Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Buono Gets The Last Word W/ Lawrence O'Donnell

NJ State Senator and Democratic candidate for NJ Governor, Barabra Buono appeared last night for an exclusive interview on The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC last tonight. The interview was Buono's first appearance on a national news program where she gave a passionate introduction to herself not only NJ voters that may have tuned into the program, but also to viewers from around the nation.

If you haven't heard Senator Buono tell her story about why she is running for governor, watch the video. Her story of overcoming adversity in life, the loss of her father at the age of 19, going to college and being unable to find a job then having to rely on food stamps for a short while to help make ends meet, is an inspirational and a classic American success story.

Voters will have a clear choice come November, Senator Buono is the anti-Christie. There are stark differences between herself and our current governor that residents of this state will be hearing over the next 8 months, starting with this video.

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"...there's certainly a stark contrast between myself and governor christie. Governor Christie supports, his idea of jump-starting the economy is to propose a trickle-down income tax cut last area. and me and his budget addressed this year, he stated his support for it again. I support property tax cuts for everyone else. you know, he coddles millionaires while the rest of new jerseyans are struggling under the highest property taxes in the nation. And our state is unfortunately, and I hate to say this, but we are at the bottom of the barrel in economic growth. we're number 47. So I would have is an economic plan to pull New Jersey out of the dire straits we're in. This governor's economic message was a campaign speech. He's in denial about our economy. Either he doesn't realize or he doesn't care about the middle class and the working poor in NewJersey, who are struggling to make ends meet. I mean, he's out of touch. He actually vetoed a minimum wage increase..." - Barbara Buono

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