Friday, March 15, 2013

Volunteers Needed Domestic Violence Response Team

Middletown Police Department is currently recruiting volunteers to serve on the Middletown Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT). In affiliation with 180 Turning Lives Around (180), and with the assistance of the response team volunteers, Middletown Police Department continues to make available this service to victims of domestic violence during the initial stages of a highly emotional and traumatic experience. 180 will be conducting an intensive 40-hour mandatory training course for Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT) volunteers April 22nd – May 16th, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 6:00pm-9:30pm, in the courtroom at Hazlet Police Headquarters, 255 Middle Road in Hazlet. Applications are currently being accepted.

The volunteer advocates with 180’s DVRT Program are civilian members of the community who work collaboratively with law enforcement to provide support, information, and referrals to victims of domestic violence at Middletown Police Headquarters. Advocates also discuss with victims safety planning and their legal rights in regard to obtaining a Temporary Restraining Order. By providing empathy and crucial perspective of the situation, these highly-trained advocates help to empower victims to make informed decisions for themselves and their families. Read more

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