Wednesday, December 17, 2014


by Linda Baum

The deadline to file a property tax appeal is January 15th. Tax assessment cards for the 2015 tax year were mailed out to Middletown residents in mid-November and reflect the re-assessment of all properties in the township, according to the tax assessor’s office. This round of assessments also marks the start of a plan to re-inspect 20% of properties each year on a rolling basis.

News around town is that many residents are seeing double digit increases in their assessments. An employee in the township tax assessor’s office stated that the assessments were based on sales data and that the valuations were done in-house rather than by an outside firm.

The earlier mailing of assessment cards and moved-up deadline for appeals went into effect throughout Monmouth County in the fall of last year. Previously, assessment cards were mailed in January or February and the appeal deadline was in April. A reason for the moved-up schedule is so that the assessment base is more final (more appeals are settled) by the time the township sets the tax rate.

For additional information, contact the Middletown Tax Assessor’s office at 732-615-2089.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The assessments appear to fling sh#t at a wall and see how much of it sticks !

The value of land is off the wall.....greater than when the revaluation or reassessment was done and real estate values have not returned to those values in today's economic climate. The recession is not over !!

Someone is having delusions !!!!

The tax base is eroded by the recession and the hurricane and this is an effort to increase that base.