Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Update:Middletown's Mayor Attempts "End Round" In Effort to Pit Pop Warner and Soccer Parents Against Sonic In The Battle Over Sports Complex

I would like to make a correction and slight retraction to some of the information that was written concerning Marianne Kligman in the last blog post - "Middletown's Mayor Attempts "End Round" In Effort to Pit Pop Warner and Soccer Parents Against Sonic In The Battle Over Sports Complex".

In the blog post, I stated that an anonymously forwarded email to me was written by Mary Kligman. In fact, it was not.

The original email that I was forwarded was a little confusing in the explanation of its content and after posting the email as written by Ms. Kligman it brought her much undue hardship today for which I apologize.

I received two separate emails earlier this evening from the individuals that were responsible for sending me the original emails that were posted. They clearly explained my mistaken interpretation and Marianne Kligman's innocent involvement with the email that I had attributed to her:


It is imperative that you print a retraction regarding the blog today stating that Marianne Kligman wrote some emails concerning the sport clubs who want to see the Lincroft Sports complex built. An email was forward to her, she replied to me, but she never made any of those statements. Somehow her name got mixed up in the other emails.

She was not the originator of the emails nor is she any way involved in the issues regarding the Sports complex.

She is a good friend of mine and is completely neutral on this issue. This would be extremely harmful to her reputation and a serious mischaracterization. Please take immediate action to clear her name.




Please note neither of yesterday's e-mails was written by Marianne Kligman. She was the recipient of the first one not the author. Her position is neutral and she has not taken any position on this. Don't want to cause her any grief ...

Neither do I, my sincerest apologies for the misunderstanding.

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