Wednesday, January 16, 2013


By Randall Gabrielan

The proposed budget of the library is filled with excessive charges by the township that are the root of the library’s current fiscal problems, the consequence of efforts by the township committee to take library funds for their use. I focus on one issue where I have expertise, casualty insurance. The township is charging the library a greatly excessive share of its overall largely self-insured costs using a percentage that is much in excess of the library’s share of the risk. Take workers compensation, an insurance that is easily rated for its standard costs which are essentially relative to the type of employment covered. Office and library workers are rated lower because they generally incur fewer and less severe claims. Police and public works employees take higher rates to recognize their typical and greater incidence of claims. Calculating a standard cost to start the process would produce a much lower figure for the library. Later modifications from overall experience is a legitimate practice.

Liability insurance, probably not by coincidence, was charged the same percentage for a coverage where the library would likely have an even lower share of the total risk. Libraries, which have few accidents and claims, take low rates while a municipalitiy’s liability charges are greater for streets and police operations. Take automobiles for example and compare the library’s two vans with the great number of vehicles elsewhere in the township. The charge to the library is a typical example of the township seeking to take money for itself that belongs to library operations.

Branch closings would produce smaller savings than the township would imagine because higher paid branch employees would after returning to the main library could result in the termination of the lowest ranking employees in their class. However, much of what the township claims about library funding, when not false, is specious. Take the equalized valuations that are the start of library funding. While it is true that when values decline, statutory library funding declines. However, the township can adjust its tax rate, but the library can do nothing about valuations. Thus, the township is taking from the library funds governed by law to subsidize its own budget. The township committee lies by claiming the board previously “overspent,” this their excuse for not having started earlier its raid on library funds. The statutory, property values based appropriation is a minimum for libraries while municipalities that choose to provide adequate support have in the past appropriated more, a practice admittedly in decline in today’s fiscal environment. In addition, had the library retained its surplus, built largely from non-public funds, it would have been able to weather the present fiscal crises. In short, whereas the former board built a great library, with fine support from former township committees, support that was readily and publicly acknowledged, the present township committee seeks to dismantle that library system.

Correspondents to this site, typically anonymous cowards, will attempt to discredit my words in view of my departure from the board over a perceived trifling offense, one buried ambiguously in statute, one that requires a 17 page decision to understand fully, an offense comparable to driving a mile over the speed limit, a book sale practice with minor proceeds that was on-going for over 10 years without objection by the township’s purchasing department. Oddly, they seek to charge for purchasing activities that could be more effectively handled by the library. Well, effectiveness in township operations was never the issue.

Randell Gabrielan is the former president of the Middletown Library Board of Trustees


Anonymous for good reason said...

Many residents of Middletown are aware of the validity of what you say.Mr. Gabrielan.and agree with you. We are also aware of how much today's breed of Middletown republican lacks in integrity and is challenged in their ability to acknowledge their responsibility to the people they were elected to SERVE.

Intimidation and character assassination are the tools of today's Middletown republicans. These last ten or twelve years it has risen to a level of disgrace. Their attacks on your character are classic examples of this conduct.Their attacks on anyone who opposes them are similar character assassinations. Mature debate escapes them or is impossible for them. It's the only way they know !

No intelligent,thinking individual believes their nonsense but until the voters in this town get thoroughly disgusted and repulsed enough to vote for a change in the "conduct as usual", the nonsense will continue.

How much more must we lose before we all wake up to those facts ?

Anonymous said...


An excellent article. The Township is trying to chip away at the Library's budget as if it were their own private slush fund to the ineptitude and malfeasance with which they have run this town into the red. Their phony "charge backs" of the libray, plus their theft of 500k last year, will add up to the 1.2 million that they were originally seeking to cover the mismanagement of their own budget---mismanagem that is, of the tax dollars of Middletown residents.

Why can't we have an audit of the Township? What are they doing with this money...??? Lining their own pockets..?

This corruption has gone on long enough. This attack on the library must be stopped before they end library services in Middletown altogether, or worse yet, putting the award winning Middletown library under the aegis of Monmouth County, and destroying the "jewel of the Township" once and for all.

And if this happens, dear taxpayer, you will be paying one dime less for library services, but your money will be going to the Monmouth County system where they can do what they will, with it. Residents from ALL of Monmouth County would then be able to use our library, and it will never be the same.

I thought these characters at the TC believe in "smaller government"? Well, that is not smaller gov't in my book, to go to a COUNTY system.

Also, it would leave the current funds that fund the Middletown Library in the hands of these crooked politicians, and you know where it will end up?

Right in their personal bank accounts, that is where. There is no oversight.

"Who watches the Watchmen...?"

Legion said...

Mr. Gabriellan -

Rather than belabor the point you are attempting to make about insurance chargebacks, let me just ask you to honestly answer this question: If the Library went it's seperate way from the town for insurance - ALL of it - could it find the same coverage for less than the township charges back?

The answer to that is "no." While worker's compensation might be less, health insurance and general liability insurance would be much,much more, especially after one claim or one very sick employee.

So drop the self righteous indignation and talk about the real issue: the property valuations that set the Library budget have gone down significantly in the past few years and will likely decline even further in 2014.

The Board you headed knew that and yet still continued to spend as if your budget would keep increasing.

I don't care why you left the Board, what matters more is the mess you left behind.

Perhaps that's why you left, huh? Because you can now safely claim that you "built" the Library and someone else is "tearing it down?"

The truth is that you left a ship that was sinking because of your failed leadership!

Anonymous said...

It seems you troll every public forum, Legion to tear down anyone that might disagree with you and your beloved and crooked TC committee and the mindless appointed library board puppets led by the same TC. I think Gov. Christie, another Republican, wh o ripped Mayor Fiore a new one in full view and hearing distance of many township employees and volunteers might have lots to say about the shady back room dealings of the TC. Hopefully, sooner than later, all the corruption that this TC has taken part in will come to light and you and your buddies will be carted off to jail, just like O'Grady. Question is: how do you people sleep at night after taking whatever oath you take when getting into office that specifically states that you work for the TAXPAYERS of Middletown and not for your own benefit? After all, aren't lifetime health benefits and a pension enough for you people that "serve" (what a joke!) a mere 2 years for Middletown? looking forward to the day you're stripped of your alias when they cart you off to jail. I'd sign my own name but I know from experience how vindictive you longtime repubs are.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Mr. Gabrielan, for standing up to these lying thugs in telling the truth! They seem to forget that the supposed onetime $500,000 they wanted was to help out the TC balance its budget is all written down in a legal document and signed by all parties including the mayor, attorneys for both the library and the town for all to see. Once the investigation is done, what will legion and his/her/its ilk say to disclaim it?

Anonymous said...

Legion you are (or all of you legion character participants are) about
trustworthy as snakes.

Legion said...

Anon at 7:31

Can you tell us what you are talking about when you claim that someone, anyone working for Middletown for "two years" gets "lifetime health benefits and a pension?"

Nonsensical statements like that kind of limit our ability to pay any attention to the rest of your blather, you know?

(Psst, I heard that all township employees who are Republican get a pony for thier birthday... LOL)

Anonymous said...

Now this township is again burdened with "Tongue Tied for a Reason" for mayor. Is that the best you can do Legion & Carton & Co? Pickings are really thin in this herd of the integrity challenged.

There is not a qualified leader amongst them.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard the latest in the hair brained proposal to give property tax credits for "shopping in Middletown".

How is this township going to pay for that? Hold up every other taxpayer (those who shop elsewhere) to empty their pockets to make up the difference in needed revenue. There's only one library to steal from.

The idiot who is floating this nonsense tried to impose a sports complex on the Lincroft section of this town a couple of years ago when desperately needing platform material.

God help us. Will we ever be rid of ignorance of the law and incompetence on the TC ?

Anonymous said...

No ponies Legion, just lounge chairs. If they play nice.