Thursday, October 29, 2009

Letter: It Was Patrick Short Who Resolved Flooding Issue In Port Monmouth

I would like to express the appreciation that all of my neighbors have toward Committeeman Patrick Short for reaching out to us and working to resolve the flooding issue that has been present here for more than 40 years, It has grown progressively worse with all the development in the area.

As a resident of Monmouth Avenue who has participated in township meetings and meetings with Rep. Frank Pallone regarding this issue many years ago, working more recently with Short has proven to be the most beneficial. It was he who first embraced the idea of a solution to our problem and reached out to the residents of Monmouth/Brainard/Wilson Avenues of Port Monmouth. His was the first suggestion of the pump station and other possible avenues that he wished to propose to the committee. His idea was quickly endorsed by Committeeman Sean Byrnes and then Anthony Fiore. With that support in place, the mayor and deputy mayor then joined in support.

The committee has just introduced an ordinance funding the first phase construction and engineering work for phase two. Short's support is what got us where we are today regarding a solution. And now, thankfully, it is finally being realized.

Jeanette Wronka

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