Since this press release has been posted on the Township website many readers have left comments posted here questioning the need to purchase these iPads and distribute they to township personnel. Middletown is in dire financial shape and is robbing Peter to pay Paul. Services, both essential and non-essential, are being cut back are being eliminated to try and balance the budget. So why spend thousands of dollars purchasing iPads?

The press release states that the iPads are justified because the Township is now saving over $5,000 a year in paper costs because monthly meeting "packets" are now being electronically processed and made available to governing body.
Tony Fiore is quoted as saying, “The switch to IPads for meeting documents is a win-win. We’re saving money and reducing Middletown’s carbon footprint since we’re using less paper and energy. This is a great example of how township staff is thinking outside the box to find innovative ways to make everyday tasks and processes more efficient and effective.”
But is it really? The average bottom line price of an iPad is $499 if purchased through it's maker Apple. You can buy iPads elsewhere but if you've ever shopped for an Apple product you know that prices are not significantly discounted, generally only a few dollars.
If all the packet documents are now available electronically to those that run the township, what is the need to purchase iPads, can't this documents be sent to the governing members through normal emails? Don't these people have access to their own PC's, laptops, netbooks or other type of smart devices to view these documents at home or during township meetings?
Yesterday I emailed a list of questions to the powers that be to see if I could get a few answers.
I would like to know:
I was emailed by back by Assistant Township Administrator Jim VanNest who stated that he would forward my questions to others that could better answer them for me and that I should have a response within a reasonable amount of time. I would like to know:
- How many iPads have been purchased by the township and who specifically has been issued them?
- What was the purchase price of these iPads?
- Was the purchase price for these iPads discounted in anyway, if so by how much?
- Who were these iPads purchased from; Did they come directly from Apple Inc. or an authorized Apple vendor (please name)?
- Are these iPads considered township property ?
- Can they to be used by individuals for personal use (take and store photos, download music or games, ect...)?
- What happens to these iPads if Township Committee members step down from office or not relected or if a town manager leaves the employment of the township?
- Did the Township purchase any kind of internet access plan over and above the purchase price of the iPads that would enable idividuals to access the internet if WiFi access is not availible to the users?
- Is Town Hall wired for WiFi? If so, does the public have access to the WiFi network at Town Hall if they bring their own laptops, iPads or other type of smart device to a meeting at Town Hall?
I assume that means a few day, which is fine, I can wait. However, I wouldn't be surprised if on some of the questions I asked, I am stonewalled and told that I would need to fill out an OPRA request before receiving answers.
I hope that is not the case, as a citizen of Middletown, I think I and others have a right to know about this. I think the questions are straight forward and residents shouldn't having to jump through hopes to get this information.
Stay tuned...
Thanks Mike for your efforts to get the information that the public needs to know. This seems quite extravagant to myself and I'm sure other taxpayers also.
I got one it is great no matter where I go I get internet just like now sitting in the parking lot typing away while on brake this is great everyone should get one of these not just us oh look I can also check my Facebook and tweeter accounts good thing they gave this to me.
Oh yea I can Skype as well on it way cool I won't have to show up to meetings we can all Skype the meetings this way we are not interrupted by all of you that are big cry babies....... Really people get a life and stop crying about everything you all ask for change but if it doesn't go your way then you get upset. If you don't like the way things are going then move.
Anyone who can't spell and punctuate or organize a sentence should be FIRED !
I got one too and it's great because tax assessment work is soooo boring and I can post on Art' site and even Mike's when I'm feeling "naughty"....
Ipads are excessive. There are fully functioning android tablets sub $200. As a handheld application developer I have some sort of bias towards handheld proliferation. In certain fields, especially where one is constantly away from the computer and relies heavily on forms or data processing, handhelds are a godsend and save a significant amount of time. For the average Joe they are wasteful and used for playing games. The Ipads as they stand for most people are useless material pornography, not business tools. Unless a few valid use cases are provided for each individual wanting an Ipad, one should not be issued. Even in that case, a lower cost Android based tablet should be used in place.
The Eatontown Planning Board has gone paperless and use netbooks.
Why do we have to provide higher priced Ipads to the high living government officals of Middletown?
Is it like driving a BMW, you need to be seen with the latest and most expensive to be seen as successful? Or is it harder to play Angry Birds on a netbook?
what's interesting is that the new library board members received their information packets prior to the library board meeting and as they stated at the meeting, knew nothing about libraries-they never even bothered to read the packet so what difference does it make if they are delivered electronically or not? these idiots are busy accusing others of misdeeds and here they are blowing our township dollars on stuff they don't need. govern in ignorance! Why change now?
Anon 4:57,
Too bad you can't buy a new brain, you need one !
Hey 4:57 PM,
There's no need for you to hurl insults at Township employees - they have no control over Committee decisions or purchases. How would YOU like it if someone sat in judgement of YOUR job??
Mike, an OPRA request won't get your questions answered. You will just be told that it's not a valid OPRA request because you have to request documents. I guess you could request the town's written policy on the ipads, and see how much info that gives you.
I would like to know if Pam Brightbill still has her ipad. It should have been returned when she left office.
He could submit an OPRA asking to see the invoice and purchase order for the ipads. If they were $639 then you'll know they were 3G models and need to be on a wireless plan.
Anon 9:14,
You are more than likely correct. I tried to word my questions in such a way as to not need to submit an OPRA request.
I may need to submit a request if they will not give you much purchase information.
The rock bottom price of an Ipad is still much more than an equivalent netbook. And I seriously doubt the entitled ones bought the cheapest available.
The mere fact that Middletown taxpayers have to fork out for Ipads while Eatontown administrators accomplish the same with netbooks is evidence of waste on the public dime. Let the town leaders be held to the same standard they held Gabrielan to.
Anon 6::01,
How did they have so many questions about specific expences??? You make no sense and just sound like you're angry. The broken record plays on - its the soundtrack of a sore loser!
Actually it is you 11:25 who makes no sense in your criticism of 6:01. The point being if you don't do your homework and preparation from a paper copy before a meeting, an expensive Ipad will not make a difference. The only difference is wasting more taxpayer dollars to provide intellectually lazy public officials with the latest gadgets.
How did the township committee manage prior to the issuance of ipads? Did they bring their own laptops to meetings, or at least print the documents and carry paper?
Given that the devices have already been purchased, the township committee may now easily record and broadcast the meetings on media such as youtube or
Wahhh Waaaahhhh Waaahhh! Close the pool it cost's taxpayers money.
THEN; with the money you save, buy IPADS for all. Isn't being in power grand!
This country is starting to stink to high heaven.
Just an aside:
I just sat in the dentist office (Children's Dental Center, Middletown) behind 3 "non-American" families that had NJ Cares free dental service for their 20 kids. They have a full staff and office signs that (are not in English) It all stinks.
Mike: Thanks for all you are trying to do, but I'm afraid people are just going rotten to the core and we Americans have let this once beautiful country run away from us.
Suggestion for Mike
Ask for a copy of the report that documents the need to purchase ipads for office efficiency.
It all sucks in MIDDLETOWN !!
Anon 4:20,
Maybe you should bring your case to Pallone or Menendez about the "non-Americans" that are causing you distress. Or maybe write a letter to your boy Obama down in DC. Oh wait, he already made it clear he doesn't want to protect our borders and keeps handing out freebies for the "non-American". Maybe you should vote for someone other than BO this year and maybe these "non-Americans" will have to start paying taxes, like we all do.
Yes, anon 11:12, maybe people could vote for YOUR boy Romney, whose great grandfather abandoned the USA for Mexico so he could live with his four wives.
And guess what? When the Mexican Revolution broke out, Romney returned to the USA where he and other needy returning Mormons were assisted by a special GOVERNMENT fund.
So the wealth of the Romneys can be traced back to an old fashioned government handout. And that's a handout given to those who had all the privileges of American citizenship and tossed it away.
So when you and your fellow members of the "I got mine, screw you" club talk about that old American "do it on your own" credo, we know that just applies to OTHER people.
And if you want people to pay taxes, you do what was done for the Romneys long ago. But of course I don't have to tell YOU about taxes do I?
Kudos to anonymous 11:38 p.m....
It could not have been better stated.
That poster,11:12 p.m, is a narrow minded.morally depraved republican with no conscience, whose diatribe is sickening.
I write to my representatives all the time, but they always reply with some political BS, that doesn't state thier position. I never recomended who to vote for, I only suggested that you not vote for someone who already opposes closing the border. I actually think Ron Paul has alot of good points, but some of his ideas are very extreme making him unelectable. We spend alot of money supporting the rest of the world when we have MAJOR problems here, the worst of which is being politically correct and not wanting to offend anyone. I think that to get this country back in order, the government needs to stop being such a burder to its citizens. Not just taxes, but in regulations. Some are good, some are anti-productive and over reaching. This country needs someone who will be a leader and not keep doing what does not work. Reference defintion of insanity...
What does this crazy BS have to do with the issuing of Ipads to the TC and township employees??
This abstract political BS is disgusting and only a ploy to divert attention from
your post.Mike,and promote the babbling idiots own political agenda.
Maybe republicans are all nuts. It certainly sounds like it!
I was responding to Anon 11:38...
Obviously you are not sharp enough to read back a few posts and put two and two together...DUH
You are just to close minded to think a republican idea may be good. Once you here how someone votes or what party they are from, your ears close and your mind is made up. Those kinds of attitudes will get this town and country no where fast. A discussion doesn't have to become an argument with winners and losers. I have discussed many controversial topics with people from both sides not always agreeing with either of them. When you walk in with a chip on your shoulder and a hatchet in your hand, do you wonder why people don't want to hear what you have to say or care what you say. If you want respect, then show respect...
Just my $0.02
Mayor Fiore's take on the iPad situation is on Patch:
Anon 11:21,
The Patch article is a joke. Whoever wrote it just rewrote it the press release for Patch.
Fire's comments were included in the original press release issued by Middletown. Of you take the time to read it, you will see it is so.
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