Friday, December 28, 2012

Help Restore The Dunes - Drop Off Your Old Christmas Tree at Island Beach State Park

The New Jersey Division of Parks & Forestry, State Park Service, has come up with a novel idea on how people can discard their old Christmas trees this year. They are asking residents via their Facebook page, to drop them off at Island Beach State Park, so that they can be used in a pilot program to assess the feasibility of whether or not the discarded trees could be of help building sand dunes and thus beach erosion, similar to the way in which dune fencing is used.

They are asking that Christmas trees be dropped off at Cattus Island on January 13th between the hours of 10 a.m to 2 p.m., so if you'd like to put your old tree to some good use I couldn't think of a better way.

Help Us Restore the Dunes at Island Beach State Park! We are instituting a pilot project to install discarded Christmas trees in several specific locations on the island in order to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of further use in the future. The trees will be placed on their side, end to end and secured in place in a manner similar to dune fencing. Drop off your Christmas tree on January 13th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Cattus Island County Park and help us restore the dunes to protect our communities and natural resources from future storms.

I think this is a great way to help restore the shore after the havoc that was caused by Hurricane Sandy to the shore line and beaches of our State.

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