Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Intro to Timebanking - Feb. 17

MonmouthCares is hosting a free community-building event: Introduction to TimeBanking, on Wednesday, February, 17 2016, from 4:30 - 6 PM at the Long Branch Free Public Library - 328 Broadway, Long Branch, NJ 07740. Individuals, Families, and Organizations are welcome; Light refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Ashley Lobbato alobbato@monmouthcares.org or 732-222-8008 ext. 118.

What is Timebanking??

(from Timebank Media, PA)
While timebanking was created over thirty years ago, it is a new concept to many of us. The basic premise of timebanking is that it is an organized way to "pay it forward". For every hour you invest doing work for someone via the TimeBank, you receive an hour that you can spend on any service offered via the TimeBank (not just with the person to whom you provided the service). On the surface this premise seems simple, but when looked at more deeply, time banking offers new ways of thinking about time, wealth and community.

You can learn more about Timebanking by following the links HERE, HERE and HERE

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