Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Jersey Shore Insider: Monmouth GOP Leaders Display Racist Posts On Social Media; When Will They Learn??

The blog Jersey Shore Insider created quite a stir the other day when it reported on a pair of
Monmouth County GOP members, Union Beach Mayor Paul Smith and Marlboro Board of Education Vice President Victoria Dean, who's husband is Marlboro GOP Municipal Chair Chris Dean, posted rather questionable and to some, offensive racist material to their Facebook pages.

Union Beach's Smith and Marlboro's Dean each had posted and or "liked" racists and offensive anti-President Obama on their Facebook pages; Smith an insulting meme  calling President Obama “A Communist, a Muslim, and an Illegal Alien.” and Dean "who displayed and liked” a post on her Facebook page stating “America isn’t America anymore! It’s run by foreigners including this RAG HEAD PRESIDENT!”, according to the Jersey Shore Insider.

This little story by the Insider has been made even bigger today by the fact that  the Asbury Park Press picked up on it last night and has posted an article dressing it.

In light of the recent Facebook flap created by Stafford Township Mayor John Spodofora, who launched a police probe against a critic who questioned his military service you would think that public officials would be a little more careful about what the post or have others post on their Facebook pages.

This story also brings to mind Middletown's own Facebook controversy that I posted about last September concerning Tony Fiore, who was seeking reelection to the Township Committee. If you remember Fiore had an offensive anti-woman meme posted to his Facebook account on which he "liked' and commented on.

 Fiore tried to deny that the post existed but later admitted it on social media before deleting it and turning his personal Facebook setting to "private" so that his posts couldn't bee seen by those that weren't his "friends".


Bob English said...

The decent thing for Smith and Dean to do would have been to speak out/comment against those types of bigoted FB posts rather than "sharing" and "liking" them. I wonder if they would have done the same if the posts were about people who practice Christian, Jewish or other faiths?

Anonymous said...

There is a Marlboro BOE meeting tonight at 7PM. Ms. Dean should be afforded a full and complete opportunity to explain herself on this matter. If the voters of the Township who placed her there find her explanation unbelievable,incredulous, or down right inappropriate--they should request her resignation. If she fails to resign, a recall would be in order.

Facebook has seen the ruination of many careers. It reveals one's deep thoughts, and association with certain nefarious groups. Many prospective employers view one's Facebook account and other social media, to make a determination for one's suitability for employment. If employers can do it---so should the taxpayers of Marlboro. Especially those residents who have young and impressionable children in the school district Ms. Dean oversees.

Policy makers that have control over children must be held accountable and responsible for their actions. In essence, they are held to higher standards.

I would expect the superintendent and entire school board to address this issue tonight.

Anonymous said...

I am sure if I trolled some democrats super secret lock down level 5 facebook pages I am sure I would find some not so nice posts about Christie or Palin and so on. Come on, don't act all innocent. You really take yourself too seriously Mike. You are no saint, so take off the halo! You are really trying to paint a picture of Smith that will never look like him. He is not the type of person you are trying to make him, people know that. Silly Mike!

Anonymous said...

I think it is all good.

If you hold a high profile position, public or private, and you don't realize that in 2015 that your social media posts are going to be scrutinized by people that don't share your racist or bigoted or sexist views, then you are a dumba$$.

I say bravo for the dumba$$es that screw up and accidentally let people know what they are really like.
Then we can kick them out, Darwin style.

It's called thinning the herd, one dumba$$ at a time.

Jon Salonis said...

Mike thanks for the shout out!

Anonymous said...

Exactly like I said. This guy above is the FAKE!