With everything that has transpired this year in Middletown and the mayor telling everyone that Middletown is broke and needs to cut back on expenses how can the Middletown justify spending money by creating a part-time position to help the full-time Township Clerk Heidi Brunt? What's the matter can't she handle the job herself, why does she get extra help at the expense of so many others?
It doesn't make sense. But then again when does anything in Middletown make sense? Below is the posting for the position that was posted on the Middletown Township website Tuesday.
Clerk/Typist- Responsibilities include office filing, scanning records, records destruction, processing license applications and permits. This is a fast paced office with various different procedures and services. The Township Clerks Office administers the Elections for the Township and required presence to work for each election mandatory. Knowledge of MS Word, Excel, and Outlook a must; ability to create mail merges and spreadsheets with formulas is also required. Knowledge of AR/AP would be helpful as well as knowledge of the Imaging/scanning of records. Lifting filing boxes and climbing stairs is also part of the job duties. Resume may be e-mailed to hbrunt@middletownnj.org or mailed to Township of Middletown, One Kings Highway, Middletown, NJ 07748 by October 12, 2011.
This sounds like a great opportunity for the right person, you better apply now!
Odd description for clerk/typist- records destruction? Lifting boxes? Rather than shredding, how about putting the paper into recycling- or is someone trying to hid e something and blame it on the secretary?
Oh and remind me why she got her 30% raise...while cuts were being made
Great position. Pension and Benes for life! Get in now when the gettin' is good. These soon-to-be double dippers need someone who knows excell!
This is why I love this blog. It shows how DESPERATE some are to find something, ANYTHING, to carry on about, pretending that they have found a substantive issue when they have bubkis!
Did you do any research into why this new part time employee is needed? Could it be, perhaps, that someone retired or left and there is a position open?
In case you've never been to Town Hall, the clerk's office staff are the first employees citizens see when they walk in the door. Those employees provide the bulk of the customer service the citizen's receive in the Township.
If one of them left and the staff needs to be brought back up to appropriate levels, would this be sooooo controversial?
That all you got, Mickey?
LOL Where does Ms. Fowler stand on this tremendously important issue? Hah!
If there is no money in the system for basic needs and you have had to lay off an entire department while rearranging others in the work force to make ends meet, there is no need to hire a part-time clerk at this time.
Everyone in the clerks office is well paid, they'll just need to work a little harder.
Can't our local tax commissioner hoist some boxes and shred some papers for her cronies? Or would that eat into her obviously ample free time?
Yeah Legion, just like the people in the private sector, the clerk's office will have to be much more productive !!!!!
Put that lone useless recreation department employee to work doing something useful !
Get some facts before you make stupid comments!
There is a certain level of staffing that is required for necessary services.
If the clerks office need someone to replace someone who left, then they need someone, simple as that.
You have no clue about why the recreation staff was laid off, or who works for Parks, do you?
Are there legitimate issues? Yes. But y'all are just showing your ignorance, hard to respect that.
Legion, do you work in private industry?
If you do, you may have noticed that the clerk/typist is a quaint remnant of a bygone era. EVERYONE, big and small, does their own typing, travel authorizations, and yes, filing and shredding. Only in government is the title clerk/typist even used. The secretary has been fazed out in favor of administrative assistant. And the job description posted does not spell out public information as you describe. These are clerical tasks that in private industry, every employee does for themselves.
Perhaps our Mayor can find the time to assist in the typing. We know he is capable of typing since he has ample time to blog for Middletown Patch. The mere fact that so many of our Committee members have time to blog and write letters to the Independent, Asbury Park Press, Art Gallagher, and yes, even Middletown Mike, is proof enough that they should be doing what all private industry employees do- their own clerical work.
Sounds to me like that "union leech" moniker you folks like to throw around is more aptly applied to YOU. Roll your sleeves up like the rest of us- you know, shared sacrifice?
It doesn't surprise me that your comments have once again fallen on deaf ears. The naysayers that populate this blog will find fault with anything the Township does. It's what they do for a living.
You're correct: the position in the Clerk's office is available because someone left. To you critics out there: go ahead and submit a resume. I dare you. You might get the job and find out how much work goes into running the Clerk's office and all the other departments at Town Hall. You also might find out how it feels to be a Clerk Typist for the Township (where you also live and pay taxes) and read nothing but anger and criticism directed toward your place of employment. The place you go five days a week and proudly do the best job you can, only to read negative remarks about municipal and union workers in local blogs. Thanks for all your support.
What is being written on this blog is blatantly apparent. Legion is a nom de plume used by one of our very own trough feeders. She loves to bash government employees as "greedy union leeches" when it suits her, but when perhaps a position needs to be filled to make the lives of her and her cronies run smoother, they are hard working and long suffering township employees.
You are not fooling anyone with your bull dear, so roll up your sleeves. Yes, those "union leeches' come in mighty handy when there's heavy lifting to be done. Try to remember that when YOU don't need one.
Legion....you bet I know about who and what works where. That park and rec person still only has a job because he knows too much.
Legion is one of the many pseudo names used by the woman with the vicious tongue who seems to think slander is the way to get her own way.
She demeans anyone who she considers is a threat to the low life that populates the current republican regime in this town . She has received a political patronage appointment for her endeavors and seems to believe she has license to attack anyone she chooses.
Maybe she should wake up and realize.....the bigger she thinks she is ..the harder she will fall !
She does not have the right to SLANDER anyone! NOT ANYONE!
She will get what she has coming to her. Make no mistake about it,just give her enough rope to hang herself with.
Greg Silva is the P & R guy who is in the civil service. That's why we can't get rid of him.
9:17 am. Who are you and who are you speaking of? You speak with such conviction let us know who it is by name.
Nobody knows who you speak of. Is that person currently running for office?
That's funny, I always thought of Legion as a HE. I guess everyone has a different perception of things when they read message boards.
I'm curious who you think "she" is. "A political patronage appointment"? Which female in this township fits that description? Maybe I'm naive or uninformed, but I can't think of who that may be.
Wow 9:17 AM, try dialing it down a little! You sound like one of those shrews at the Salem witch trials: "Stone her!" "Off with her head!!" What in the world did Legion say that warranted that much negative emotion from you?? You sound like a screeching harpy for heaven's sake! NOTHING is worth getting THAT upset over. Try to remember that the people reading these hateful remarks are human beings, just like yourself.
SHARFEY"S CHEERLEADER and stop acting naive !!!!!!
Mrs. Brightbill? Mrs. Murray?
You...11:01 12:03 and 5:35... you !
Actually I would say it is the one who starts petitions and public accuses other citizens who is more aptly compared to the "shrews" at Salem.
Let the rest of us know who it is 11:10 and 9:17
Okay, I'm 12:03. What does that mean, "You"? Do I have something to do with 11:01 and 5:35? Let's stop talking in riddles.
Also, for years I've been reading about Scharfey's cheerleader. Will someone please just tell me who that is? I'm trying to understand who you people are directing your accusations at. Is it Pam? Is it a female who's friends with Gerry? Who is the cheerleader?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can clarify this for me without speaking in code.
Now you think it's someone else. Your threats and accusations Are bold in your previous blog posts. You should use your time more effectively. Who is you? Every poster is you blaming Legion, and" you,"who are they, since you are so emphatic. Be as bold as your posts, state the persons name 4:09, 11:10, 9:17, 11:16, 3:22 . Bet you won't. Go ahead state the names of those you are threatening and insisting posted in this blog. Crawl back under your rocks, you only come out election time.
Once again, for the record.
I AM a guy...
And as far as having a "sharp tongue?"
This is an internet blog, all just for enjoyment. If you take it too seriuosly, that's YOUR problem...
Okay 7:15, my head's now spinning. Yeah, I also believe all those "times" you mentioned are the same person, but I still don't understand my I, 12:03, was mentioned in 5:56's post. I'm laughing as I type this because it reminds me of a "Twilight Zone" episode. Didn't they use times as names in one? Or maybe I'm thinking of Michael Douglas' "Adam at 6:00 AM" from the 70s. Anyway, I digress. I hate anonymous posters and used to use a screen name on this blog but I unfortunately chose one with the word "Lincroft" in it so I had to put my flame suit on one time too many. Actually, a few months back I vowed to never post here again but I like the local news Mike provides so...here I am. I'm not crazy about all the political talk and nasty accusations but I can't seem to stop reading the comments. The group here is a bit more cloak-and-dagger than Red Bank Green, but I guess over there they've now been forced to identify themselves. Actually, people post a lot less now because of that, so I guess the anonymity thing here isn't all bad.
Oh boy, I know my conversational post is gonna set your tongues a-waggin' and next thing I know, I'll be hearing I'm "the cheerleader" or "that woman from Lincroft" or Jimmy Hoffa or some such person. Have at it. I'm gonna go get ready for the season finale of "Breaking Bad". Can't wait!
Legion, I knew you were a guy. And I agree with everything you say. Have a good night.
I am a male and I agree with Legion.
Well, we know Legion isn't the Mayor since, for the most part, she checks her spelling and grammar.
Anonymous 8:16....you are "Lincroft Dog Girl" and Leguon is not a guy....she's another dog, a vicious dog...
Anony 8:16,
Go ask Geraldine.
8:59 Anon,
Kinfolk ????
9:54 - yes, I am. It's heartening to know I'm remembered on this board :-) I think you're wrong about Legion though. He doesn't sound vicious - certainly not like some of the Nasty Nancies who post here.
10:07 - D'oh!! NOW I've got it! See 3:22 - I wasn't ACTING naive - it just took the correct answer to show me the light. HaHaHa - Geraldine, who woulda thunk it. That's funny.
BTW, "Breaking Bad" was unbelievable tonight. The best writing on television. Kudos to Vince Gilligan! But I should probably save my praise for the AMC board - you guys don't sound like you'd be interested in talking TV with me.
Dog Girl,
It's not his wife, it's her cheerleader girlfriend.
BTW,wasn't this article about a job opening ?
Where can one apply?
It will be a sweep, go team Fiore and Murray
Rah Rah, Ruff Ruff, Legion.Dig 1129,cons1234,jetfan69,brownsugar .or whatever the hell your name is today.... just wait and see before you count your fleas...
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