Sunday, June 3, 2012

Letter: Middletown Planning Board to Hear Proposed Expansion of Middletown’s Islamic Society of Monmouth County Whose Iman Supports Hamas Terrorist Group

My name is Ryan Mauro and I’m the national security analyst for, the flagship website of the Clarion Fund. I am frequently on FOX News Channel and am a resident of Wall Township. 

I am writing you because I recently learned that the imam of Middletown’s Islamic Society of Monmouth County, Reda Shata, is a supporter of the Hamas terrorist group. You can read more about Imam Shata in my article, "The NYPD vs. The Hamas-Supporting 'Moderate.'" The ISMC is currently seeking approval for a large expansion to accommodate its growing membership.

The proposed expansion is on the agenda for the Planning Board hearing on June 6 and I will be coming to inform the officials and audience about this information. The event begins at 7 PM. It is not known where the ISMC falls on the agenda, so other proposals may be discussed before this specific issue is brought up.
The hearing will take place in the court room of the Town Hall building at 1 Kings Highway in Middletown.

I greatly appreciate any coverage you can provide.

Ryan Mauro
National Security Analyst, / Clarion Fund
Follow me on Twitter at


Anonymous said...

Way to bring out the bigots and haters Mike. They have been at the site since the 90's and there have been no problems. The Clarion Fund is run by the like of Frank Gaffney and Daniel Pipes, the same guys that stired up all the hate in Murfreesboro TN. Gaffney even said that the CPAC has come under the influence of the Muslim brotherhood. CPAC for goodness sake.

MiddletownMike said...

Anon 7:26,

I choose to post this letter from Mr. Mauro after careful deliberation, I know that it has the potential to inflame the bigots and haters but I feel that if Mr. Mauro will be addressing the Planning Board about the evils of the Islamic Society and it's Iman than people may want to hear what he has to say and form an opinion for themselves. It should be quite a spectacle.

As you stated, the Middletown Islamic Society has been at its present site since the early 90's and as far as I know has acted as a "good citizen" of Middletown and has never a problem. I personally have no problem with it being here.

If Iman Reda Shata, is a supporter of the Hamas terrorist group as Mr. Mauro suggests than I'm sure that the Department of Homeland Security knows about it and is monitoring his activities, so I have no reason to feel threatened by his presence and neither should others in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I have a memory of a fall afternoon sometime in the mid-2000's where lots of police cars went racing down Kings Highway toward Red Hill Road. The next day the news reported that someone (a janitor?) had been taken hostage by someone at the Islamic Society. Or maybe it a janitor who had a gun? It was something like that. I've googled and can't find anything about it. Does anyone remember this?

MiddletownMike said...

Anon 12:43,

No, I don't remember this incident and I wouldn't use it to try and paint the Islamic Society in a bad light. Things like that happen all the time, all around the world and has nothing to do with any particular group as much as it does with one deranged individual.

Anonymous said...

The very first ammendment to our Constitution expressed in the Bill of Rights for EVERYONE living in the U.S. protects freedom of religion -- the right to worship and express one's faith. We also have a tradition in OUR country that supports innocence over guilt, until proven otherwise. Unfortunately we also have a bigots in this country who also enjoy the right to free speech, which is also protected in the first ammendnent.

Mike posted the letter, he didn't write it.

Anonymous said...

"I am frequently on Fox News Channel"....

That "credential" pretty much destroys any credibility Mr. Mauro could claim.

Anonymous said...

It appears that Mr. Mauro may be a bigot who has anointed himself with a lot of titles and self-proclaimed expertise. He attempts to add credibility and stature by claiming support of Fox News because he has appeared on the show as a guest. The only expertise he appears to have acquired may lie in his practice of bigotry.

Anonymous said...

Have any of Mauro's critics looked into his claims -- or have they simply jumped on the "it must be bigotry" bandwagon? I have not read single reference to his research, which has nothing to do with the outward behavior of folks in and around the mosque.

Betty said...

Islam tenents say it is ok for followers of Mohmand to LIE to the infidels (us). They will smile and shake your hand but they do not have to honor any contracts or agreementsade with any non-muslims.
All you librals are being fooled and when their true nature comes out you will be sorry
In their mosques they are taught how to tear dowm America from inside. A pamphlet given to all misques throughtour the US in 1989 gave the instructions on this