Saturday, October 28, 2017

Letter: Narconon Rehab is Simply Scientology

The expressed opinions or views of this letter does not necessarily represent the opinion of the MiddletownMike blog:

Dear Editor,

Many New Jerseyans are in need of a treatment program, to help break free from the grasp of addiction to drugs like heroin/opiates or a drinking problem. Families have often sent loved ones to multiple programs in the hopes of sobriety. But let's not make a bad situation worse, and lose your money to a scam.

In an internet search for drug treatment programs, a group called "Narconon" will likely be a result. At times the group will operate treatment referral pages that mask their true operator. On their websites, they falsely claim 75% success rates. These rates are bogus.

Narconon is operated by the Church of Scientology, and bases their programs on brainwashing persons into the ideas of L. Ron Hubbard, and have attracted allegations of fraud, in addition to negligence when deaths have occurred in their sci-fi quack programs.

Narconon is not a medical program. It's staff have no bona fide medical qualifications. Sales staff are trained to manipulate the dynamics of a family in crisis, and are paid thousands of dollars per patient enrolled. Despite a similar name, Narconon has no links to Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous whatsoever.

The answer to opiate addiction is Ibogaine therapy, not cult membership. Even New Jersey's overpriced cannabis has a better chance of helping someone get off hard drugs than Narconon's L. Ron Hubbard cult Kool Aid, while still saving you cash compared to "Narconon".

Communities, elected officials, schools, and even police departments should be on the lookout for Narconon and other Scientology front groups, seeking to recruit new members and sources of income for what the German government has deemed a corporate cult with fascist objectives. We should listen to the warnings of actress Leah Remini and if Scientology comes knocking, "Just Say No" and ask "How's Xenu?".

I urge the New Jersey Attorney General's Office and County Prosecutors to open criminal investigations into Narconon, for fraud and unlicensed practice of medicine.

Rev. Dr. Eric Hafner
Former Congressional Candidate
Toms River

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