Wednesday, July 10, 2013

APP: Judge's email ruling abets petty politics

In today's editorial section of the Asbury Park Press, the APP has chimed in on the petty politics that passes as governing these days in Middletown.

But before getting to the opinion piece, here's a little background info of my own to fill you in:

Middletown's former mayor, current Township Committeeman Tony Fiore, prior to having himself appointed to the Middletown Library's Board of Trustees last month, requested the township clerk to file a "blanket" OPRA request for 18 months worth of correspondences (both private and public) between library advocates Linda Baum and Melanie Elminger and library director Susan O'Neal. He was seeking information as to how members of the public could have "confidential" library information before that information was made "public" during library board meetings.

In response to this blanket email Ms. Baum, who is a candidate for Township Committee and a frequent contributor here, filed a temporary restraining order lawsuit against Fiore's request, seeking the "right of review" of any emails released to ensure that proper care was given while redacting personal information.

Last week Judge Larry Lawson denied her request stating that the emails in question were of public nature and therefore should be released without review of Ms. Baum, entrusting library board attorney Armen McOmber to properly redact information that was private in nature.

In the days since the release of the emails, Ms. Baum's privacy concerns have been validated. Mr. McOmber was not diligent in complying with the law by making appropriate redactions before the release of the emails. He failed to redact person information such as Ms. Baum's phone number and personal work products.

This clear failure demonstrates why a person with a privacy interest should have a legal right of review and why Ms. Baum's suit was not frivolous in nature.

Now here is what the APP had to say:

You expect local politicians now and then to engage in childish antics. What you don’t expect is for a judge to encourage such behavior. 
But that’s what happened last week when Superior Court Judge Lawrence Lawson ruled that emails between Middletown Library Director Susan O’Neal and Township Committee candidate Linda Baum are public records and should be released. 
Lawson should have refused the request, given the absence of any real public interest.
Middletown Committeeman Anthony Fiore turned to the courts to seek release of the emails and other written correspondence, including those regarding library business sent from O’Neal’s personal account, after he suspected library staff was giving information to the public before the library trustees were aware of it, in order to create “political theater.”
The emails may have been poor form on the part of Baum and O’Neal, but hardly an act so egregious that the court should get involved. There is no hint of illegality in the emails Fiore was seeking, and he seemed less motivated by principle than by politics. 
Fiore insisted, however, that his request was made in the public interest: “To me, (the emails were) undermining the board’s position, even though it didn’t have an opinion at the time,” he said. 
Really? How can an opinion be undermined before an opinion is even proffered?
Judge Lawson should have kept out of it. 
Baum said through her lawyer that she would not appeal. That’s good news. Somebody has to be the grown-up.


Anonymous said...

Except for the fact that they got the facts wrong. Check the correction in today's paper.

Anonymous said...

there''s an elephant in the room. Someone should put in an OPRA request to the Township for the email Fiore sent on May 14 2013, to every library trustee, committee member, attorneys and even Tony Mercantante, the morning after he got himself appointed to the library board and moved Rob Cordiano over to fill Mike Convery's seat. Also Cordiano's response to all. You will see this is an accusation and trial all bundled into one.

Anonymous said...

there''s an elephant in the room. Someone should put in an OPRA request to the Township for the email Fiore sent on May 14 2013, to every library trustee, committee member, attorneys and even Tony Mercantante, the morning after he got himself appointed to the library board and moved Rob Cordiano over to fill Mike Convery's seat. Also Cordiano's response to all. You will see this is an accusation and trial all bundled into one.

Anonymous said...

You mean the one where Mr.Fiore says:

"I want to once again assure you that the Township Committee and Administration is fully committed to working with you to keep our library system the gem of Monmouth County."

I bet that is the email your talking about, right? Or does that sentence not fit your agenda?

Put the wedge and hammer away, it's not working!

Anonymous said...

No, Anonymous..I think it's the discrepency in Mr. Fiore's public speech to the press in saying that he is "fully committed to working with you (who?) to keep our library system the gem of Monmouth County" and his actions in attacking the Director of Library (Susan Oneal and the prior board--who does he think built such a gem?), and "political theater" in petitioning Ms. Oneal for her private emails to a citizen requesting information. What is his end game, I wonder? Read below, if you haven't been paying attention...

lonnie hunter July 13, 2013 at 11:08 am (from the Middletown Patch comments section)

Wow..Tony, this would almost be funny if it wasn't so sad..
Coming from one of the most secretive Town Councils in the State of NJ! It would be interesting to subpoena some of your emails Mr. Fiore. Then maybe we'd find out how long you had plans to takeover the Library branches to move the township employees out of Croydon Hall to the Bayshore Library so you could have your Administrative friend from Trinity School move in, and also could move the Crossroads drug counselling center to the Lincroft branch. Was that years in the making, and the whole pretense to "not having enough money to keep the branches open" political theater on the TC's part, Tony? Or is it because of some personal vendetta that you harbor against the Library and it's Director Ms. Oneal because you and your henchman, Councilman Settenbrino, did not get the 1.2 million of Capital Reserve funds that you sought from the library initially, but only received 500 thousand? By the way, where is that expanded parking lot that you promised to the library when you took the money and said that you had no ill will or plans to disolve the library? Is the 320 thousand that you obsconded with this year from the library for suspicious "past fees that were not paid by the library", part of that vendetta as well? One more money grab next year and you'll be at your magic figure of 1.2 million. What a coincidence. It's no wonder that the library couldn't keep the branches open with you taking need monies from it. But, how will we know if you don't release the emails. Hell, you're the only township that I can think of that won't televise their TC meetings on the local cable access channel. Why is that? Is there something that you don't want the public to know about your dealings. You seem to want transparency when it suits your allegations and innuendo, but you do not want the same standards applied to you and your cohorts. I can understand how you would think that the sharing of information between Ms. Baum and Ms. Oneal was "political theater" as you seem to suffer from some kind of Nixonian paranoia, but I can assure you that it is something else--its a little thing called "Democracy", which is why you didn't recognize it, I guess. But then again, the public will never know Tony, unless you "release the emails"

Unaffiliated and Disgusted said...

The carpetbaggers of the Middletown TC are nothing but thugs,self serving thugs, hell bent on destroying a fine library system in the name of politics. Don't understand what they claim to gain but money is usually the reason for such bizarre conduct.

The time has come for the citizens of Middletown to "stop bitching and start a revolution" ! Show these AH"s the door!

Our library system would be far better off under the Monmouth County System and then the thugs would have to look elsewhere for money for their shenanigans.

All five of the clowns on the TC have nobody they give a damn about except themselves and party politics and power. When the people finally wake up to that fact (hopefully before anything more is destroyed, disbanded, or ruined) then they will decide that bipartisan government is more democratic and desirable and effective because it creates checks and balances.

What Middletown needs is a new form of government because what we have today is republican anarchy and we have no one to blame but ourselves !

Anonymous said...

It was only a year ago when the TC was trying to gain control of the library board and conducted an assault on Randall Gabrielan's character. Nothing changes in the sewer that republican politics has become in this town. Same old tactics of character assassination and intimidation......just a new victim.

Anonymous said...

All this dirty politics is so sad. To think they are trying to bankrupt the library coffers which in part go to programs that everyone can enjoy for free, especially families, is sickening. Especially, when you realize that there is not one other entity in Middletown, whether it be the Middletown Arts Center, swim Club, Parks and Recreation, Poricy Park, Monmouth County Parks System, that does ANY programming allowing kids/adults/families to go for free. So once again, it's all about the haves versus the have-nots. I hear that they are now trying to get their hands on the library foundation monies which are raised by volunteers to support the LIBRARY. Seems they need it to support the arts center which is a real money pit no matter how beautiful it is and only open for use by those who have the money to pay. How do these politicians sleep at night?

Anonymous said...

It would be great if we could read the e-mails our tc committee and library board members write on their township-issued IPADS. While we're at it, let's check into the health benefits package they receive FOR LIFE after "serving" for 2 years! Meanwhile, they've forced the public servants of Middletown to pay more for their benefits. must be nice, free health benefits and a cushy job at the sewerage authority when you're done with your served term! What a racket but their consciouses are far from clear! Priceless!

MiddletownMike said...

Anon 10:43,

Actually those iPads are public property and anything they contain is subject to OPRA requests. If you wanted to issue a request of your own the township would have to allow you access to the iPads.