Monday, November 2, 2009

Listen to Bob Brown, Democratic Candidate For NJ State Assembly District 13, In the Morning On NJ 101.5, Then Watch On The Strategy Room

Tomorrow is the last big day of campaigning for candidates and the two Democratic challengers for the State Assmebly out of district 13 are no exception.

Bob Brown will once again be featured on the NJ 101.5 radio station in the morning with host Jim Gearhart sometime between the hours 8am and 10am. Bob Brown, as some of you will recall, was a guest of Jim Gearhart 2 weeks ago and made such an impression on him, that Jim Gearhart endorsed him for State Assembly.

At 1 pm, Bob Brown will be making yet another appearence on Fox News's "Stragey Room". He will be sitting in on the segment " News W/A View" hosted by Brian Kilmeade. Bob will be joined by guests Mike Baker-Former CIA Operative and President of Dilligence LLC and Bill Daly-Former FBI, Sr. VP of Control-Risks.

In the meantime Jim Grenafege, Bob Browns running mate in the 13th district, will be hitting up the local trian stations in the morning, meeting some hungry customers in a few local diners and then start knocking on doors throughout the district in a last minute push for votes.

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