Monday, November 2, 2009

Video From The Obama - Corzine Rally In Newark: Obama's Speech In 3 Parts

Yesterday, I attended the big campaign rally in Newark for Governor Corzine. The 3 videos below are of President Obama's speech to all of those in attendance.

As I stated in a post last night, the crowd was loud and boisterous. Obama really whipped them up into a frenzy, you really needed to be there to get the true feel of the event. The energy in the Prudential Center was electric and Obama did not disappoint.

As you may be able to tell from the videos, I was seated in a luxury suite above and to the back of the President and all of the festivities and had a very good view of all the was around. When I tell you that the place was jumping, believe me it was!

On the way out of the building, I was also very impressed at how united and excited the crowd was to be fully behind the Governor's re-election efforts. I overheard a few in the crowd expressing their desired to get out there and "knock down" doors in the neighborhoods to get out the vote tomorrow.

It seems that President Obama efforts on behalf of the Governor has paid off. Hopefully those efforts pay off at the polls tomorrow.

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