11/3/11 -
Burry said, "It's so easy to get emotional and say, 'throw all the bums out.' That's not emotion. That is simply common sense."
Common sense also tells us that Freeholder Burry is not looking out for the best interests of Monmouth County. Until recently the attorney who represented Brookdale was, at the same time, Freeholder Burry's campaign treasurer. It's clear where her allegiance is... mine is to the people of Monmouth County.
I have been promoting term limits for Monmouth County's seven autonomous boards, including Brookdale's Board of Trustees. There are many organizations from churches to Girl Scouts to hospitals that have term limits for their boards. It promotes a healthy turnover and fresh ideas... it is simply common sense!
With the election coming this Tuesday, November 8, I hope you remember this when you go to the polls. Please cast your votes for my running mate, Bill Shea, and me so we can stand up for your needs. We put "People Before Politics"!
Freeholder Amy Mallet
p.s. If you would like to see the editorial click here.
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