According to the APP, Miloscia resigned shortly after Tony Fiore sent his letter of wrong doing to the library board accusing Board President Randall Gabrielan of unethically and inappropriately selling books to the library and asking for his resignation as President of the Library Board of Trustees.
The APP's article has a little bit more information pertaining to the book sales in question that have been going on for the past several years and were apparently OK with the Township Committee because nothing was ever said or acted upon until know even with Committeeman Kevin Settembrino sitting on the the Library Board as the Mayor's Designee last year .
The article states:
Of each of the $20 to $30 books that the library purchased, Gabrielan said he ultimately received 40 percent. Of the $778.45, 40 percent would total $311.38.
With Sherry Miloscia's resignation, it seems that Tony Fiore and the Middletown GOP have gotten what they wanted even if Randall Gabrielan doesn't resign his position. Once they appoint their hand picked replacement of Miloscia, they will have wrestled control away from the protectors of the library so that they will have free access to any and all surplus or reserved funds that the library may be able to accumulate for a rainy day and redirect it for their own purposes.
The APP has edited it's story for the todays morning printed edition.
As it turns out Sherry Miloscia DID NOT resign after Fiore sent his letter to the Library Board but resigned on on January 20th, which was before the letter was sent.
Below is the edited version appearing in print today:
On Jan. 20, a couple of days before Fiore sent his letter, board treasurer Sherry Miloscia resigned from her unpaid position, she said.
Miloscia, whose signature also appears on several of the invoices, did not comment beyond specifying when she resigned. Her term was due to expire at
On Jan. 20, a couple of days before Fiore sent his letter, board treasurer Sherry Miloscia resigned from her unpaid position, she said.
Miloscia, whose signature also appears on several of the invoices, did not comment beyond specifying when she resigned. Her term was due to expire at
the end of the year.
maybe they will reign in the wasteful spending that is going on and bring some financial scrutiny to be able to spend money on what is important, like the children's programs and the surge of he eBooks. Wow, now isn't that a refreshing difference...
The fact the Sherry Miloscia resigned just shows that Gabrielan is guity. She signed the PO's as the treasurer.
The low class TC has now become the NO CLASS TC !
They have destroyed this community.No integrity whatsoever !!
Pitbull, you obviously don't go to the library or use any of it's services remotely either because there are LOTS of children's programs and e-books which my family and I take advantage of on a consistent basis. You're probably one of those non-card carrying library haters who "didn't need a library when I was in college" (like Settembrino) geniuses. Pitbull fits you.
If any body needs to reign in's the Middletown Township Committee. They show no talent for governing nor managing the tax dollars. Manage your own business before you inflict your tyranny on one of the jewels of this town,it's Library.
What will this TC try next, robbing the banks in town ?
The APP today has an commentary article that states that the GOP is a goon squad and that they are brain dead.....Middletown's republican government clearly fits that evaluation.
The meeting the night before ran for 4 - 5 hours; that in itself could be a reason to resign.
All the more reason I admire Randy Gabrielan for not caving to the show of force that came out that night for Middletown Twp. governance.
We find out what we're made of when we stand up to them.
Let's all do what we can to spread the word of their game they play and NOT let them get away with anything else!
The library is spending money on children's programs and others, as well. It may become more difficult from a publishers perspective to spend money on the "surge" of eBooks that you mention. And, yes, financial scrutiny of public dollars is always welcomed. I recommend that you show up at the next Middletown Township Committee meeting and recommed the same for this committee. How about recommeding that the township committee create a finance committee to bring greater financial scrutiny and expertise to how they spend our tax dollars on swim clubs and arts centers.
That someone resigns is not a "fact" that makes someone else guilty. Obviously, you should have spent more time reading your American History assignments in school and maybe going to the library to acquire a BASIC understanding of American law and basic due process rights. And, it was Ms. Miloscia's JOB to sign the PO's.
Maybe you should inquire regarding any programs that focus on critical thinking that the library may be offering in the near future, which might offer you an opportunity to carefully think before you "surge" to illogical and nonsensical conclusions. Now, that would be refreshing.
Give credit to Legion for changing the moniker to Pitbull-much more fitting.
As pitbulls do, she and her TC patrons set upon their victim in a pack when they smell weakness.
I'm sure Ms. Mioscia resigned for the same reason anyone would flee from a pack of pitbulls.
The Pitbull needs to be put to rest...vicious hope for any change in behavior no matter the moniker.
Perhaps Ms. Miloscia had just had enough of the ugliness the township has created. Maybe she was just tired, having to put up with that and the long meetings. If you recall, it was she who rallied public support for the library this time last year and was visibly upset at the assault she endured from town officials. This year will be much worse, and I'm sure she knew it.
I agree with anon, 11:30. I admire Mr. Gabrielan too and hope he continues to stand strong. His steadfast support of the library will matter even more now.
Anon 10:18,
"I admire Mr. Gabrielan too"
Will you be saying that when he is found guilty???
They say you can judge a person by the friends they keep. Are you a law abiding citizen or are you a crook?
Pitbull, you obviously haven't been neutered to be able to say that as YOU eat the scraps from the table of crooks for obeying their commands! Be careful what you wish on others-your cozy little organization might be headed for a much-needed investigation!
Hey Pitbull,
Are you the godmother to the goon squad who are all brain dead ?????
You betcha! Not one ounce of integrity or ethics do you possess.
Condemn others.....when do you start practicing what you preach ?
Ain't possible because all you know is character assassination and gutter politics and slander . Brain dead also ?
Decent people won't have anything to do with you.
Repeat -
"I admire Mr. Gabrielan too"
Will you be saying that when he is found guilty???
Anony 8:36 or Pitbull or whatever you call yourself today....
He is not guilty of anything and won't be going to court.
The goon squad and their cronies,like you, make decent people sick with disgust.
Next thing we now these goons will be riding down King's Highway with six guns,whips and sombrero's !
STOP INSULTING THE INTELLIGENCE OF THE PEOPLE OF MIDDLETOWN. Most decent people do not agree with any of this nonsense !
Guilty of what? Selling a few books about the history of our community that he worked hundreds of hours on? Books the library and public want and that many other libraries have purchased? It’s arguable whether the library would have done better buying the books direct or not. Regardless, the difference is so negligible that we should stop wasting time on this. The books would have been purchased anyway regardless of who signed the purchase order.
You want to investigate ethical conduct? How about taking a look at whether it was appropriate for Committeeman Settembrino to direct a contract to his close colleague Howard Birdsall. That contract was for alternative energy consultant with a cap of $15,000 that was exceeded. The contract segued into another as structural engineer, a contract that was conveniently not mentioned to the public and not within the $15,000.
Isn't Fiore's buddy Soriero town insurance broker? Commissions have to be 100K or more. Sweet gig. But I guess that's ok since Fiore abstained from that vote, kinda like Settembrino abstained on the Birdsall vote. You pat my back, I'll pat yours.
who approves the bill listat every meting? Oh, yea, the TC, They approve their own stipends. Is that ethical? Is that any different than approving the purchase of a book that you wrote?
We get it Tony.
You want to take the library's money.
So you change the structure of the board.
How did that work out?
It seems that those meetings with the super didn't work out too well did they? It turns out he made an excellent choice and selected someone who actually wants to do what is best for the library, not your budget.
So what else can you do? You dig through the library's records trying to find something, anything, to discredit the current board members.
And all you can come up with is that someoone made a coulple of hundred bucks over the course of a few years actually selling a product to the library that they would have purchased anyway.
There are no charges of inflating prices or trying to hide the transactions. Your charge is that he signed off on the purchases? That's pathetic.
Meanwhile Tim Soden makes tens of thousands of dollars yearly while he sits on the planning board and his company does electrical work for the township.
How closely have you investigated the contracts with Soden Electric? Have you gone through every work order and verified that every "T" was crossed and every "I" was dotted?
Who recommends what work should be performed? The planning board perhaps?
"Coercion and intimidation are the tools of mobs and tyrants' is a quote seen today in a commentary on the pages of the APP.
The residents of Middletown are exposed to this everyday because of the conduct of the "goon squad" currently called government here.
When and where does it end ?
How many decent people do we allow to be hurt by these politically motivated witch hunts and attacks on character ?
It is thoroughly disgraceful and disgusting !
Anon 12:14,
And if this was the case with a TC member, you would also be so quick to want to sweep it under the rug...???
Mr.Gabrielan could be indicted for official misconduct. Huge could, but prob will not. He did make an obvious violation of the state ethics law.
So why should the TC want to sweep it under the rug, when they would recieve similiar treatment from you people...???
It is not small, only the profit was small, not the violation.
Still have not received an answer to previous question - How many other times in the last two years have books been purchased DIRECTLY from an author.
And why would an "advocate" of the library just not donate them???
The deep end is deeper than you think...
And the bullshit from you,anonymous 12:12, keeps on coming . Some old,same old.same old from the nutjob, cheerleader from Lincroft, no matter the alias for the day.
Don't you ever learn ?.
In this case it's the
"goon gang" eating it's own !!
This whole incident is all about controlling the Library's money because the goon gang can't manage their own and patronage has become a big challenge for them now.
Anon 2:16,
Please refrain from using bad words, BS is fine.
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