Saturday, October 28, 2017

Wilton and Donlon Statement on County Equal Pay Lawsuit

Immediate Release: 
October 27th, 2017

Freehold NJ - The following is a joint statement release by candidates for Monmouth County Freeholder Brian Wilton and Margie Donlon:

"We stand by Laura Lieneck and Robin Ostrowski, the two Monmouth County Parks workers who spoke out about earning less than their male counterparts. It is unacceptable that in 2017, women still need to fight for equal pay in Monmouth County. We are both parents to young daughters. Our mission is for them to live in a world where they will never be limited because of their gender.  It is disheartening that our own county government would utilize these discriminatory practices. We call upon the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders to investigate the equal pay ratio among public workers in Monmouth County thoroughly and immediately. Another day of unfair wages is wrong for every employee of Monmouth County and beyond."

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