Tuesday, June 25, 2013


New Jersey’s Democratic voters deserve the opportunity to hear directly from the candidates

LONG BRANCH - Citing the widely acknowledged positive impact “The People’s Pledge” had on the tone and tenor of the 2012 Massachusetts United States Senate race between Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren, Congressman Frank Pallone today called on his opponents to join him in signing a similar pledge for this year’s campaign for the special Democratic Primary for U.S. Senate. The Pallone for Senate campaign sent the pledge to Newark Mayor Cory Booker, Congressman Rush Holt and Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver and Congressman Pallone released the following statement:

“’The People’s Pledge’ had a tremendous impact on the Massachusetts Senate race in that it allowed for voters to hear directly from the candidates, as opposed to outside special interests and anonymously funded PAC’s. The Supreme Court made a terrible ruling in the Citizens United decision that opened the floodgates to special interests dominating elections without even having to disclose their donors. The true test of whether someone is a reformer is if they're willing to take personal responsibility and make a personal sacrifice.

In signing this pledge, it is my hope that the other three Democratic candidates in the special election will also decide that it is in the best interests of New Jerseyans to bar special interest third party interference in the campaign in all forms - television ads, radio ads, web ads, field programs and direct mail. The expedited time frame of this election makes this even more critical. With just over 7 weeks left before Election Day, voters should not be forced to sift through a bombardment of outside promotions and attacks. This campaign must be an opportunity for the candidates to engage in debates, talk about their records, and share their visions for our great state. With issues like immigration reform, gun safety, job creation, a minimum wage increase, marriage equality, climate change and school reform all looming, New Jersey’s Democratic voters deserve the opportunity to hear directly from the candidates. Cory Booker, Rush Holt and Sheila Oliver should immediately sign this pledge to ensure that is exactly what occurs.”

Following is a link to an article detailing the Pledge’s value, and below is the pledge which was sent to the other three Democratic candidates.


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The People’s Pledge

Because outside third party organizations – including but not limited to individuals, corporations, 527 organizations, 501c organization, SuperPAC’s, and national and state party committees – may make independent expenditures and issue advertisements either supporting or attacking Congressman Frank Pallone, Congressman Rush Holt, Assemblywoman Sheila Oliver and Mayor Cory Booker (individually the “Candidate” and collectively the “Candidates”); and

Because these groups function as independent expenditure organizations that are outside the direct control of any of the Candidates; and

Because the Candidates agree that they do not approve of such independent expenditures, and want those expenditures to immediately cease and desist for the duration of the 2013 special primary election cycle; and

Because the Candidates recognize that in order to make New Jersey a national example, and provide the citizens of New Jersey with an election free of third party independent expenditures, they must be willing to include an enforcement mechanism that runs not to the third party organizations but instead to the Candidates’ own campaigns:

The Candidates on behalf of their respective campaigns hereby agree to the following:

In the event that a third party organization makes any independent expenditures including television ads, radio ads, web ads, field programs, and direct mail in support of a named, referenced (including by title) or otherwise identified Candidate, that Candidate’s campaigns shall, within three (3) days of discovery of the expenditure total cost, duration, and source, pay 50% of the cost of that expenditure to a charity of the opposing Candidates’ choice.

In the event that a third party organization makes any independent expenditure including television ads, radio ads, web ads, field programs, and direct mail in opposition to a named, referenced (including by title) or otherwise identified Candidate, the opposing Candidate’s campaign shall, within three (3) days of discovery of the expenditure’s total cost, duration, and source, pay 50% of the cost of that expenditure to a charity, of the opposed Candidate’s choice.

In the event that a third party organization makes any independent expenditure including television ads, radio ads, web ads, field programs, and direct mail that promotes or supports a named, referenced (including by title) or otherwise identified Candidate, that Candidate’s campaign shall, within three (3) days of discovery of the expenditure’s total cost, duration, and source, pay 50% of the cost of that expenditure buy to a charity of the opposing Candidate’s choice.

In the event that a third party organization makes any independent expenditure including television ads, radio ads, web ads, field programs, and direct mail that attacks or opposes a named, referenced (including by title) or otherwise identified Candidate, the opposing Candidate’s campaign shall, within three (3) days of discovery of the expenditure’s total cost, duration, and source, pay 50% of the cost of that expenditure to a charity of the opposed Candidate’s choice.

The Candidates and their campaigns agree that neither they nor anyone acting on their behalf shall coordinate with any third party on any paid advertising for the duration of the 2013 primary election cycle. In the event that any Candidate or their campaign or anyone acting on their behalf coordinates any paid advertisement with a third party organization that Candidate’s campaign shall pay 50% of the cost of the ad buy to a charity of the opposing Candidates’ choice

The Candidates and their campaigns agree to continue to work together to limit the influence of third party advertisements and to close any loopholes (including coverage of sham ads) that arise in this agreement during the course of the campaign.


_ ____ 6/25/13
Frank Pallone, Jr., Congressman                         Date

Rush Holt, Congressman                                     Date

Sheila Oliver, Assemblywoman                           Date

Cory Booker, Mayor                                            Date

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