Making front page headlines today in the Asbury Park Press is the story that Freeholder Director Barbara McMorrow, will be seeking re-election to her seat on the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders.
Why is this such big news? Did people think that she wouldn't seek re-election?
Anyone who has followed the Monmouth County Democrats like I have, have known for months now that McMorrow would seek re-election. It really should not have come as a surprise to anyone.
I believe that naysayers and rightwing republican bloggers out there have been floating the idea that she wouldn't, trying to drive a wedge between McMorrow and her fellow Democrats.
Even though Director McMorrow has been drifting closer to the right then the rest of her Democratic colleagues, seemingly causing a rift between them, nothing could be further from the truth.
I can tell you first hand, having been to many Democratic function over the past months, Barbara McMorrow is extremely well liked and admired by Democrats in Monmouth County.
Democrats know that McMorrow will be facing a tough re-election. Joe Oxley the Monmouth County GOP Chairman, will stop at nothing to defeat McMorrow and regain the control of the County. Democrats in Monmouth understand this and are willing to give her some leeway in her decision making even if it seems to ruffle a few feathers.
The perceived split between McMorrow and fellow democratic colleagues John D'Amico and Amy Mallet, is not all that other want you to believe it is. This is politics and everyone understands it. She has to take a stand against COAH and she comes across as a fiscal conservative if she is against the creation of a Solicitor General position for the county.
Barbara McMorrow is a smart and shrewd woman, who is doing what she can to be re-elected and I think that she will be re-elected by a huge margine come November.
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