Crossroads at Croydon Hall |
Now don't get me wrong, I'm happy to hear that the township has found a new home for Crossroads and the substance abuse services that it provides, but there are a few issues with moving Crossroads that can affect its moving to Lincroft:
1st off, the building in general, needs a lot of work - work that the libray was gearing up to fix before Tony Fiore and his cronies put their fingers into the til and swipped the library's surpluses.
2nd, the interior of the building needs to be remodeld to provide private office space for counselors and other social service workers.
3rd, I'm told that the service contracts of the various counselors are very specific due to state and federal grant money need to fund Crossroads. The counselors can not just move to a new location. The new location needs to be approved by the state before a move could be possible and the counselor's service agreements/contracts need to be amended and approved before they can counsel individuals or families. And what happens with those individuals who are currently performing community service at as a result of drug and alcohol legal offenses, who are currently working at Croydon Hall, helping out at the Senior Center? You just can't change the terms of their court ordered community service
Lincroft Library |
So the questions I have in my mind are as follows:
Who's paying for the building upgrades? The BOE, the Township or Crossroads? What are the legal ramifications of moving Crossroads from Croydon Hall? How will the BOE react if/when school parents start bitching about Crossroads moving in across the street? And what's up with the integrity of School Superintendent Dr. George? He personally assured a number of Library supporters that before anything is done with the Lincroft building the BOE would hold discussions with library advocates and school groups to determine the best possible use of the facility before any decisions about the build were made. Obviously that hasn't happened.
Middletown needs Crossroads and the substance abuse services that the program provides, it should not be moved. It needs to stay where it is. If /when it does move, it has to be done in timely fashion, it can't be rushed to meet Trinity's unrealistic June 30th time frame.
OMG, if "Lincroft" protests this move it will be unbelievable! If your concern is the structure of the building that Crossroads is in, then they should have moved out of the "white house" a long time ago. I guarantee there are more structural problems with that location that anywhere else in town. Also, Crossroads has ALWAY been next to a school (Bayshore & Leonardo). Lincroft has NO leg to stand on here. This is not like the "Methadone" clinic, crossroads handles a limited number of cases a month ... some of which are students in the Middletown School system.
so what you are saying is that it is NOT OK to move Crossroads to Lincroft because it will be across the street from the school, but it can be in Leonardo right NEXT to the elementary and middle school?
Sounds to me like some political pandering to the LVGA.
Wow..that's TWO library branches that the Township is using for their own we have a third, Navesink? They can't their grubby mitts on that building though, since it's owned by the Durea Foundation...Unless Tony the Hood has something else up his sleeve.
Does anyone else find it a REMARKABLE conincidence that the FATE just played a hand in offering up the two library buildings just in time to COINCIDENTLY offer a solution for housing the Township employees, and CrossRoads at the same time..??
Wow, serendipity like that just doesn't happen that often. What a god-send. Tony the hood, must have God on his side to be so lucky, or is the carpetbagger from Secaucus, Mr. Shittenbrino that is so blessed?
Wow, it's a good thing that the Township that money from the Library so they had to close those branches so the low brow TC committee could do God's work..
I also heard a rumor from my sources that Tony the Hood is good friends with the headmaster of Trinity. Let's see your emails, Tony, so we can make sure that there was no graft or kickbacks for you in the deal..otherwise, how would we know if there wasn't any? It's interesting too, that the First Lady of NJ is following Trinity school with great interest. Does this shady deal go all the way up the ladder to Trenton...or does it end at Peter Carton's office?
Anon 11:52
My concern isn't that the Lincroft building needs work, my concern is WHO is going to pay for the upgrades to the building? It seems that we are robbing from Paul only to pay for Peter. Crossroads should stay where it is.
Anon 5:22,
My comment geared towards irony. Why is it OK to move Crossroads across from the Lincroft Elementary School but not all right to leave it at Croydon Hall? The answer is money!
Also there is a difference in my mind about having Crossroads located at Croydon Hall near, not next to, Bayshore and Leonardo schools. The difference being that Crossroads is now part of a "complex" and is rather discreet from the street you wouldn't know it was there unless you were told. Lincroft on the other hand is right there, in your face.
There are issues with moving Crossroads, relocating it to Lincroft is a minor one IMO, but one that some in Lincroft wouldn't be happy about.
Anon 6:08,
The world may never know...
The republicans in Middletown,some in the county,some in the state house in Trenton and most in Washington,D.C.all seem to share a common denominator, a serious need for mental health or psychiatric evaluation.
They all act NUTS ! Not a shred of common sense and certainly no sign of ethics or morality.
Looks like politics has become a debilitating disease ,afflicting most of these characters.
OMG, “Lincroft.” Unbelievable!
Can you imagine objecting to an industrial-strength sports complex shoe-horned into a quiet residential neighborhood? Who could object to Walmart-parking-lot-like, 75 foot tall light towers beaming into your windows, or a Used Car Lot quality public address system calling out the offerings of a concession stand late into your Fall evenings?
Can you imagine objecting to a hyper-dense, urban housing development plopped into a community zoned for half-acre to acre to two acre homes?
Lincroft. Brie eaters. Lexus drivers. Yeah, probably eat Brie while they drive Lexuses. Yeah, and listen to NPR. Eat Brie while they drive Lexuses while listening to NPR.
I could go on, but I need to sharpen my crayon.
Interesting in my neighborhood of Lincroft there isn't a single Lexus. Our cars are 8 and 10 years old. Guess my house didn't come with a money tree. Perfect location for a sports complex is the Bamm Hollow Development site since the infrastructure is just being created. Town has no planning sense when it comes to these things locations previously in Lincroft made no sense West Front St park has insufficient parking.
We eat white American cheese here.
Anon 9:00
Comment is genius (although sarcasm was lost on Anon 7:45). I live in Lincroft. It seems many commenting have a skewed image of what kind of people are actually living here now. It appears some would like to use that image as a reverse NIMBY argument mainly because it's easier than having an educated civil discussion about possible solutions.
Our autos are American made and over 16 and 17 years old. Well kept,run great and furthermore not willing to pay 7% in state sales tax to support CC and his nonsense.
The cheeses of choice here are Swiss and Cheddar....OMG, guess we don't fit into Anon 9 p.m. stereo type of Lincroft residents.
Come on lunatic , get real,quality of life issues are REAL and these jerks that serve on this TC are a disgrace. Could not plan a pipe in a drain if they tried and excuses are their specialty.
KICK THEIR A--ES at the polls because neither of the republicans have any common sense. The truth has forever evaded these two !
Your uninformed positions are very interesting to read about.
Bringing up the methadone clinic just shows how uneducated you are about the necessity and help that provides the community. The people that go there, go on their own free will and PAY to go, insurance does NOT cover the cost. So when you want to snub out this place, you are effectively saying in my opinion, that you want them to move out of town. Where would be the perfect place for this? Cause there probably is none in your perfect world...
Personally I would rather see the old Lincroft library branch used for something good than another law office or something...
Crossroads helps the people of Middletown, our people, remember your talking about OUR friends, family and neighbors. When you put faces and names to the story, I think your claims and fears fall apart quickly.
And why is it that every chance you get, you bash Lincroft???
Also there is a difference in my mind about having Crossroads located at Croydon Hall near, not next to, Bayshore and Leonardo schools. The difference being that Crossroads is now part of a "complex" and is rather discreet from the street you wouldn't know it was there unless you were told. Lincroft on the other hand is right there, in your face.
So what, why is it that people are afraid to put services in Lincroft?. Oh is it the NIMBY syndrome because it would haldp substabce abusers?. Is Lincroft free of substance abusers?. Is it because substabnce abusers are considered lower class?. To bad Lincroft should get crossroads. While we are at it let's put a homeless shelter there as well. Typical upper class scum with NIMBY fever.
There are issues with moving Crossroads, relocating it to Lincroft is a minor one IMO, but one that some in Lincroft wouldn't be happy about.
That is something the residents of Lincroft should get over. Just because they have a higher income does not mean they could not use a substance abuse system in that part of Middletown. I bet there are a lot of substance abusers there that can use the service.
Anon 10:40,
You really need to know what you're bitching about before posting comments.
Did I not state in the previous post that their was a drug issue in Middletown and the Methadone Clinic is proof of that? I believe I did and I don't see where I disparaged the clinic at all or said it didn't belong.
And I agree, Crossroads does help people. That's why it shouldn't be moved just to place a few shekels in the coffers of the Township satisfy a few individuals that will use the Croydon Hall complex for only 1 school year.
Also by stating that the obvious, that some in Lincroft wouldn't be happy knowing that Crossroads was moving in across from where their children go to school, isn't bashing Lincroft. It's the truth. I know a number of parents that wouldn't be happy if Crossroads moved next to where their kids go to school either. It's a sad reality but it is reality all the same.
Crossroads is a great program. It should stay where it is.
The numb skulls on the TC are not known for intelligent decisions....only questionable political ones that pad the town coffers....maybe and for how long ?
Then what ??
Mike --
I love how you talk out of both sides of your mouth.
On the one hand you decry the lease with Trinity School because - in your mind - it about "a few shekels..."
But then you say that Crossroads shouldn't be moved to the Lincroft school building because the town is going to have to pay money to renovate the building!
Follow me here and see where we are after the Trinity lease is up: The town reoccupies Croydon Hall which has been renovated and modernized by Trinity AND they have a newly renovated facility at the Lincroft school. Sounds like a "win - win" to me!
Anon 8:49,
Oh really? Talking out of both side of my mouth am I ? I don't believe so. First of all you should know what you're talking about since you seem to have all the answers.
The Lincroft building needs to be renovated; Are you telling me that the Township will be picking up this cost? With what money? Money that the town gets back from the Trinity lease? Please tell us!
Also, since when did Trinity agree to renovate/remodel the building that Crossroads uses? Oh that's right, Trinity isn't putting money into the "White House" they are going to put as little money as necessary into renovating the old school building that used to house the Parks & Recreation department.
Not much of a win-win if you ask me, just money redistributed and wasted.
You will find foul in anything this town does. You should have done yourself a favor and moved out BEFORE the market collapsed. I really think that even if they did exactly what you would suggest to do, it would still be wrong. The poster before was right, you do talk out of both sides of your mouth. Your just too stubborn to realize it. And you never will, cause that is just the type of person you are. Can't hold a civil conversation with anyone who doesn't align with you politically.
It really is SAD
Anon 11:26,
It's a lot easier to hold a civil conversation with someone when you know who you are talking to! next time you leave a comment how about signing your name to it?
If you haven't noticed I post every comment that makes it through the spam filter. I don't censor or delete anyone's thoughts whether I disagree with them or not.
Now, can you answer my questions that I posed to the previous anonymous commenter? If so I'd like to read them and have a civil conversation with you.
Hey posters @ 11:26p.m. & 11:18 p.m. ( probably the same person)...
Believe this is Mike'es blog and if you don't agree with his perspective go shoot your mouth off on MMM where the politics concur with your own.
You can't post on Red Bank Green anymore or the APP because you have to put your name to what you write.
All those names you have used are now USELESS !!
BTW, Mike is very fair but does not agree with you apparently. TOO BAD !!
Mike, You say it is in a complex located next to the schools. That is true BUT it is also in the same complex where both of these schools use as a place of refuge in event of an emergency. Like you said nobody even knows it is there WHY?? Because they are good neighbors , they do not allow loitering, I say move them wherever they can the building itself is a DEATHTRAP.
I think you can see that this is the normal modus operandi used by the TC. They will move the drug program to satisfy the whims of the private school run by their buddies, then ask YOU what your issue is since there really is no reason it can't be close to those "other" school children.
If the township had no issue with it being near bayshore schools because it has a record of safety, why not tell their Trinity buddies that?
What evidence does Trinity and the TC have that the drug program is safe when it's around public school children, but not when it's near the private school children?
Anon 1:40,
The point isn't whether or not Crossroads should be moved because of the conditions at Croydon Hall, everyone know that the "white house" has needed repairs for a long time, Crossroads probably should move. The point is that Crossroads is being "kicked out" from Croydon Hall to make room so that 30 girls can learn the 3R's in the "catholic" tradition, with no appropriate place to move.
If the Township is going to spend money renovating the Lincroft library so that Crossroads can temporarily move there, why not spend the money and renovate Croydon Hall?
I keep hearing how Trinity is a win-win for the Township, I don't necessarily see it that way since the lease agreement hasn't been finalized yet. All we know is that Trinity will pay the township $285K for a 30 month lease ($9,500 month and below market rate) along with a promise to renovate the the school building (old P&R department building). There is no specified amount as to how much Trinity has to spend to renovate, so the town many not get what it is hoping it will. I suspect that Trinity will spend as little as possible renovating the building.
Also if Crossroads did have to move due to the condition of the building it occupies, it would an orderly and controlled move that would have been planned out over a number of months not a number of week as is currently happening.
Anon 3:58,
Good point and well said.
anonymous troll
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