Monday, January 14, 2013

Barbara Buono To Receive Monmouth Dems Endorsement

Thursday night the Monmouth County Democrats will be hosting a 2013 New Years Party which will be  Co-Hosted by the Monmouth-Ocean AFL-CIO Central Labor Council at the IBEW 400 Labor Hall in Wall Township.

According to several reports this evening appearing in the Huffington Post, and PolitickerNJ, Monmouth County Democratic Chairman, Vin Gopal will be using this venue to give his and the Monmouth County Democratic Party's official endorsement to state Senator Barbara Buono and her candidacy to become the next governor of New Jersey.

Buono has thus far garnered the support of the Middlesex and Somerset County Democratic Parties and is currently the only declared candidate for governor among Democratic elected officials. This early support behind Buono of the three Democratic County parties, will go a long way in solidify her position as the eventual party standard bearer, who will take on Governor Christie in November.

If other potential candidates, such as former acting governor Dick Cody or NJ Senate President Steve Sweeney, continue to drag their feet declaring whether or not they plan on making a run at Christie this fall, it may be too late and too hard for them to get the support they will need to win June primary.

Speaking of Senator Buono, Monmouth's Chairman Gopal is quoted by's Mark Bonamo as stating,“She is a smart, progressive, independent woman who can really take on [Christie], issue by issue, in this election. She is not a second-tier candidate. She is a first-tier candidate, and the strongest candidate to challenge Governor Christie,” and adds in the Huffington Post piece, "She is a genuine progressive, she connects with middle class voters... She is not a second-tier candidate, she is a first-tier candidate. The fact that she is very independent makes her a great candidate."

As I've stated here before, don't underestimate Barbara Buono. She will be a formidable and as the  only woman seeking a governorship in the nation this year thus far, she would have a large backing from various women's organizations from around the country, which could theoretically at least,  pump a considerable amount of money her way.

I think she's terrific and she will have my backing (for whatever it's worth)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who cares...

Christie 2013- All the way!!!