Thursday, March 12, 2015

Pallone Delivers Meals to Senior Citizens in NJ’s 6th District

Participated in 13th Annual March for Meals Campaign

ASBURY PARK, NJ – Today, Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-6) visited Interfaith Neighbors in Asbury Park, NJ to deliver nutritious meals to homebound seniors in New Jersey’s 6th District. Congressman Pallone joined volunteers on one of the organization’s delivery routes as part of the 13th annual March for Meals campaign, when hundreds of local Meals on Wheels programs mobilize their communities in order to build support that will sustain their senior nutrition programs throughout the year.

“Meals on Wheels addresses the very serious issue of hunger in our communities, providing not only food, but also companionship and enabling seniors to live independently in their homes,” said Congressman Pallone. “I applaud all the volunteers who dedicate their efforts to ensuring that the seniors in our community have this critical lifeline available to them. I am glad to join them today and encourage others to give whatever time they have this month, and throughout the year, to support Meals on Wheels programs in their communities.”

In 2012, 5.3 million Americans over the age of 60 were food insecure, which amounts to 9% of all senior citizens. Food insecure seniors sometimes have enough money to purchase food, but were not able to access or prepare food due to lack of transportation, functional limitations, or health problems, making programs like Meals on Wheels a critical lifeline for so many.

Even so, programs that combat hunger and food insecurity have faced significant cuts to their budgets in recent years. Congressman Pallone has repeatedly called for the reversal of these harmful cuts, especially due to their impact on the elderly, infirmed and homebound.

Meals on Wheels, which operates in communities across the country through a network of more than 5,000 independently-run local programs, delivers a nutritious meal, a friendly visit, and a safety check to homebound and socially isolated seniors. The combination of services enables seniors to remain safely and securely in their own homes as they continue to age.

With the help of over 45 religious congregations, Interfaith Neighbors works to meet the basic needs, build community, and increase the self-sufficiency of residents of Monmouth County. The Meals on Wheels program at Interfaith Neighbors provides a well-balanced meal for approximately 3,500 senior citizens in New Jersey annually, totaling 350,000 meals each year.

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