Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Letter: Like Cream Sean Byrnes Rises to the Top on Merit

Growing up in Vermont, we used to get milk delivered in glass bottles; always at the top was a big layer of cream that had risen. In awe of the effect, we would whip it for strawberry shortcake.

Whenever I hear the truism, "Cream rises to the top," I think of that experience and have regularly seen that it really does happen: excellent people are recognized as such by their peers and given leadership roles.

I have seen Freeholder candidate Sean Byrnes rise to the top on his own merit. He has been recognized by very different newspapers. The triCityNews had a handsome front page picture and great review, even though they were supporting a Republican. The Asbury Park Press recently gave a glowing review and recommendation for this brilliant but humble man. The article disclosed how deeply he has already researched in detail the county finances and found ways to save our money.

In any direct interactions with him I have always found Sean to be honest, approachable, knowledgeable, fair, forthright, and helpful. I have been amazed at his bravery when I have heard him speak calmly but forcefully as he provided transparency at township committee meetings about what was really happening.

I am convinced that Sean Byrnes, the cream of the candidates, will be our next Monmouth County Freeholder, and I expect him to rise further. My only reservation is that we need him on the Middletown Committee. Nevertheless, I urge you to vote for him for Freeholder, where he can have a larger effect.

Carolyn Schwebel
Leonardo, NJ

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