Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rep. Pallone on the Passage of the Superstorm Sandy Relief Package

WASHINGTON DC – Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06) today released the following statement following the House passage of a package to provide emergency relief to victims of Superstorm Sandy. Rep. Pallone’s New Jersey district includes a large stretch of the Shore and was badly impacted by the storm:

“This relief package could not come soon enough. Today marks 78 days since Superstorm Sandy struck and devastated our homes, businesses and communities. The Senate passed a relief package, but sadly the House Republican leadership chose to prolong the process and thus the rebuilding efforts in affected communities. I am grateful that towns in my district that are strapped for funds will finally receive federal aid that will enable them to recover and rebuild from the historic storm.

“House passage of this package means we are one step closer to families returning home and businesses rebuilding so they can once again contribute to our economy. It also means our communities will receive flood protection so a similar storm won’t produce similar destruction. I look forward to swift action in the Senate so we may move towards building a stronger New Jersey.”

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