Tuesday, May 6, 2014

April 21, 2014 Township Committee Meeting: Voter ID Coming To Middletown?

Here is a link to the video from the April 21th MIddletown Township Committee. I meant to post this last week or sometime over this past weekend but I just couldn't get around to it. Now it seems that there is an issue with Youtube and I can't get the embedding code. If it becomes available later I'll insert the video into this post.

Another reason why I wanted to post the video earlier is the fact that last night the Middletown Township Committee held it's monthly workshop meeting and I like to have the last video posted before the next scheduled meeting of the committee.  I'll post though as soon as it is available.

Anyway during this meeting a public hearing was held on the 2014 municipal budget and there was some discussion on a resolution supporting photo ID requirements for all registered voters, which I don't happen to agree with.

Voter ID is a nothing more than a ploy to disenfranchise millions of voters by the GOP. Voter fraud is not widespread and is not prevalent. Between 2000 and 2010 there were 649 million votes cast in general elections and 13 cases of in-person voter impersonation.Voter ID laws make it harder for poor people, students and the elderly to vote, they are less likely to have a valid form of state issued ID and are more likely to be "purged" from voting registers if they haven't recently voted.

Also, if you look at the Resolution 14-136 it references a 2007 case of election fraud in Essex County which was committed by campaign workers who filed fraudulent Vote by Mail forms on behalf of individuals without their permission and nonexistent voters. It doesn't reference one single case of in person voter fraud ever happening in Middletown or the state for that matter.

Now don't get me wrong, I do think voter fraud is wrong and those committing it should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law when caught but it isn't the problem that the Republican and Fox News watchers think it is. It is not prevalent or widespread and is virtually nonexistent at the polls, where the proponents of voter ID want to stop people from voting.

As always, you can download a copy of the Meeting Agenda that contains the discussion items and the proposed resolutions and ordinances that were voted on or presented during the meeting. A box around an item is a link, bringing you further into the document to that resolution or ordinance. At the end of the resolution there will be a link bringing you back to the agenda. Attached to this agenda is also the monthly bill list, so that everyone can see how the Township is spending our tax dollars.


Anonymous said...

On Saturday,May 1st, the Star Ledger's editorial. The Voter Fraud Bogeyman" is an excellent look into this voter fraud crap promoted by Republicans around this country and in Middletown in particular recently.

The petty little dictators got rid of the Human Rights Commission in retaliation against Carolyn and John Schwebel and now it's onto voter suppression against a non existent voter fraud claim.

The Independent of April 24,2014 contained an article about the upcoming election for the TC in which Sharfenberger made statements about cheating and voter ID fraud. What a hypocritical statement!

Maybe the voters in Middletown should recall the AP Press editorial "Tongue Tied for a Reason" about that man's integrity challenged shenanigans after he got a political appointment to the Christie administration while running for re-election to the TC!

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones !!!

The ignorance and intolerance of this crop of politicians on the TC is astounding. They show no respect for anyone . Someone should remind them this is still the United States of America where there are laws to be respected and obeyed!

The residents of Middletown should recognize for what it is, this voter fraud nonsense as just another caper by a local government that treads without compunction on the rights of the citizens they represent.

Anonymous said...

We have IDs for everything but the most basic tenet of being a citizen which is voting. Getting an ID does not disenfranchise millions of voters, what an absurd claim. I want my vote to be my vote and have no problem showing ID.

Funny how these same 'disenfranchised' voters have no issue getting an ID to get gov't cheese, drivers licenses, boarding planes or the myriad of other required actions. I applaud this move to protect MY VOTE.

Anonymous said...


That's a CROCK OF ----!!

Local laws must comply with federal laws and the U.S. Supreme Court has STRUCK DOWN many of these rulings recently !!!

Just a waste of taxpayer dollars to ignorant lawyers who should know better !!

Anonymous said...

What will these nutty punks think of next?

Anonymous said...

How would a voter ID requirement be enforced for people who vote by mail??

Linda Baum said...

I think that lead time is key were an ID requirement -- especially a photo ID requirement -- to be implemented. It is appropriate to give people time to learn about a new law and to comply with it. In recent years, I recall at least one state that tried to implement such a rule just ahead of an election, and a court disallowed it. I also recall a proposed requirement (not sure if it got approved) in a southern state that was so specific that most college photo IDs would not have qualified as valid voter ID. So the details of an ID law matter a whole lot, and lead time is very important. Else many many people who are eligible to vote will find they can't, and we will have created a much bigger problem than the small one that all of this was intended to fix.

Anonymous said...


We need you at school board meetings. We need you to help the PTA and PTO members now more than ever. You should get transcripts and the tapes from the last budget meeting and listen.

Please Linda, help us out

Anonymous said...

News Flash from Senator Rand Paul Republican from Kentucky and possible 2016 candidate for POTUS:

Republicans are going "crazy" about Voter ID endeavors and they are OFFENDING the electorate !

HOW TRUE and maybe these nuts will pay attention to one of their own. Former GOP chairman,Michael Steele, agrees with Rand Paul.

Is it possible a few republicans are smart enough to see the reality of this nuttiness and it's violation of people's constitutional rights!

Hey Middletown TC....TAKE NOTICE!!!!