Monday, April 7, 2014

Time Banking Presentation at Monmouth U. on Tuesday, 4/8

The following info was sent to me by Ashley Lobbato. I’m passing it along because I think folks might be interested in learning more about this really cool initiative. ~Linda Baum

When and where:
Tuesday, April 8, 2:30 - 3:45 pm
Monmouth University
Anacon Hall A & B (2nd floor of student center)

On April 8th, Ashley Lobbato of MonmouthCares will lead a presentation on time banking at Monmouth University starting at 2:30 PM in Anacon Hall (2nd floor of student center). The time banking presentation is part of a week-long Global Understanding Convention that is free and open to the public. Feel free to invite friends, family, and coworkers.

This a great opportunity to hear more about this innovative program that Ms. Lobbato and the staff at MonmouthCares are working toward implementing in Monmouth County.

Time banking is the alternative currency that uses time instead of money to afford services. In an economy that is struggling, everyone has an asset and something to give. This unique way of co-production and thinking fosters a network of sustainable resources that everyone can access regardless of socioeconomic status. The reciprocal service exchange where a person “banks” their time earned doing something for someone else and in turn can “cash in” their time credits for something they need/want is the tax-free way to regain control of our lives and our future.

Here is a link to the full convention program guide:


Anonymous said...

Not so sure this is a "tax-free" way to do things:

Linda Baum said...

Time banking is not barter per IRS rules. Services performed by those in a time bank network are not taxed today, which is not to say they never will be. Come to the presentation and learn more.