Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Middletown's Mayor Attempts "End Round" In Effort to Pit Pop Warner and Soccer Parents Against Sonic In The Battle Over Sports Complex

In the latest round of the battle of the Sports Complex, it seems as though the Township lead by Mayor Scharfenberger, is attempting an "end round" (to use a football term) to circumvent the opposition to the sports complex by the members of citizens group SONIC (Save Our Neighborhood's Integrity & Character).

I have recently been sent two emails anonymously with the attached message that seem to support the above.

Have been advised the mayor is trying to pit the sports groups against the opposition from the Sonic group. Not surprising considering this man could not tell the truth if life depended on it. Integrity and ethics has never been a strong point of his as he talks from both sides of his mouth.... " The project has been put on hold because of the opposition.",etc. when he was interviewed by the press. Back room,dirty politicians are plentiful in this township.

This may be a good time to begin the campaign to RID Middletown of this man.

The first email was written by (name withheld), I do not know who she is but she was contacted by the President of the Middletown Soccer Club, who stated that on Saturday Mayor Scharfenberger advised two gentleman who seem to support the sports complex to "show up in force of number" at tonight's meeting to support the Croydon Hall and West Front Street Park locations for turf fields and amenities.

The second email was written by Robert Martino, President of the River Plaza Lincroft Chargers Pop Warner team.

In Martino's letter to organization members he states that the had been told by the Township that they were being offered the use of the new fields and "...They will be running sewer and electric to a specific location on the property for the "future" addition of restrooms and a snack stand...."

It was also explained to him that "...that they are going to proceed with the fields anyway ...", and that "...they want the board and parents to show that we are in favor this new location or anything else they may come up with." by also attending tonight's Township Committee meeting.

Below is the text of the two emails that I received to support what I have written:


(this came from a media contact of mine)

I got a copy of an email from President of Middletown Soccer Club to Mayor Scharfenberger that says the Mayor advised the two people that appeared on Saturday Mike Mascone and Ken Bent, In it the Mayor advised them on a course of action that included "show up in force of number" at tonight's meeting to support the Croydon Hall and West Front Street Park locations for turf fields and amenitities.

It also said they were "aligned In dissapointment" with the mayor in the BOE's lack of support and flexibility.

Also, in a recap of the Mayor's advice, Mascone goes on to say to attend BOE meetings and workshops. Main focus: Be prepared to ask the questions of the BOE about access to OUR facilities since .68 of every tax dollar in Middletown goes to their budget. Does that mean the mayor's advice is to defeat the budget?

It goes on to say "emphasize the value of our voices at the annual school election on April 20, 2010.

It seems a real breach for an elected Mayor to conspire against the BOE and its elected president.


To All Organization Members,

I am sending this quick email to advise everyone of some recent events concerning the on going new football facility for our organization. It has been explained that our present location cannot be touched. We are being offered the use of new multi use turf fields at the corner of West Front Street and Crawford Corner- Everett Road in Lincroft. They are replacing the existing soccer fields with the turf fields and adding some additional parking with stands and fences where necessary. They will be running sewer and electric to a specific location on the property for the "future" addition of restrooms and a snack stand. The present need of the restrooms and snack stand will be our responsibility, maybe along with some assistance from them. It was also explained that the present situation at our facility with parking and the numbers of participants and safety issues etc., may become a problem if we choose not to take this field offer.

At the last town committee meeting there was about 40 or 50 people opposing this location primarily because of football. Regardless it was explained that they are going to proceed with the fields anyway but want to confirm that we are definitely interested. We explained our concerns for whatever it was worth and explained that we were interested. They explained that the other options maybe through the board of education and their locations if the opposing parties could get them to budge. In any case they want the board and parents to show that we are in favor this new location or anything else they may come up with.

Therefore I would appreciate if you would send an email or if possible attend the next town committee meeting on Tuesday 2/16/10. Also have parents or anyone you know do the same. To send an email go to www.middletownnj.org , then go click CONTACT US and click TOWN COMMITEE and type your message.

Thank You
Robert Martino, President, River Plaza Lincroft Chargers

UPDATE : I would like to correct the above, XXXXX was not the author of the above email that I attributed to her, due to confusion pertaining to formatting of the received email her name and contact info was at the bottom of the text. XXXXX had no part in the writting of its content. See above post for further explanation.

UPDATE: So that there would be no further confusion about the authorship of the first email that has been posted in the above blog post, I have decided on my own to delete the person's name altogether from this blog entry. You can read my apology and retracting >>>here

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