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In the name of open and transparent government, many towns throughout the area televise their township committee meeting, Middletown however does not.
What are Tony Fiore and the Middletown Republican majority trying to hide, why wont they agree to televise Middletown's Township Committee meetings?
It's already been determined that there has been grant money available in the past to do so. It has been said that an informed electorate is a knowledgeable electorate.
Are the Middletown Republicans afraid to televise meeting because they worry about what voters will learn if the channel of their televisions are tuned into a Township Committee meeting? Indifference by some, arrogance by other, a township attorney who speaks instead of letting duly elected officials answer questions and who sneers and snickers at residents who address the Committee, are just a small sample of what residents would learn if they could watch township meetings in the comfort of their homes.
The lousy creatures are afraid the voting public will learn just how dangerous and uncivil they are.
Mr Carton you have really reached the "bottom of the barrel".
There was a time Middletown could be proud of government. That was a long.long time ago!!
That's exactly the problem, we currently don't have open and transparent government.
We have a need to know government.
Our current government only tells us what they feel we need to know.
Even if the meetings could be televised at zero cost, it's not going to happen. They want the tv off and the lights out.
That song.... Let the "sunshine" in
just popped into my head. LOL
There aren't enough people in Town who want to attend most TC meetings to fill a phone booth, let alone enough that want to attend but can't for some reason.
What percentage of towns televise their meetings? Do you think it's more or less than 50%? (I think it is probably closer to 10%)
At a time when the town has to justify every dollar spent under the budget cap, why exactly would we want to spend money unnecessarily so a few members of the DHB could DVR themselves looking foolish at TC meetings?
Most people who work for a living or have family obligations find it difficult to attend these meetings, but that doesn't mean they don't want access to view how decisions are made in their name.
Why not put it to a public question so we don't have to "guess"?
The cost issues have been well discussed on this site- it is not an issue and there are even volunteers to do the filming. I notice volunteering is encouraged for even such delicate matters as helping domestic violence victims so don't tell me this "sensitive" matter can't be assigned to a volunteer.
I don't get it - why would such stellar representatives want to hide their lights under a bushel?
Anon 8:33, volunteering wouldn't work for that, they'd have to be union members paid prevailing wage and full benefits
Anon at 8:33
Seems to me that the issue will be put to a vote on Tuesday...
Oh, and any "grant" money has been spent elsewhere, so yeah, this would require taxpayer dollars.
Do you know what you are? A big pain in the rear with a big mouth and no brains and a know it all attitude. What's your agenda anyway....how low you'll go to kiss the bottoms of the bottom feeding Republicans in this town ?
You' re right it's nonsense, your response that is.
Your assuming that people don't attend the meetings because there is no interest. It may be true in some cases but not all.
And not everyopne who attends the meetings are democrats.
Legion: Sure you're a liberal Dem. Right?? Or is this your Republican personality speaking?
I know there are over 500 signed petitions for televising meetings out there mainly from Shadow Lake and Oak Hill. So don't try and convince me no one will watch. It doesn't matter what you want, it's what the public wants. It will not cost the tax payer a single dime either.
If you're so proud of what the Republicans are doing, you should be promoting televising meetings.
Middletown Democrats running on a platform to spend money. Nickel and diming us already. Typical
Anon 11/7 12:11
Correct. Nickels and dimes. We are talking about a nominal amount of money for an important purpose and for which there are Comcast grant funds available soon. Even so, it's chump change compared to the millions of dollars that all the bad decisions and delays by republicans have cost taxpayers. So give it a rest.
anon 12:11: Typical display of lies and arrogance by the Republicans.
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