Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jim Grenafege, Candidate For NJ State Assembly For District 13 Answers 10 Questions

Middletown resident Jim Grenafege, a Democrat, is running for a seat in the NJ State Assembly
out of District 13.

Mr. Grenafege is the third candidate to respond to my questionnaire so far. Rick Bolger Assembly Candidate for district 11 was the first followed by Independent candidate Sean Dunne who is also running in the 13th.

Reading through Mr. Grenafege's answers, it struck me at how well thoughtout his answers were. I thought that if he was given the space to answer the APP Tax Crush questions the same way that I have given him here, he would have certainly gained the APP's endorsement over Amy Handlin or Sam Thompson.

1. What is your motivation for seeking a seat in the NJ State Assembly and can you tell us a little about yourself?

Operation Bid Rig exposed a corrupt person on the Middletown Township Committee, which motivated me to become actively involved in trying to influence the workings of local government. My dissatisfaction with soaring property taxes and how public business was being conducted grew as a result of my perception of a lack of openness, transparency, leadership, effective management and genuine commitment to serve more than just special political interests. I was asked to run locally last year and was invited to run at the state level this year.

I have business experience as a consultant and corporate human resources manager. My broad professional experience acquired working for major corporations includes employee relations, labor relations and management development. Over the course of my career, I have partnered with corporate executive officers, and senior and middle managers. I have a B.A. from Johns Hopkins University and an M.A. from Montclair State University. I am committed to tax and ethics reform.

2. As you meet residents throughout your district what seems to be the greatest concerns they are expressing and how do you plan to address them?

Almost everyone I meet is overwhelmed with property taxes; and disgusted with corruption and mismanagement at all levels of government. Many residents comment on isolated ineffective leadership and a lack of good jobs. Reducing the size and cost of government by eliminating positions; freezing salaries, capping benefits and changing pension entitlements are necessary tax relief requirements. Changing how education is funded is critical: Michigan implemented an approach that cut property taxes in half. Corruption is addressed by imposing severe financial and incarceration penalties; term limits; technological transparency and mandatory ethics training for all employees and outside service providers.

3. What do you hope to accomplish once you are elected to the State Assembly?

Reduce the size and cost of government, and create an ethical transparent culture focused on serving public needs and not the wants of special external and internal interests. Create an economy and jobs aligned with 21st century needs. Environmental imperatives cannot be ignored. Clean energy is very important and clean water is critical to our well being in the immediate future.

4. What is it that makes your district unique and how does that uniqueness impact your campaign?

A significant portion of the district lies along the Bayshore, so there are infrastructure issues around flood control management that must be addressed.

5. If elected, how would your professional background enhance your ability to be an effective State Assembly representative?

I have always worked in client and customer sensitive roles in industries with a strong emphasis on service. I am an innovative leader with strong facilitation skills, which enhances my ability to work collaboratively with diverse interests to set goals and design action plans to achieve desired results. My private sector business experience, especially my work as a corporate human capital manager and career management consultant is particularly germane in this uniquely challenging employment and economic environment.

6. Do you have any thoughts on how to contain the growth of state government?

Cap salaries and benefits. Implement a hiring freeze and reorganization -- led by professionals who have been successful with similar projects in the private sector -- that includes agencies and authorities, which initially reduces the overall size of government, by 15%. Remove the perks and benefits that attract people to government employment for self-serving reasons. Term limits for elected as well as appointed officials, should produce representation that is committed to public service.

7. Is there any aspect of state government that you believe there is a need to be expanded upon?

Yes. There needs to be an initiative that will create greater transparency in government through the use of technology. At all levels of government residents need to have on-line access to see how their tax dollars are being spent. It is time to televise state; county and municipal representatives at work.

8. Why should residents of your district trust you to represent them in the legislature?

I am not a career politician primarily concerned with re-election who is financially tied to special interests and hidden agendas. I set high standards and expect and deserve the same from elected and appointed public officials. Most of all I require integrity and ethical behavior of myself and those that I work with.

9. Why do you identify yourself as a Democrat as opposed to a Republican or Independent?

I am a Democrat with an Independent orientation. What appeals to me the most about the Democratic Party is its being anchored in the middle-class, its commitment to cultural diversity and reducing poverty, supporting those who are most vulnerable in our society, and its commitment to protecting the environment and our natural resources.

10. Is there anything that is important to you that hasn’t been asked, that you would like to address?

There is deep need to get more citizens involved in the democratic process at all levels of government, especially at the local level. If people want to have an impact on how their taxes are invested in maintaining and improving the quality of life they expect and deserve, then they must do more than vote at every given opportunity; they need to show-up regularly at local government meetings and demand accountability from their elected employees.

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