Friday, October 7, 2011

Oak Hill Association Announces Candidates Night


Middletown - The Oak Hill Association, a social civic group comprised of residents in the Oak Hill section of Middletown, is sponsoring a “Meet the Candidates Night” on October 25 at the Middletown United Methodist Church, 924 Middletown Lincroft Road just south of Dwight Road.

The meeting will start promptly at 7 pm and end at 9 pm. After brief introductory remarks by each candidate for the Middletown Township Committee, there will be a question and answer session that will afford each attendee an opportunity to ask a question about any of those serious problems that Middletown citizens are most concerned about. Oak Hill residents are strongly encouraged to attend.

Questions can be submitted in person at the meeting or submitted in advance by email to Helen Duthie at Question should include name of submitter, street address and state whether submitter will be at meeting.

Residents will be able to sign up for membership in the Oak Hill Assoc. at the meeting.

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