the library upheaval? Is there a history of poor performance ratings? Or will these only start now with, ahem, the "upheaval"?

Do I smell more lawsuits that we the people will pay for due to our TC's proclivity for reckless strong arming?

Legion said...

Anon at 12:04

Why do you assume that Ms. O'Neal is competent? I have no information to make an assumption like that one way or another.

I did note that she did not correct the member of her staff who was accusing the LB, so it seems that Ms. O'Neal at least agrees with her tirade. Some might believe that she encoraged it or endorsed it.

That's why I think she is in a precarious situation. But unlike the Treasursr of the Board, Ms. O'Neal is, in fact, vulnerable, so I think we will soon see her becoming much more demonstrative in support of the LB's positions - whatever those will be, and I think we won't see Library staff voicing accusations in a rude manner in public forums.

THAT woild show competence on Ms. O'Neal's part.

BTW, do you have any evidence of "strong arming" going on? And what lawsuits do you smell?

I kind of get the whiff of sour grapes. Elections have consequences, you know?

Anonymous said...

Poor Legion- I do believe you have given yourself away. First you said...

"She reflected very poorly on the Library staff and certainly on the leadership of the Library Director, someone who is already in somewhat of a precarious situation due to the upheaval of the LB"

You specifically said she was in a "precarious" position due to the upheaval- more properly known as the TC takeover.

Then, you change your tune in your last post to say...

"I did note that she did not correct the member of her staff who was accusing the LB, so it seems that Ms. O'Neal at least agrees with her tirade. Some might believe that she encoraged it or endorsed it....

That's why I think she is in a precarious situation"

So really, it is not what a library board member DOES but WHO she is that puts her in a precarious position. It seems in your zeal to rub everyone's noses in the TC's overreaching, you gave away the truth.

And one assumes competence when one has been in a job with consistently good performance ratings. I have no idea about her ratings, but should that "suddenly change" after the TC takeover, one can easily assume legal action.
And let's not pretend we don't know the TC cares not a fig about wasting taxpayer dollars on lawsuits.

Given the horses' asses we now have running Middletown, I certainly DO NOT assume competence at any level in this township.

You are as two-faced disingenuous as they come.

P.S. Elections aren't the only thing that has consequences.


Legion said...

A couple of points, Anon at 7:16.

You assume competence when an employee has consistently good performance ratings, but then admit that you have no idea what ratings the Library Director has had? What?

(And how will you know if her performance ratings "suddenly change" when you don't know what they have been? Perhaps your were attempting to make us laugh with your last post?)

I have been consistent in my statements that Ms. O'Neal is in a precarious situation because she was vocally and attitudinally against the new members of the Board in January while they were in the minority, but now they are a strong majority. If she were honest with you, she would likely admit that she has some adjusting to do - and I think we'll see that.

You rant about a "TC takeover..." They appoint the LB. Did they feel that the LB was not acting appropriately? Apparently so, and they took what they believed to be the appropriate action to correct that. Did they do anything outside of their rights and duties in that regard? Nope.

Again, elections have consequences.

FYI, Ms. O'Neal is NOT a member of the LB, she is the Library Director.

Forgive me if I don't cower at your threat that "other things have consequences..."

Anonymous said...

As far as the woman's performance appraisals, all that matters is what she and her lawyer knows. If they change for the worse only after the TC takeover, there is clearly a prima facie case for retaliation.

Your changing narratives and vile insinuations reflect the governmental body you are sent to apologize for.

Your venomous posts are getting stale. I think you need another petition to keep you busy and perhaps you should engage in a little bit of "adjusting" yourself.

Legion said...

Tough talk from someone named anonymous... LOL

I just observe the local scene and comment, sometimes here, sometimes elsewhere. Whether you or anyone else finds my statements to be inconsistent is of very little consequence to me. The only reason anyone can even look at my posts in context is that I do so under one name.

You and your ilk are so full of envy that it comes out your ears. Deep down inside y'all know that you fail politically because of your own inability to lead, so, in turn, you make anonymous posts attacking those who can and do lead, those who can and do inspire people to vote for them.

Attacking me probably makes you feel better about yourself - at least for a few minutes, but don't get the impression that anonymous words against another anonymous poster here in this mostly ignored blog makes any difference in the world - because they don't.

I at least understand that. I'm just having fun.

I don;t get the impression that the venom you exude indicates that you are enjoying yourself.

More's the pity...

Anonymous said...

Yes, posting under one phony name is surely superior to plain old anonymous. How do you live with your awesomeness?

You're wrong. Many of us enjoy posting on this blog. We enjoy it even more because we know who you are and whose interests you represent.

And couldn't one who posts repeatedly on a blog she perceives as "largely ignored" be seen as disingenuous? Or is it just masturbatory?

And you know elections do not necessarily have consequences. Sometimes even those who lose elections find themselves placed on high when they make mischief - no?

Linda Baum said...


I didn't have the patience to read all of your ridiculous comments, but I read enough. FYI, I audio recorded the January board mtg, so we can always go to the recording to find out what is truth and what isn't. Ms. O'Neal was pleasant and professional throughout that meeting, as she always is. She sets a high bar you may never achieve.

Mike, please, no more posts from Legion. I think we've all had enough.

Legion said...

Anon, ALL posting on the internet is masturbatory. Enjoy.

Linda, I have as much right as you do to observe the local scene and comment.

It will be a good test to see if the bastion of "truth, justice and the American way" will ban me because some don't like what I have to say.

How about it Linda, should the TC keep you from commenting at their meetings and only allow those who praise them?

What do you think, Mike?

Anonymous said...

Hey, surely no one has used public property for the benefit their own use...cough cough (Ipads)

Anonymous said...

Hey! just in Gabriellan took pencils from the library. Let's focus on these 'small' beans and not pay attention to the monumental mis spendings of these politicians.