Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Chapel Hill Neighborhood Group Announces Formation Of "The Middletown Smart Growth Bloc"

Who we are:

In 2014, amidst the controversy of the proposed development of a private, all-girls’ high school on Chapel Hill Road, concerned residents formed a community group to promote informed and conscientious land use, The Chapel Hill Neighborhood Group.

Exasperated by a lack of concern in Town Hall, that group evolved into a “bloc” of voters; the Middletown Smart Growth Bloc (MSGB). We will vote as one for the candidate(s) who will promote smart land use, protect our natural resources, and preserve our quality of life.

The Bloc will extend well beyond the boundaries of Chapel Hill, reaching out to our neighborhoods experiencing “development crises,” our environmental advocates, as well as other concerned citizens.
We are a non-partisan group and, as such, are extending an invitation to all candidates to contact us. We will give any interested candidate a platform to discuss their vision of “Smart Growth.”

What we do:

Prior to the election we will back the candidate or candidates that best reflect The MSGB Mission:

• To Protect our environment and quality of life
• To Save wetlands, woodlands and natural habitats for local wildlife
• To Preserve rural and historic corridors
• To Increase Open Space Funding and allocate it to best serve the above goals

How to reach us:

Reach us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/blocthevote Or Email us at: middletownsmartgrowth@gmail.com


The Chapel Hill Neighborhood Group


Anonymous said...

smart growth ergo, 'not in my backyard but A-OK if in some other backyard'

Anonymous said...

So this group, then, is going to be Anti-COAH requirements?

Anonymous said...


Margie R. said...

Ahhh, the Anonymous Family...really, just a swell bunch. To the one born at 7:56, the reply is "no", and to the family member born at 10:48, the reply is also, "no"--and if you are looking for a group that is anti-COAH you have no further to look than the group of your current elected officials on the Township Committee.

Anonymous said...

This liberal, socialist BS is going to ruin this country!

"Smart Growth" is just another name for communism!

Keep the property owners, the job creators, from developing their land to its fullest potential and the economy will be even worse than it is now.

Thank God these pinkos aren't in control of THIS town...

Anonymous said...


Your 'no' comment is not validated by the group's facebook page but nice try. How many, 'other side of town' comments are there? Face it, Chapel Hill doesn't want this because it's in their backyard but you better believe if it were someone else's backyard you'd guys be A-OK with that.

By the way, that facebook page has become the butt of tremendous laughter around town. Since when did these committees have salaries? Since when does water not collect with heavy and sustained rain in a short period time even in current locations of schools? Since when does a wooden owl deserve protection? Oh I could go on but don't think for one minute if this was in someone else's backyard you'd give 2 $hits.

Margie R. said...

To the Anonymous sibling born at 9:45-oh really? What job creation do you see going on now? Have you noticed all the stores empty on Highway 35? Have you seen the condition of the streets since the winter? Hey, you can get a job as a pizza deliverer, but WOW there's no industry left here! AT&T is not hiring! And if you think building a 24/7 liquid natural gas station is growth, you're a fool. Just wait til there are 20-30 trucks in your way on 35 every day, including weekends. Where do you think the open spaces for parks and recreation come from? The air? Or maybe you don't see that as good land use? Define "fullest potential" for me will you? Is that a whole bunch of empty strip malls on top of the ones we have? Hey, guess what, you can build it, but no one's coming.

Anonymous said...

agree with 7:56

"smart growth ergo, 'not in my backyard but A-OK if in some other backyard' "

This group has become a joke and the butt of numerous jokes around town.

Anonymous said...

maybe it should be built on Sea Gull Lane where the "smart growth" Czar lives.

Margie R. said...

To the Anonymous Family Member born at 10:17 PM --isn't nice to address me by name? And yours is? This is quickly becoming like dealing with George Foreman's sons.

"Other side of town" comments? Huh? Wooden owls? Really? That's not on that fb page. But it is from another posting on a completely different website. Hmmm--maybe, for something you seem to say you dismiss so easily, you are paying a whole hell of a lot more attention to than you want to admit.
And if misinformation is something you find hilarious, then you must be ecstatic keeping your head in the vat of crap you are currently in, being governed by people who have no clue what is in your best interest, and being totally uninvolved in anything going on in this town. Oh, other than what is, literally, in your own backyard. Let me guess, you think getting out and about is putting your garbage to the curb, and being aware of your local government and where your taxes go is knowing what recycling zone you're in.