Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Statement From Democratic County Chairman Calls For Resignation of Union Beach Mayor

For Immediate Release:

The following is a statement from Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal regarding the recent comments by Union Beach Mayor Paul Smith, as highlighted in today's Asbury Park Press


"Union Beach Mayor Paul Smith's bigoted and blatantly false comments have no place in our political discourse and raise serious questions about his ability to uphold his oath of office. His comments show a complete lack of respect for the people of Monmouth County and for the President of this country. They are beneath the office he holds and undermine our confidence in his ability to fairly represent people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds. For that reason, the Mayor should resign and I urge Republican Party Chairman Shaun Golden and the Republican Freeholder Board to join me in asking Mayor Smith to resign."


Anonymous said...

First tell your Democratic friends to stop stalking peoples facebook pages as a fake person.

That is the only real story here. Your buddy over at jersey shore outsider is using slimy tactics to try to drum up nonsense since the Democrat party is unwanted in Monmouth County.

Vin, you really need to wake up and realize that people care about taxes! Democrats raise them, Republicans lower them... the people have chosen wisely!

Anonymous said...

Republicans have been in control of Monmouth County for decades and our taxes have continuously gone up. So, who is raising our taxes? Republicans!

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:49,

Check the scoreboard!

Republicans are in the lead by far in Monmouth County!

Anonymous said...

Justify your comment that anybody is "unwanted" in Monmouth County regardless of political affiliation.

You are a disgrace, bigoted,audacious excuse for humanity, anon 9:42.

Is there a reasonable, responsible republican today with any common sense or do most stupid, verbose, ignoramus like you think you rule the world ???

Currently the republicans are in the majority in Monmouth County but it was not very long ago when that was not true !!

The bigger they come, the harder they may fall. Politics is fickle, dirty business.