Friday, January 18, 2013

1-6-13 Township Committee Meeting - Township Reorganization

If you're like most uniformed Middletown residents you have no idea that the Township Committee held it's annual Township Reorganization meeting on Sunday, January 6th. I had intentions of posting earlier about this but waited until the video of the meeting was ready for posting (there were a few technical issues with the video that needed to be ironed out).

As usually the case for these meetings, Town Hall was filled to over capacity with standing room only available for many inside the court house and many more individuals overflowing outside, standing in the lobby.

I got there late and only stayed for a half hour or so because I had other things on my to do list that needed to get done before the weekend was over. I was there long enough however to hear Gerry Scharfenberger and Stephanie Murray be appointed and sworn in as this year's acting mayor and deputy mayor.

They both gave flowery and grandiose acceptance speeches after being sworn in (which you can watch starting at the 23 minute mark of the video). In the case of Scharfenberger, as usual, his tendency to over state matters borders on hypocrisy and dishonesty. It was almost laughable when he ended his nearly 9 minute address when stated that he would like to reaffirm his promise to be "honest" with the resident of Middletown - something that he has never truly been when confronted, but i'll have more on that as the days and weeks go by.

The rest of the meeting dealt with township business, the promotions of members of the Middletown Police Department and the swearing in of new appoints to various boards and commissions and public comments.

Pretty boring stuff.  

Here is the meeting agenda for the business portion of the meeting only, where a number of  ordinances and resolutions were introduced and voted upon.


Anonymous said...

It's fair to say that the screaming child heard during Murray's cliche-ridden speech spoke for the entire township.

Anonymous said...

A gathering of petty two bit politicians staged every year so they can have their ego trip. Inept individuals who march to the Carton drumbeat. How can anyone have any respect for these clumsy,ineffectual clowns ?? Ever notice that town lawyer next to the mayor's seat on the dais always whispering in their ears or answering for them. What a circus.

Reorganization day in Middletown is a waste of precious time !