Tuesday, June 25, 2013

GasLand II Premires On HBO July 8th & 9th

In 2010, Gasland gave our country a wake-up call. For the first time, our fracked neighbors had a national audience. But three years later, our communities are still fighting for their health in the face of tremendous oil and gas industry influence over our elected officials. So what now?

After the overwhelming response to the release of Gasland, Josh Fox, writer and director of the film, wasted no time getting started on documenting the next chapter of the story. In Gasland Part II, Josh digs deeper into the impacts of fracking, not just on our air, water, climate and health, but on our democracy itself. In advance of the release, Josh has been touring the country, holding grassroots screenings in key areas affected by fracking. The response has been incredibly powerful.

HBO is premiering Gasland Part II on July 8 at 9 p.m. local time. This is the first chance to share this important film with everyone you know, so we can continue fighting back.

Thanks for taking action,

Katy Kiefer
Activist Network Coordinator
Food & Water Watch

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