Help us STOP layoffs and budget cuts at Brookdale Community College
210 Layoffs
Facing steep cuts to Brookdale's 2015 budget, the Brookdale Board of Trustees recently recommended the elimination of 210 faculty and staff positions.-
$6 Million
Monmouth County government has cut 23% of its funding, or $6 million, to Brookdale Community College in just 3 years. This does not include the additional $1.5 million that is expected to be cut out of 2015's funding.-
12% Drop in 3 Years
Brookdale has seen a sharp decline in enrollment, to the tune of 12% in just 3 years. The lack of faculty and services is expected to drive this number further.
A petition, really? Do the research 61 million dollars in construction related debt. Ms Burry was on the Board of School Estimates, she consigned the debt. Now she says the College must find ways to handle its finances. The expectation was that the County would provide yearly funding to eliminate the debt. Politicians got contributions, contributors got construction related contracts and former community college President got raises plus country club membership as a part of the deal, so the construction related debt payment increases every year, the County must pay since past and present members of the Board of Freeholders signed off on the debt. A ethic complaint and a lawsuit would be more effective than a petition. Just add this to Birdsall' s pay-to-play legal matters. Operation Bid Rig continued.
good news.....
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