Thursday, June 20, 2013


LONG BRANCH - Following the New Jersey Supreme Court’s refusal to hear a challenge to Governor Christie’s decision to move the special election for United States Senator to October, Congressman Frank Pallone released the following statement:

“The Supreme Court’s refusal today to even hear a challenge to the Governor’s decision to move the special election to October is simply astounding. The waste associated with Governor Christie’s political maneuver that will be taxed upon New Jerseyeans is significant. The Governor’s aggressively partisan decision reeks of the same voter suppression tactics employed by Tea Party Republicans across the country and is the type of action I have spent my entire career fighting. In a democracy, we should all be striving to increase voter participation and civic engagement. Like many in New Jersey, I had hoped the Supreme Court would at least allow a fair and just hearing on this matter which clearly holds great import for people across the state. Their decision to not even provide the opportunity to be heard is unfortunate, and a disservice to New Jersey’s voters."

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