Saturday, December 6, 2014

December 1, 2014 Middletown Township Committee Meeting

At the last meeting of the Middletown Township Committee on December 1st, the Committee heard an appeal from Mr. Arne Henn and his attorney requesting a license to open a business to buy and sell precious metals. The application was denied based on information obtained by Middletown Police Chief Craig Weber (attached to the meeting agenda you will find Mr. Henn's application and background information).

A discussion took place regarding the installation of a sprinkler system at the Lincroft Village Green Park. Many unanswered details were provided during the public portion of the meeting when details were permitted to be presented.

It was suggested that a economic profile be drafted and posted on the township website in order to attract businesses to the town.

There was discussion to identify faith-based volunteer groups to provide relief to those that are in need in the community and eliminate the responsibility of government to provide this service.

As always, you can download a copy of the Meeting Agenda that contains the discussion items and the proposed resolutions and ordinances that were voted on or presented during the meeting. A box around an item is a link, bringing you further into the document to that resolution or ordinance. At the end of the resolution there will be a link bringing you back to the agenda. Attached to this agenda is also the monthly bill list, so that everyone can see how the Township is spending our tax dollars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see there was a public hearing held at this meeting that was not on the agenda. The Committee voted on it without allowing any public comment, but then later in the meeting realized what was done and re-held the public hearing and re-voted.