Friday, December 28, 2012

Atlantic Highlands Herald To Go Dark Within 24 Hours Without Help

It's being reported on their website, the Atlantic Highlands Herald will be shutting down within the next 24 hours unless some help arrives.

It seems that the local online news website has become to successful for its own good. According to an article posted earlier today by the AHH's Publisher Allen Dean, the web traffic to the site has become too large for its server to handle and has recommend the that the AHH move to a much more expensive dedicated server.

Allen Dean writes, "...In order for us to continue to provide services to our readers, as we've done for 12 years, we need to find a new hosting solution. If you know of a hosting company that will donate a server, please let us know..."

It would be a shame if the Atlantic Highlands Herald has to be shutdown due to an issue with it's server. In a world where printed media is disappearing at a rapid rate due to readership decline and the high costs of printing, it would be ironic if a modestly successful online news outlet, that provides local coverage and public interest stories were to shutdown, not because of lack the readership but due to the cost of its web host.

If you think you can help or know of a cheaper web hosting service let Allen Dean know, otherwise if  a cheaper web hosting server is found within the next few hours, the Atlantic Highlands Herald will be shutdown, which I hope will only be a temporary, until a new host server can be found.


You can read more about it... here


Anonymous said...

The Herald is still up and running. Allan has apparently avoided the Server Cliff.

There is a Middletown forum there that is worth checking out and participating in if you have something to add.

The new ice rink and the status of the North football coach are current topics but feel free to start your own.

MiddletownMike said...

Anon 9:23,

Thank you, I'm terrible at follow-ups. I've been keeping track of AHH's situation.

As for the forums, I am also aware of them. I'll read them occasionally but steer clear of adding my two cents due to some of the nonsense that anonymous individuals post.